Feb 12, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Geography Major, BA – Honors Landscapes and Environment Concentration
Students who enter the major having completed a laboratory science sequence other than geography may petition the department to waive the GEOG 131 */GEOG 137 * and GEOG 132 */GEOG 138 * requirements. Students who enter the major with more than 60 hours credit may petition the department to waive the GEOG 101 * or GEOG 121 * requirement.
Select five courses (at least 15 hours):
Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.25 to graduate with honors. Twelve hours of honors work must be taken, including GEOG 497 and GEOG 498 , under the direction of a faculty mentor. A written final copy of the thesis must be submitted to the Department of Geography. Balance of credit hours may be taken in honors courses or through honors-by-contract arrangements. Students should consult their advisor about participation. * Meets Volunteer Core Requirements . |