Sep 07, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Major Requirements   Minor Requirements

Xiaobing Feng, Head
Nikolay Brodskiy, Associate Head for Mathematics General Education
Joan Lind, Associate Head for Mathematics Majors and Minors

Timothy Schulze, Associate Head for Research and Development and Director of Graduate Studies

Brodskiy, N., (Director of Undergraduate Studies), PhD – Saskatchewan (Canada)
Chen, X., PhD – Ohio
Collins, C. (Executive Associate Dean), PhD – Minnesota
Dydak, J., PhD – Warsaw (Poland)
Fefferman, N., PhD - Tufts
Feng, X. (Department of Head), PhD – Purdue
Frazier, M., PhD – California (Los Angeles)
Freire, A., PhD – Princeton
Gavrilets, S. (Distinguished Professor), PhD - Moscow State
Karakashian, O., PhD – Harvard
Lenhart, S., (Chancellor’s Professor), PhD – Kentucky
Lind, J. (Associate Head for Mathematics and Mjaors), PhD - Washington
Manderscheid, D., PhD – Yale
Maroulas, V., PhD – North Carolina
Mulay, S., PhD – Purdue
Nicoara, R., PhD – UCLA
Phan, T., PhD - Minnesota
Plaut, C.P., PhD – Maryland
Richter, S., PhD – Michigan
Rosinski, J., PhD – Wroclaw (Poland)
Schulze, T. (Associate Head for Research and Developments, Director of Graduate Studies), PhD – Northwestern
Simpson, H., PhD – California Institute of Technology
Thistlethwaite, M., PhD – Manchester (UK)
Todorova, G.H., PhD – Moscow State (Russia)
Wise, S., PhD – Virginia

Associate Professors
Bourni, T., PhD - Stanford
Cartwright, D., PhD – California (Berkeley)
Denzler, J., PhD – ETH (Zurich) (Switzerland)
Finotti, L., PhD – Texas
Ganusov, V., PhD - Emory
Jameson, M., PhD – Emory
Prosper, O., PhD - Florida
Salgado-Gonzales, A., PhD - Texas A&M
Stickland, W., PhD - Colorado State
Vellis, V., PhD - Illinois (Urbana)

Assistant Professors
Nguyen, H., PhD - Tulane
Qing, Y., PhD - Tufts
Sgouralis, I., PhD - Duke
Zhao, X., PhD - Notre Dame

Joint Faculty
Berry, M., PhD – Illinois
Day, J., PhD - Pittsburgh
Evans, K., PhD – Georgia Tech
Hauck, C., PhD – Maryland
Papamarkou, T., PhD – Warwick (UK)
Restrepo, J., PhD – Pennsylvania State
Zhang, G., PhD - Florida State

Alexiades, V., PhD – Delaware
Bickle, A., PhD – Michigan
Bly, M., PhD – Tennessee
Campbell, E., MS – Tennessee
Clark, J., PhD – Tennessee
Conner, A., MM – Tennessee
Cook, T., MS – Tennessee
Dabbs, K., PhD – Texas
Downs, H., PhD – Tennessee
Duong, H., PhD – Florida State
Fowler, J., MA – Kentucky
Fridman, T., PhD – Rutgers
Gelantalis, M., PhD – Indiana
Gentry, A., PhD – Lincoln Memorial
Guest, R., MS – Baylor
Ho, A., PhD – Colorado State (Ft. Collins)
Horton, D., PhD – Tennessee
Humphries, P., PhD – Canterbury
Hung, L., PhD - Washington State
Kazanova, A., PhD – Massachusetts, Amherst
Lay, L., MS – Tennessee
Lewis, C., MS – Tennessee
Meadows, M., MM – Tennessee
McClurkin, A., MM - Tennessee
Nguyen, V., PhD – Tennessee
Pringle, K., PhD – Oregon
Self, C., MS – Tennessee
Smith, K., MM – Tennessee
Sparaco, L., PhD - Florida State
Sturm, J., MS - Tennessee
Sukanek, K., MS – Mississippi
Swenson, M., PhD – Texas
Thistlethwaite, S., PhD – U Mass (Amherst)
Unseren, M., PhD – Purdue
Wolf, A., PhD – Emory
Wright, G., MM – Tennessee
Yakunin, K., PhD – Florida


Students pursuing a B.S. degree in the Department of Mathematics are eligible to participate in the University’s VolsTeach program (, which permits students to simultaneously complete a major in mathematics or science and receive secondary education teaching licensure within the 4-year undergraduate degree program through the completion of a VolsTeach minor. For more information about VolsTeach, including advising associated with teaching licensure requirements, contact the Center for Enhancing Education in Mathematics and Science (101 Greve Hall).