Emerging infectious diseases, controlling zoonoses, antibiotic resistance, and food safety threaten economic stability, human life, and biodiversity. Global One Health initiatives have been developed to protect global health security by creating transdisciplinary collaborations among human, animal, and environmental sectors. The One Health minor is for graduate students wishing to develop skills to prepare themselves for careers in agricultural, environmental, and human sciences in addition to scientific policy and communication. The required graduate courses are interdisciplinary and will provide training in communication and leadership, translation of evidence to policy, and One Health that is relevant for all majors.
Campus Code
Knoxville Campus
Admissions Standards/Procedures
The One Health minor is available to any degree-seeking student who is in good academic standing with the UT Graduate School, with the consent of the student’s major professor.
Credit Hours Required
10 graduate credit hours.
Required Courses
The minor consists of 10 graduate credit hours (four courses) in three areas of focus as detailed below:
Category 1: Communication and Leadership (3 credit hours)
- This category introduces students to the importance of communicating scientific information by gaining skills in oral communication and leadership. Select one course.
Category 2: Translation of Evidence to Policy (3 credit hours)
- This category allows students to gain knowledge in analyzing and understanding public policy and its impact on One Health at the national and global levels. Select one course.
Category 3: One Health (4 credit hours total)
- This category prepares students to explore and respond to One Health issues at both a local and global level. Select both courses.
- CEM 506 One Health (3 credit hours)
- Journal Club that addresses One Health issues, as approved by the CEM Director of Graduate Studies (1 credit hour)
Non-Course Requirements
Graduate Committee
- The student’s graduate committee (as listed on the Admission to Candidacy) must include at least one member who is affiliated with One Health (teaches one of the courses in the minor or is active in One Health initiatives), as approved by the student’s major professor and the CEM Director of Graduate Studies.
Admission to Candidacy
- When application is made to the Graduate School for admission to candidacy, the minor and the courses required for the minor must be indicated.
Students who do not complete the requirements of the minor will still receive academic credit for the courses they have successfully completed.