Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administration and Governance

The University of Tennessee System Board of Trustees

The University of Tennessee System Administration

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Campus Administration

Donde Plowman, Chancellor
Tisha Benton, Vice Chancellor for Communications
Chip Bryant, Vice Chancellor for Advancement
Allen Bolton, Interim Senior Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Keith Carver, Interim Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President for Agriculture
Deborah Crawford, Vice Chancellor for Research
Frank Cuevas, Vice Chancellor for Student Life
Matthew Scoggins, Chief of Staff, Chancellor’s Office
Tyvi Small, Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Engagement
Daniel White, Vice Chancellor and Director of Athletics
John Zomchick, Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Deans

Paul J. Hauptman, Dean, Graduate School of Medicine
R.J. Hinde, Interim Executive Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ozlem Kilic, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Dean, College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies
Stephen Mangum, Dean, Haslam College of Business
Joseph Mazer, Dean, College of Communication and Information
Ellen McIntyre, Dean, College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Lori Messinger, Dean, College of Social Work
Victoria Niederhauser, Dean, College of Nursing
Jeffrey Pappas, Dean, College of Music
Melissa S. Shivers, Dean of Students
Steven Escar Smith, Dean of University Libraries
Ashley Stokes, Dean, UT Extension, University Outreach and Continuing Education
Matthew Mench, Dean, Tickle College of Engineering
Dixie L. Thompson, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
Jim Thompson, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine
Hongwei Xin, Dean, Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station
Marianne Wanamaker, Dean, Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs
Dave White, Interim Dean, Herbert College of Agriculture
Melanie D. Wilson, Dean, College of Law
Jason Young, Dean, College of Architecture and Design