Oct 06, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering

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Matthew M. Mench, Head

Babu, S.S. (Governor’s Chair Professor), PhD – Cambridge (UK)
Frankel, J.I., PhD – Virginia Tech
Hamel, W.R., PhD – Tennessee
Johnson, J.A. (UTSI), PhD – Liverpool (UK)
Keyhani, M., PhD – Ohio State
Kihm, K.D., PhD – Stanford
Komistek, R.D., PhD – Memphis
Mahfouz, M.R., PhD – Colorado School of Mines
Mench, M.M. (Condra Chair of Excellence Professor), PhD – Penn State
Parang, M. (Associate Dean), PhD, PE – Oklahoma
Schmisseur, J.D. (UTSI, H.H. Arnold Chair), PhD, – Purdue
Smith, G.V., PhD, PE – Penn State
Tan, J., PhD – Michigan State
Vaidya, U. (Governor’s Chair Professor), PhD – Auburn
Vakili, A. (UTSI), PhD – Tennessee

Associate Professors
Anusonti-Inthra, P. (UTSI), PhD – Penn State
Boulet, J.A.M., PhD – Stanford
Brooks, S. (UTSI), PhD – Catholic University of America
DeSmidt, H.A., PhD – Penn State
Duty, C., PhD – Georgia Tech
Ekici, K., PhD – Purdue
He, W., PhD – Connecticut
Madhukar, M.S., PhD – Drexel
Moeller, T. (UTSI), PhD – Tennessee
Nguyen, K., PhD – Colorado
Pionke, C.D., PhD, PE – Georgia Tech
Reinbolt, J.A., PhD – Florida
Zhang, F.Y. (UTSI), PhD – Nagoya (Japan)
Zhang, Z., PhD – Princeton
Zhao, X., PhD – Virginia Tech

Assistant Professors
Abedi, R. (UTSI), PhD – Illinois
Chakraborty, S., PhD – Penn State
Compton, B.G., PhD – California, Santa Barbara
Ferdous, Z., PhD – Rice
Hu, A., PhD – Waterloo (Canada)
Mukherjee, D., PhD – Minnesota
Rucker, D.C., PhD – Vanderbilt
Sarles, S.A., PhD – Virginia Tech
Shin, S., PhD – Michigan
TerMaath, S., PhD – Cornell
Wade, E.R., PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor of Practice
Young, M.A., PhD – Tennessee

Clinical Associate Professors
Lyne, J.E., MD, PhD – North Carolina State
Solies, U.P., PhD – Tennessee

Senior Lecturers
Barker, J.M., PhD – Clemson
Bond, R.E., PhD – West Virginia
Sharpe, L.W., PhD – South Carolina

Emeriti Faculty
Baker, A.J., PhD, PE – New York
Carley, T.G., PhD, PE – Illinois
Caruthers, J. (UTSI), PhD – Georgia Tech
Collins, F. (UTSI), PhD – UC Berkeley
Crawford, R. (UTSI), PhD – Tennessee
Dareing, D.W., PhD, PE – Illinois
Engels, R. (UTSI), PhD – Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Flandro, G.A. (UTSI), PhD – California Institute of Technology
Forrester, J.H., PhD, PE – Iowa State
Hodgson, J., PhD, PE – Georgia Tech
Johnson, W.S., PhD, PE – Clemson
Keefer, D. (UTSI), PhD – Florida
Kim, K.H., PhD – North Carolina State
Landes, J.D., PhD, PE – Lehigh
Mathews, A., PhD, PE – Illinois
Milligan, M.W., PhD, PE – Tennessee
Peters, C. (UTSI), PhD – University of Brussels
Schulz, R.J. (UTSI), PhD – Tennessee
Shannon, T.E., PhD, PE – Tennessee
Snyder, W.T., PhD – Northwestern
Soliman, O., PhD, PE – Tennessee
Wasserman, J.F., PhD, PE – Cincinnati
Wu, J-M (UTSI), PhD – California Institute of Technology
Wu, S. (UTSI), PhD – California Institute of Technology

The department offers a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. The mission of the department is to provide a broad base integration of courses and experiences that prepare graduates to practice their profession successfully, to apply their skills to solve current engineering problems collaboratively, and to help advance the knowledge and engineering practice in their fields.

The Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (http://www.abet.org), under the General Criteria and the Mechanical Engineering Program Criteria.

The Aerospace Engineering undergraduate program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (http://www.abet.org), under the General Criteria and the Aerospace Engineering Program Criteria.

The Biomedical Engineering undergraduate program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (http://www.abet.org), under the General Criteria and the Biomedical Engineering Program Criteria.

uTrack Requirements

Universal Tracking (uTrack) is an academic monitoring system designed to help students stay on track for timely graduation. In order to remain on track, students must complete the minimum requirements for each tracking semester, known as milestones. Milestones include successful completion of specified courses and/or attainment of a minimum GPA. uTrack requirements only affect full-time, degree-seeking students.



The first two years of the curriculum are considered to be lower-division and the two remaining years upper-division. Students must apply for progression to departmental upper-division courses, which depends on academic performance. Factors considered include overall grade point average, performance in selected lower-division courses and evidence of orderly progression through the prescribed curriculum. CHEM 122 * and CHEM 123 *, or CHEM 128 *; CHEM 132 * and CHEM 133 *, or CHEM 138 *

Full Status

A lower-division student may apply for progression to upper-division after completing EF 152 * or EF 158 *, CHEM 122 * and CHEM 123 *, or CHEM 128 *; MATH 231 , ME 202 , ME 231 , and ME 321 , with a grade of C or better in each, and an overall GPA of at least 2.4 in these courses. Students who have not satisfied the requirements for full status will be dropped from departmental class rolls in upper-division courses.

Provisional Status

Students who have completed EF 152 * or EF 158 *, CHEM 122 * and CHEM 123 *, or CHEM 128 *; MATH 231 , ME 202 , ME 231 , and ME 321 , with a grade of C or better and have a GPA between 2.0 and 2.4 in these courses may apply for provisional status. The granting of provisional status is based on the availability of space in departmental programs after full status students have been accommodated. Provisional status students are required to demonstrate their ability to perform satisfactorily in upper-division by attaining a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the first 12 hours of 300-level required engineering courses. Award of upper-division full status is dependent upon this performance. Students with a UTK GPA less than 2.0 will not be admitted to upper-division. Students who have not progressed to upper-division will be dropped from departmental class rolls in upper-division courses.

Transfer Students

Students transferring more than 26 hours from another institution are considered transfer students. Transfer students must meet the same criteria as non-transfer students, using transfer grades for acceptable substitutions.

Departmental Academic Standing

Faculty of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering expect all students who enter to make progress toward graduation. To graduate from the department, a student must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all departmental courses counted toward the degree. Students not meeting the required departmental GPA may be dropped from their major.

In addition, the University Academic Good Standing Policies  apply to all students.

Graduation Requirements

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all departmental courses counted toward the degree taken at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is required for graduation. No more than two departmental courses in which a C– or lower is the highest grade earned may be counted toward graduation. This is in addition to the university’s graduation requirements.

Five-Year BS/MS Program

The department offers a Five-Year BS-MS program for qualified students. The primary component of the program is that qualified students may take up to 9 hours of approved graduate courses for their senior undergraduate electives and have them count toward both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Tennessee. This program is designed for students attending the University of Tennessee for their Master of Science degree because other universities may not accept these courses for graduate credit since they were used to satisfy requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree. Significant components of the program are:

  • Students must have an overall GPA of at least 3.4 to be admitted to the program. Conditional admission may be granted after completing 64 hours of required coursework while full admission is granted after completing 96 hours of required coursework with a minimum overall GPA of 3.4 in required coursework.
  • Students must at least have conditional admission before taking graduate courses for both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. All courses taken for graduate credit must be approved by the departmental chair of the program. Students admitted to the program must request permission from the Graduate School to take approved courses for graduate credit. Students admitted to the program must also follow the normal procedure for admission to the Graduate School.
  • Admission of students into this program must be approved by the department and the Graduate School.
  • Students will not be eligible for graduate assistantships until they are enrolled as graduate-level students in the Graduate School.


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