Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Chancellor’s Honors Program

Dr. Pat Akos, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director
Dr. Francis Canedo, Director


The Chancellor’s Honors Program is the university’s largest interdisciplinary honors program. Through completion of select honors courses offered by departments across the university, the Chancellor’s Honors Program offers high potential students the opportunity to engage with one another in a community of scholars. Chancellor’s Honors students also participate with both the larger campus community through involvement, service, and research and the greater world through intercultural experiences.

Similar to the university’s Volunteer Core curriculum which requires students to complete coursework from among several categories, the Chancellor’s Honors Program curricular requirements encourage students to engage in a broad array of honors coursework in order to broaden their understanding beyond their chosen majors. Students will take five honors courses from at least three of the following five categories:

  • Artistic Expression and Humanistic Thought: courses that focus on the exploration, appreciation, and understanding of artistic, literary, and/or philosophical works. These courses may be analytic or creative in nature.
  • Behavioral, Social, and Communication Sciences: courses that focus on the understanding of society and interactions between people, i.e. human behavior and social dynamics.
  • Natural Sciences: courses that focus on exploration and interpretation of scientific theories or natural phenomena, requiring students to engage with the material critically and ethically.
  • Human Cultures and Civilizations: courses that focus on the study of human history and non-U.S. cultures.
  • Logic, Mathematics, and Quantitative Reasoning: courses that focus on the acquisition of quantitative skills in order to solve problems.

A complete, up-to-date list of honors courses by category is maintained on the University Honors website (https://honors.utk.edu/honors-courses/).

Chancellor’s Honors students are encouraged to participate in one or more of the University of Tennessee’s many specialized college or departmental honors programs. In recognition of their exceptional academic achievement, Chancellor’s Honors students receive special graduation recognition.


The Chancellor’s Honors Program is available to entering first-year students. High school seniors with superior academic credentials are invited to apply. Current first- and second semester students, and qualified transfer students may be eligible to apply for membership.

Curricular Requirements

To supplement the requirements in their respective colleges, Chancellor’s Honors students complete:

  • One honors writing course from among the list of available Volunteer Core writing courses1
  • Five honors courses from at least three of the following categories:
    • Artistic Expression and Humanistic Thought
    • Behavioral, Social, and Communication Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
    • Human Cultures and Civilizations
    • Logic, Mathematics, and Quantitative Reasoning
  • Two-semester, or approved equivalent, capstone experience in undergraduate research, scholarship, or creative activity culminating in a senior thesis or project. (UNHO 497 -UNHO 498  or approved equivalent)

TOTAL: 21+ credit hours of honors coursework

Co-curricular Requirements

  • Ready for the World Experience: an approved international/intercultural learning experience to be fulfilled through one of the following:
    • Completion of an internship or service project with an intercultural focus
    • Completion of a major or minor in a modern foreign language

    • International travel for service, research, internship, or other academic purpose

    • Study-abroad

Chancellor’s Honors students are highly encouraged to actively participate on campus and serve the community. Chancellor’s Honors students are expected to make timely progress towards honors graduation while maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Students not meeting expectations will be required to complete additional academic coaching and support.

1 Students will complete at least one honors English WC course using pathways designated by first-year composition.

* Meets Volunteer Core Requirements .