Students enrolled in the Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (TBSN) program are required to successfully complete eight semesters of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study, of prescribed coursework, for a total of 120 semester hours.
Freshman Admission
Selection is highly competitive and based primarily on academic achievement at the high school level and scores on the ACT and/or SAT, as well as interest in and commitment to nursing. Students admitted into the College of Nursing must (1) achieve a minimum 3.20 grade point average at the conclusion of all required lower-division work, (2) achieve a minimum grade of C or better in all courses, (3) maintain full-time study at UT in order to begin upper-division nursing coursework, and (4) submit an intent to progress form.
Change of Major or Transfer Students
Students currently enrolled at the University of Tennessee in another college/major may apply for an open position in the nursing program. Students will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
- Cumulative GPA for courses completed (minimum 3.20 GPA required to be eligible)
- Cumulative GPA for required science, social science, math, and English courses
- Number of course withdrawals and repetitions
- Grade improvement over time
- Probability of completing all required courses in the freshman and sophomore curriculum or prior to fall semester
- Interest in and commitment to nursing
- Availability of space
The admissions process is highly selective, with more qualified applicants than spaces available. In recent years, the number and competitiveness of applicants have increased dramatically; therefore, students are encouraged to continue to progress in their current major while completing prerequisite courses.
If a student is selected for admission but then fails to successfully complete all required courses in the freshman and sophomore curriculum (with exception of Global Citizenship - US and Global Citizenship - International) with a grade of C or better prior to the fall semester, the student will not progress and must submit another application the following year.
For admission into the upper division nursing courses (which only begin each fall semester), students must complete all required courses in the freshman and sophomore curriculum prior to the fall semester.
Nursing Substitutions
CFS 210 * or PSYC 300 ; CHEM 102 * and CHEM 103 *, CHEM 112 * and CHEM 113 *, or CHEM 122 * and CHEM 123 * or CHEM 128 *, CHEM 132 * and CHEM 133 * or CHEM 138 *; MICR 210 * or BIOL 220 with BIOL 229 lab.
Students enrolled in the undergraduate program who wish to take a leave of absence must complete a reinstatement form with their academic advisor. Reinstatement forms must be received and reviewed by the committee to determine eligibility to re-enroll. Dismissed students may not continue in the nursing program. Policies and procedures regarding academic dismissal and readmission are found in the College of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook.
Progression Policies and Procedures
Current standards are available in the Nursing Handbook.
If a student is selected for progression but then fails to successfully complete all lower division requirements prior to the fall semester, the student will not progress.
Prior to the start of upper division 300 level courses, students must successfully complete a criminal background check, drug screen, and specific health requirements.
Students enrolled in the Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (TBSN) program are required to successfully complete eight semesters of full-time study or the equivalent in part-time study, of prescribed coursework, for a total of 120 semester hours.
uTrack Requirements
Universal Tracking (uTrack) is an academic monitoring system designed to help students stay on track for timely graduation. In order to remain on track, students must complete the minimum requirements for each tracking semester, known as milestones. Milestones include successful completion of specified courses and/or attainment of a minimum GPA. uTrack requirements only affect full-time, degree-seeking students.