Continuing, returning, and transfer students must meet progression requirements before declaring a major in anthropology.
Progression into the anthropology major is based on performance in the three prerequisite courses – ANTH 110 * or ANTH 117 *, ANTH 120 * or ANTH 127 *, and ANTH 130 * or ANTH 137 *. Students must complete the three introductory courses with a grade of C or better. Upon satisfactory completion of the prerequisites, the student may apply for progression into the anthropology major by completing a formal application for progression in the Anthropology Department and including with that application an academic history demonstrating satisfactory completion of the progression requirements. Progression applications are reviewed upon receipt. Upon progression to the major, a department advisor will be assigned in consultation with the student.
The concentration in Disasters, Displacement and Human Rights (DDHR) is intended for current Anthropology majors wishing to develop specialized knowledge and research skills in the anthropological study of natural and unnatural disasters and humanitarian crises, forced migration, and human rights investigations, policies, practices, and norms. All prerequisites and requirements for the Anthropology major are required for the concentration. Credits earned toward the concentration may also count for departmental distribution requirements for the major.
Students pursuing a DDHR concentration must submit a form to the department and complete the following courses among the 30 required upper-division credits for the major. Special topics courses, and independent or foreign study courses, where appropriate, may be petitioned for the DDHR concentration.