Feb 01, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Education Requirements

For Building Basic Skills  

Communicating through Writing  
Communicating Orally  
Quantitative Reasoning  

For Developing Broadened Perspectives  

Arts and Humanities  
Cultures and Civilizations  
Natural Sciences  
Social Sciences  

2021-2022 University General Education Requirement

Statement of Purpose. General education provides students with the foundation for successful academic study, for lifelong learning, and for carrying out the duties of local, national, and global citizenship. The university’s general education curriculum is designed to help students better understand themselves, human cultures and societies, and the natural world, and to contribute to their personal enrichment while enrolled and after graduation.

The general education program focuses on “Building Basic Skills” and on “Developing Broadened Perspectives”:

Building Basic Skills: Because the hallmark of the educated person is the ability to think independently, students must be trained to acquire, evaluate, and use information and to apply it in their written, oral, and mathematical expression. They must write clearly, speak convincingly, and solve problems using logical and critical reasoning.

Developing Broadened Perspectives: General education should help students develop habits of self-examination in the context of their relationship to family, community, local and global societies, and the natural world. To this end, general education should help foster a commitment to respecting the diversity of personal and cultural values. Students should be able to explain their own values and beliefs, as well as to understand the histories and cultures behind those values. Students should study the historical traditions and artistic works of other cultures, both within and outside the United States, and the fundamental principles and chief discoveries of the scientific disciplines. They should strengthen their sensitivity to cultural diversity by studying the dynamic nature of a multicultural world through interdisciplinary perspectives or by learning other languages.

The design of the University of Tennessee’s general education program enables students to move among colleges within the university or to move to another institution of higher learning. Although general education provides students with the foundational skills required for college study, those skills are specific neither to UT nor to a particular major or career path.

Requirements and Outcomes. The general education requirements and the student learning outcomes expected for each area are listed below. (See Notes).

A. For Building Basic Skills

I. Communicating through Writing (WC)

(3 courses including ENGL 101  and ENGL 102  or equivalent plus an approved writing-intensive course)

Good writing skills enable students to create and share ideas, investigate and describe values, and record and explain discoveries – all skills that are necessary not only for professional success but also for personal fulfillment. Students must be able to write correctly, and they must be able to locate relevant information, evaluate its usefulness and quality, and incorporate it logically and ethically to support ideas and claims.

Courses in this area are expected to produce the following outcomes for students:

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to write clearly and correctly, employing the conventions of standard American English.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to write effectively for different audiences and purposes, shaping content, organization, and style to correspond with appropriate disciplinary expectations and rhetorical contexts.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to locate and use relevant, credible evidence to support ideas.
  4. Students will demonstrate the ability to cite and document sources in keeping with appropriate disciplinary conventions.

Students may satisfy the first-year composition requirement in one of two ways:

  1. By completing 6 hours in English writing courses according to one of the following 4 sequences:
  • ENGL 101  and ENGL 102  
  • ENGL 118  and ENGL 102 . Students who earn a B or higher in ENGL 118  may complete their first-year composition requirement with ENGL 102 , a sophomore-level course in the English department, or ENGL 355 . The sophomore course, if designated AH, may also be used toward the Arts and Humanities General Education requirement. Eligibility for ENGL 118  will be determined by ACT or SAT scores.
  • ENGL 131  and ENGL 132 . Placement in ENGL 131  or ENGL 132  will be determined by TOEFL (or equivalent standardized test) scores.
  • ENGL 198  and ENGL 298  (for Chancellor’s Honors Program students only)
  1. By earning credit for ENGL 101  through a College Board Advanced Placement Test and completing one additional course from the following: 

Upon completion of ENGL 101  and ENGL 102  or their equivalent, students must take one other approved WC course. The WC course can be within the student’s major or an elective.

Approved Communicating Through Writing (WC) Courses

Aerospace Engineering
      AE 449 - Aerospace Engineering Laboratory  

Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications
      ALEC 440 - Business and Research Writing  

      ANTH 309 - Advanced Principles of Biological Anthropology  
      ANTH 321 - Anthropology of South Asia  
      ANTH 423 - Anthropology of Gender  

      ARAB 321 - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Literature, Film, and Popular Culture  

      ARCH 213 - Modern Architecture: Histories and Theories 
      ARCH 227 - Honors: Modern Architecture Histories and Theories  

Art History
      ARTH 402 - Seminar in Art History II  

Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology
      BCMB 409 - Perspectives in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology  

Biomedical Engineering
      BME 449 - Biomedical Engineering Laboratory  

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
      CBE 415 - Advanced Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory  

      CHEM 449 - Advanced Synthesis Laboratory  
      CHEM 459 - Advanced Measurement and Spectroscopy Laboratory  

Child and Family Studies
      CFS 405 - Development of Professional Skills  

Cinema Studies
      CNST 312 - Popular Culture and American Politics  

Civil Engineering
      CE 205 - Professional Development I  

      CLAS 299 - Research Practicum in Classics  

Computer Science
      COSC 402 - Senior Design Practicum  

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
      EEB 205 - Theory and Methods in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology  †
      EEB 305 - Evolution and Society  
      EEB 409 - Perspectives in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology  
      EEB 425 - Communicating the Science of Climate Change Biology  
      EEB 451 - Research Ethics  

Electrical and Computer Engineering
      ECE 402 - Senior Design Practicum  

Engineering Fundamentals
      EF 437 - Honors: Interdisciplinary Senior Design I  

      ENGL 206 - Introduction to Shakespeare  
      ENGL 207 - Honors: British Literature I 
      ENGL 208 - Honors: British Literature II  
      ENGL 209 - Introduction to Jane Austen  
      ENGL 237 - Honors: American Literature I: Colonial Era to the Civil War 
      ENGL 238 - Honors: American Literature II: Civil War to the Present 
      ENGL 247 - Honors: Introduction to Poetry  
      ENGL 248 - Honors: Introduction to Drama 
      ENGL 251 - Introduction to Poetry  
      ENGL 252 - Introduction to Drama 
      ENGL 253 - Introduction to Fiction  
      ENGL 254 - Themes in Literature 
      ENGL 255 - Public Writing  
      ENGL 257 - Honors: Public Writing 
      ENGL 258 - Honors: Introduction to Fiction 
      ENGL 261 - Themes in Creative Writing 
      ENGL 263 - Introduction to Creative Writing  
      ENGL 277 - Honors: Introduction to Creative Writing  
      ENGL 295 - Writing in the Workplace 
      ENGL 355 - Rhetoric and Writing  
      ENGL 357 - Honors: Rhetoric and Writing 
      ENGL 360 - Technical and Professional Writing  
      ENGL 376 - Colloquium in Literature 
      ENGL 377 - Honors: Colloquium in Literature 
      ENGL 398 - Junior-Senior Honors Seminar 
      ENGL 455 - Persuasive Writing  
      ENGL 494 - Cultural Rhetorics  

      FORS 321 - Wildland Recreation 
      FORS 327 - Honors: Wildland Recreation   

Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
      FWF 312 - Principles of Silviculture   

      GERM 363 - Contemporary German Cultures   
      GERM 370 - Witches: Myth, Reality, and Representation  

      HIST 408 - Honors: Senior Paper 
      HIST 499 - Senior Research Seminar  

Haslam Scholars Program
      HSP 287 - Knowledge:  

Industrial Engineering
IE 250 - Leadership in Industrial Engineering  
      IE 350 - Service in Industrial Engineering   
      IE 422 - Industrial Engineering Design II   

Information Sciences
      INSC 450 - Writing About Science and Medicine  

Interior Architecture
      IARC 211 - History of Interior Design, Furnishings, and the Decorative Arts   
      IARC 217 - Honors: History of Interior Design, Furnishings, and the Decorative Arts   

Journalism and Electronic Media
      JREM 200 - Multimedia Writing  
      JREM 414 - Magazine and Feature Writing 
      JREM 444 - Journalism as Literature 
      JREM 450 - Writing about Science and Medicine 
      JREM 451 - Environmental Writing 
      JREM 456 - Science Writing as Literature   

Judaic Studies
      JST 322 - Medieval Philosophy 
      JST 413 - Seminar in Early Judaism  

Materials Science and Engineering
      MSE 304 - Principles of Materials Laboratory II  
      MSE 405 - X-ray Diffraction  

Mathematics Education
      MEDU 432 - Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science   

Mechanical Engineering
      ME 449 - Mechanical Engineering Laboratory   

Medieval and Renaissance Studies
      MRST 322 - Medieval Philosophy  

Military Science and Leadership
      MLSL 303 - Leadership in Military History  

Music Education
      MUED 430 - Music Methods for High School   

      MUCO 210 - History of Western Music, Ancient to the Baroque  
      MUCO 330 - Music, Gender, and Sexuality  
      MUCO 380 - Music in World Cultures   

Nuclear Engineering
      NE 401 - Radiological Engineering Laboratory 
      NE 402 - Nuclear Engineering Laboratory 
      NE 427 - Honors: Nuclear Engineering Laboratory  

      NURS 371R - Nursing Research  
      NURS 378R - Honors: Nursing Research  
      NURS 494 - Capstone Course for the Registered Nurse  

      PHIL 252 - Contemporary Moral Problems 
      PHIL 320 - Ancient Western Philosophy 
      PHIL 322 - Medieval Philosophy 
      PHIL 324 - 17th- and 18th-Century Philosophy 
      PHIL 326 - Topics in 19th- and 20th-Century Philosophy 
      PHIL 327 - Honors: Ancient Western Philosophy 
      PHIL 328 - Honors: 17th- and 18th-Century Philosophy 
      PHIL 340 - Ethical Theory 
      PHIL 345 - Bioethics 
      PHIL 346 - Environmental Ethics      
      PHIL 347 - Honors: Ethical Theory 
      PHIL 348 - Honors: Environmental Ethics 
      PHIL 382 - Philosophy of Feminism 
      PHIL 390 - Philosophical Foundations of Democracy   
      PHIL 391 - Social and Political Philosophy   

Plant Sciences
      PLSC 410 - Nursery Management and Production 
      PLSC 491 - International Study: History and Culture of International Gardens and Landscapes  

Political Science
      POLS 311 - Contemporary Issues in American Public Policy  
      POLS 312 - Popular Culture and American Politics  
      POLS 430 - United States Constitutional Law: Sources of Power and Restraint  
      POLS 431 - United States Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties  
      POLS 472 - Conflict Processes  

      PSYC 400 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology  
      PSYC 415 - Psychology of Religion  
      PSYC 434 - Psychology of Gender  
      PSYC 481 - Intimate Partner Violence  
      PSYC 485 - Special Topics in Psychology  

Religious Studies
      REST 413 - Seminar in Early Judaism  
      REST 423 - Seminar in Early Christianity 
      REST 479 - Seminar in East Asian Religions  

Retail and Consumer Sciences
      RCS 391 - Leadership in Retailing  

      RUSS 221 - Rebels, Dreamers, and Fools: The Outcast in 19th Century Russian Literature  
      RUSS 222 - Heaven or Hell: Utopias and Dystopias in 20th-Century Russian Literature  
      RUSS 321 - Anton Chekhov: Russia’s Bridge to the 20th Century  
      RUSS 322 - Dostoevsky, Terror, and Pan-Slavic Utopia  
      RUSS 421 - Tolstoy and the Quest for the Good Life  

Science Education
      SCED 432 - Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science  

Social Work
      SOWK 314 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment 
      SOWK 317 - Honors: Human Behavior in the Social Environment  
      SOWK 460 - Integrative Seminar  
      SOWK 467R - Honors: Integrative Seminar  

      SOCI 260 - Introduction to the Study of Environmental Issues 
      SOCI 455 - Law and Society  
      SOCI 495 - Social Justice and Community Service  

Special Education
      SPED 416 - Effective Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Academic Difficulties  

      THEA 300 - Play Analysis   

University Honors
      UNHO 258 - Honors: Special Topics in the Arts and Humanities 
      UNHO 268 - Honors: Special Topics in the Social Sciences 
      UNHO 278 - Honors: Special Topics in Cultures and Civilizations 
      UNHO 288 - Honors: Special Topics in the Natural Sciences  

Women, Gender, and Sexuality
      WGS 330 - Music, Gender, and Sexuality 
      WGS 370 - Gender and Globalization  
      WGS 382 - Philosophy of Feminism      
      WGS 434 - Psychology of Gender  

II. Communicating Orally (OC) (1 course)

Good oral communications skills enable students to interact successfully with others, share ideas, and present and explain discoveries – all skills that are necessary not only for professional success but also for personal fulfillment. Students should be able to speak in an informative and/or convincing manner to other individuals and to groups, both small and large. Students should be able to locate relevant information, evaluate its usefulness and quality, and incorporate the information logically and ethically in oral communication.

Courses in this area are expected to produce the following outcomes for students:

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to speak clearly and effectively.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to locate and use relevant, credible evidence to support ideas.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to present oral information effectively to different audiences, shaping message, organization, language choices, and delivery techniques to correspond with purpose and rhetorical context.

This requirement may be completed by either of the following:

  1. Taking Communication Studies (CMST) - CMST 210  or CMST 240  (or honors equivalents, CMST 217  or CMST 247 ).


  1. Taking a course with an OC designation.

Approved Communicating Orally (OC) Courses

Aerospace Engineering
      AE 210 - Professional Topics   

Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications
      ALEC 240 - Presentation and Sales Strategies for Agricultural Audiences  

Animal Science
      ANSC 360 - Equine and Food Animal Evaluation  

Art Design/Graphic
      ARTD 452 - Graphic Design Capstone  

Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology
    BCMB 455 - Scientific Communication  

Biosystems Engineering
      BSE 404 - Engineering Project Management  

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
CBE 320 - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory  
      CBE 488 - Honors: Design Internship in Green Engineering  
      CBE 490 - Process Design and Economic Analysis  

      CHEM 406 - Senior Seminar   

Child and Family Studies
      CFS 405 - Development of Professional Skills   

Civil Engineering
      CE 205 - Professional Development I  

Computer Science
      COSC 402 - Senior Design Practicum  

      DSGN 130 - Basic Design Thinking and Innovation  

Electrical and Computer Engineering
      ECE 402 - Senior Design Practicum  

Engineering Fundamentals
      EF 437 - Honors: Interdisciplinary Senior Design I  

Environmental and Soil Sciences
      ESS 301 - Professional Development  

Graphic Design
      GRDS 472 - Graphic Design Capstone   

Industrial Engineering
      IE 422 - Industrial Engineering Design II   

Materials Science and Engineering
      MSE 489 - Materials Design  

Mechanical Engineering
      ME 210 - Professional Topics  

      MICR 495 - Senior Seminar: Perspectives in Microbiology  

Nuclear Engineering
      NE 400 - Senior Seminar  

      NURS 454 - Leadership II for the Accelerated Student 
      NURS 455 - Nursing Leadership and Management Dimensions  

      PHIL 244 - Professional Responsibility  

      PHYS 451 - A Survey of Contemporary Physics  

III. Quantitative Reasoning (QR) (2 courses)

Quantitative and statistical evidence and mathematical and logical reasoning often play critical roles in building arguments and claims to support opinions and actions. Students should therefore possess the mathematical and quantitative skills needed to evaluate such arguments and claims. Students should be able to recognize the quantitative dimensions of questions and issues they will encounter in their professional and personal lives. They also should be able to use mathematical and logical reasoning to formulate and solve problems.

Courses in this area are expected to produce the following outcomes for students:

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify those aspects of arguments and claims that rely on quantitative evidence and on mathematical or logical reasoning.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate the appropriateness of conclusions drawn from quantitative evidence and mathematical or logical reasoning techniques.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate and solve problems that rely on mathematical or logical reasoning.

This requirement may be completed by either of the following.

  1. Taking two mathematics or statistics courses from the list below. (Preferably, these courses would be taken in one of the following pairings: MATH 113  and MATH 115 ; MATH 123  and MATH 125 ; MATH 141  and MATH 142 ; MATH 147  and MATH 148 ; MATH 151  and MATH 152 ; MATH 125 , MATH 141  or MATH 147  and STAT 201  or STAT 207 ; MATH 115  and MATH 123  or MATH 125  or MATH 202 .)
  2. Taking one mathematics course from the list below and one course designated in the undergraduate catalog as having a quantitative component (QR). The course designated as having a quantitative component may be within the student’s major or an elective.

      MATH 113 - Mathematical Reasoning  
      MATH 115 - Statistical Reasoning  
      MATH 117 - Honors: Mathematical Reasoning  
      MATH 123 - Finite Mathematics  
      MATH 125 - Basic Calculus  
      MATH 132 - Calculus 1B Infused with Precalculus  
      MATH 141 - Calculus I  
      MATH 142 - Calculus II  
      MATH 147 - Honors: Calculus I  
      MATH 148 - Honors: Calculus II  
      MATH 151 - Mathematics for the Life Sciences I  
      MATH 152 - Mathematics for the Life Sciences II  
      MATH 202 - Probability, Statistics, and Euclidean Geometry  

      STAT 201 - Introduction to Statistics  
      STAT 207 - Honors: Introduction to Statistics  

Approved Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Courses

      ANTH 446 - Archaeological Statistics  

      ARCH 461 - Design Development Integrations  

Business Administration
      BUAD 202 - Personal Finance  

      CLAS 446 - Archaeological Statistics  

Computer Science
      COSC 100 - Introduction to Computers and Computing  

Data Science
      DATA 201 - Data Knowledge and Discovery  

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
      EEB 310 - Evolution, Disease, and Medicine  
      EEB 411 - Biostatistics  
      EEB 471 - Aquatic Macroecology and Conservation  
      EEB 475 - Mathematical Biology for Non-Math People  
      EEB 476 - Theoretical Ecology and its Applications  

      GEOG 415 - Quantitative Methods in Geography   

Interior Architecture
IARC 361 - Lighting for Interior Architecture   

Music Technology
      MUTC 290 - Sound Recording Techniques  

      PHIL 130 - Critical Thinking 
      PHIL 235 - Formal Logic  

      PSYC 385 - Statistics in Psychology  

B. For Developing Broadened Perspectives

I. Arts and Humanities (AH) (2 courses)

“What does it mean to be human?” In attempting to answer this question, people have produced—and continue to produce—culturally and historically significant works. The study and critical interpretation of such works and their creators not only enriches students’ lives but also helps students understand their own and others’ answers to this enduring question.

Courses in this area are expected to produce the following outcomes for students:

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and describe prominent works, figures, and/or schools of thought in the arts and humanities.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to describe the cultural and historical significance of prominent works, figures, and/or schools of thought in the arts and humanities.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to critically interpret prominent works or accomplishments in artistic and humanistic fields.

This requirement is satisfied by taking two courses from the approved AH list.

Approved Arts and Humanities (AH) Courses

Africana Studies
      AFST 160 - Art of Africa, Oceania, and Pre-Columbian America  
      AFST 225 - Introduction to African Literature  
      AFST 226 - Introduction to Caribbean Literature  
      AFST 233 - Major Black Writers  

      ANTH 436 - Cities and Sanctuaries of the Greek and Roman World  
      ANTH 442 - Archaeology of the Prehistoric Aegean  
      ANTH 443 - Archaeology and Art of Ancient Greece  
      ANTH 444 - Archaeology and Art of Ancient Italy and Rome  

      ARAB 251 - Whole New Worlds: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Dystopia in the Middle East  

      ARCH 111 - Architecture and the Built Environment 
      ARCH 117 - Honors: Architecture and the Built Environment  
      ARCH 211 - History and Theory of Architecture I 
      ARCH 212 - History and Theory of Architecture II  
      ARCH 217 - Honors: History and Theory of Architecture I  
      ARCH 218 - Honors: History and Theory of Architecture II  

Art History
      ARTH 162 - Art of Africa, Oceania, and Pre-Columbian America  
      ARTH 167 - Honors: Art of Africa, Oceania, and Pre-Columbian America 
      ARTH 172 - Western Art: Ancient through Medieval 
      ARTH 173 - Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary 
      ARTH 177 - Honors Western Art: Ancient through Medieval 
      ARTH 178 - Honors Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary 
      ARTH 183 - Asian Art 
      ARTH 187 - Honors: Asian Art  

Cinema Studies
      CNST 281 - Introduction to Film Studies  
      CNST 323 - German Film Survey  

      CLAS 221 - Early Greek Mythology 
      CLAS 222 - Classical Greek and Roman Mythology  
      CLAS 232 - Archaeology and Art of Ancient Greece and Rome  
      CLAS 253 - Greek and Roman Literature in English Translation   
      CLAS 254 - Greek and Roman Epic in English Translation  
      CLAS 255 - Greek and Roman Drama in English Translation  
      CLAS 256 - The Ancient World Reimagined  
      CLAS 352 - Roman Lyric Poetry  
      CLAS 436 - Cities and Sanctuaries of the Greek and Roman World  
      CLAS 439 - Pompeii  
      CLAS 442 - Archaeology of the Prehistoric Aegean   
      CLAS 443 - Archaeology and Art of Ancient Greece  
      CLAS 444 - Archaeology and Art of Ancient Italy and Rome  
      CLAS 445 - Ancient and Medieval Seafaring  

      ENGL 201 - British Literature I: Beowulf through Johnson  
      ENGL 202 - British Literature II: Wordsworth to the Present 
      ENGL 206 - Introduction to Shakespeare 
      ENGL 207 - Honors: British Literature I  
      ENGL 208 - Honors: British Literature II 
      ENGL 209 - Introduction to Jane Austen  
      ENGL 221 - World Literature I: Ancient through Early Modern 
      ENGL 222 - World Literature II: The Eighteenth-Century to the Present 
      ENGL 225 - Introduction to African Literature 
      ENGL 226 - Introduction to Caribbean Literature 
      ENGL 231 - American Literature I: Colonial Era to the Civil War 
      ENGL 232 - American Literature II: Civil War to the Present 
      ENGL 233 - Major Black Writers  
      ENGL 237 - Honors: American Literature I: Colonial Era to the Civil War 
      ENGL 238 - Honors: American Literature II: Civil War to the Present 
      ENGL 247 - Honors: Introduction to Poetry 
      ENGL 248 - Honors: Introduction to Drama 
      ENGL 251 - Introduction to Poetry 
      ENGL 252 - Introduction to Drama 
      ENGL 253 - Introduction to Fiction  
      ENGL 254 - Themes in Literature  
      ENGL 258 - Honors: Introduction to Fiction 
      ENGL 281 - Introduction to Film Studies  
      ENGL 340 - Science Fiction and Fantasy  
      ENGL 389 - Literature of the English Bible  

      GERM 323 - German Film Survey 
      GERM 370 - Witches: Myth, Reality, and Representation  

Graphic Design
      GRDS 150 - The Idea of Design  

Haslam Scholars Program
      HSP 287 - Knowledge:  

History - Asia
      HIAS 394 - Chinese Intellectual History: Early Times  

History - Europe
      HIEU 321 - New Testament and Christian Origins  
      HIEU 425 - The City of Rome: Antiquity  

Judaic Studies
      JST 321 - New Testament and Christian Origins  

Middle East Studies
      MEST 225 - Judaism, Christianity, Islam  

      MUCO 110 - Introduction to Music in Western Culture  
      MUCO 115 - Music in the United States 
      MUCO 120 - History of Rock  
      MUCO 125 - Jazz in American Culture  
      MUCO 210 - History of Western Music, Ancient to the Baroque 
      MUCO 220 - History of Western Music, Classical to the Present  
      MUCO 290 - Soundscapes: Exploring Music in a Changing World  

Music Theory
      MUTH 305 - Italian Musical Styles  

      PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy  
      PHIL 107 - Honors: Introduction to Philosophy  
      PHIL 200 - Special Topics 
      PHIL 244 - Professional Responsibility  
      PHIL 252 - Contemporary Moral Problems  

Religious Studies
REST 202 - Religion and Film  
      REST 225 - Judaism, Christianity, Islam 
      REST 227 - Honors: Judaism, Christianity, Islam  
      REST 280 - Religions of Asia  
      REST 306 - Contemporary Christian Thought  
      REST 321 - New Testament and Christian Origins  
      REST 354 - Popular Religion in the United States  
      REST 389 - Literature of the English Bible  

      RUSS 221 - Rebels, Dreamers, and Fools: The Outcast in 19th Century Russian Literature 
      RUSS 222 - Heaven or Hell: Utopias and Dystopias in 20th-Century Russian Literature  

      THEA 100 - Introduction to Theatre 
      THEA 107 - Honors: Introduction to Theatre  

University Honors
      UNHO 257 - Honors: Special Topics in the Arts and Humanities 
      UNHO 258 - Honors: Special Topics in the Arts and Humanities  

II. Cultures and Civilizations (CC) (2 courses)

Deepening understanding of one’s own cultures and traditions requires stepping back to see how and why individuals and societies are both similar and different. Contextualizing beliefs about global events, ideas, and social practices provides students with the tools they need to understand historical, social, linguistic, and/or cultural similarities and differences.

Courses in this area are expected to produce the following outcome for students:

  1. Students will demonstrate understanding of appropriate disciplinary vocabulary, or competency in reading and speaking a language other than English.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify those aspects of social and cultural behaviors and ideas that change and those that stay the same across different times and places.

This requirement may be satisfied in one of the following ways:

  1. Taking two courses from the following CC list.
  2. Taking a two-course sequence in a foreign language at the intermediate level.
  3. Taking a six-hour intensive foreign language course at the intermediate level.

Approved Cultures and Civilizations (CC) Courses

Africana Studies
      AFST 235 - Introduction to African Studies  
      AFST 236 - Introduction to African Studies  

      ANTH 120 - Introduction to Archaeology  
      ANTH 127 - Honors: Introduction to Archaeology  

      CLAS 201 - Introduction to Classical Civilization  

Cultural Studies in Education
      CSE 200 - Survey of International Education  

Entomology and Plant Pathology
      EPP 123 - Chocolate: Bean to Bar  

Environmental and Soil Sciences
      ESS 120 - Soils and Civilizations  
      ESS 220 - Waters and Civilizations  

Food Science
      FDSC 150 - History and Culture of Food  

Global Studies
      GLBS 250 - Introduction to Global Studies  

      HIEU 241 - Development of Western Civilization 
      HIEU 242 - Development of Western Civilization 
      HIEU 247 - Honors: Development of Western Civilization  
      HIEU 248 - Honors: Development of Western Civilization  
      HILA 255 - Early Latin American and Caribbean History 
      HILA 256 - Modern Latin American and Caribbean History 
      HIST 261 - A History of World Civilization 
      HIST 262 - A History of World Civilization  
      HIST 267 - Honors: A History of World Civilization  
      HIST 268 - Honors: A History of World Civilization  

Latin American and Caribbean Studies
      LAC 251 - Early Latin American and Caribbean History 
      LAC 252 - Modern Latin American and Caribbean History  

Medieval and Renaissance Studies
      MRST 201 - Medieval Civilization I  
      MRST 202 - Medieval Civilization II  

Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
      MFLL 200 - Topics in International Literatures and Cultures  

      NUTR 216 - World Foods  

Plant Sciences
      PLSC 115 - Plants That Changed the World 
      PLSC 491 - International Study: History and Culture of International Gardens and Landscapes  

Religious Studies
      REST 101 - Religions of the World  
      REST 102 - The Comparison of World Religions       

Retail and Consumer Sciences
      RCS 225 - Fashion and Culture  

      RUSS 271 - Putin’s Russia and the Art of Propaganda  

      SOCI 250 - Introduction to Global Studies  

University Honors
      UNHO 277 - Honors: Special Topics in Cultures and Civilizations 
      UNHO 278 - Honors: Special Topics in Cultures and Civilizations  


Some Colleges, such as Arts and Sciences and Business Administration, may require specific foreign language courses to fulfill this requirement (see Note 2). Students should consult their academic advisor before selecting language courses.

American Sign Language
      ASL 211 - Intermediate American Sign Language I 
      ASL 212 - Intermediate American Sign Language II  

      ARAB 221 - Intermediate Arabic I 
      ARAB 222 - Intermediate Arabic II  

      ARAB 231 - Arabic for Bilinguals I  
      ARAB 232 - Arabic for Bilinguals II  

Asian Studies
      ASST 261 - Intermediate Persian I 
      ASST 262 - Intermediate Persian II  

      CHIN 231 - Intermediate Chinese I 
      CHIN 232 - Intermediate Chinese II  

      CLAS 251 - Intermediate Latin I  
      CLAS 252 - Intermediate Latin II 
      CLAS 261 - Intermediate Greek: Grammar Review and Readings  
      CLAS 264 - Intermediate Greek: Epic Poetry  

      FREN 211 - Intermediate French I 
      FREN 212 - Intermediate French II 
      FREN 217 - Honors: Intermediate French I 
      FREN 218 - Honors: Intermediate French II  

      GERM 211 - Intermediate German I  
      GERM 212 - Intermediate German II  

      HEBR 241 - Intermediate Modern Hebrew I 
      HEBR 242 - Intermediate Modern Hebrew II  

      ITAL 211 - Intermediate Italian 
      ITAL 212 - Intermediate Italian  

      JAPA 251 - Intermediate Japanese I 
      JAPA 252 - Intermediate Japanese II  

      PERS 261 - Intermediate Persian I  
      PERS 262 - Intermediate Persian II  

      PORT 211 - Intermediate Portuguese 
      PORT 212 - Intermediate Portuguese  

Religious Studies
      REST 221 - Intermediate Biblical Hebrew I 
      REST 222 - Intermediate Biblical Hebrew II  

      RUSS 201 - Intermediate Russian 
      RUSS 202 - Intermediate Russian  

      SPAN 211 - Intermediate Spanish I 
      SPAN 212 - Intermediate Spanish II  
      SPAN 217 - Honors: Intermediate Spanish I  
      SPAN 218 - Honors: Intermediate Spanish II  


      FREN 223 - Intensive Intermediate French  

      GERM 223 - Intensive Intermediate German  

      ITAL 223 - Intensive Intermediate Italian  

      PORT 223 - Intensive Intermediate Portuguese  

      SPAN 223 - Intensive Intermediate Spanish  

III. Natural Sciences (NS) (2 courses)

Over time, advances in science and technology have shaped our understanding of the world and our place in it. All students should be familiar with the fundamental principles and chief discoveries of one or more scientific disciplines, the role and relevance of science in contemporary society, and should be able to use scientific knowledge and methods to answer questions about natural phenomena and analyze contemporary issues.

Courses in this area are expected to produce the following outcomes for students:

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to describe fundamental principles and chief discoveries through appropriate use of the basic vocabulary of a course’s discipline.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify the scientific dimensions of contemporary issues.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to use experimental techniques to answer questions and test hypotheses.

This requirement is satisfied by taking two courses from the approved NS list. At least one of the courses must have a laboratory.

Approved Natural Sciences (NS) Courses († Non-Lab Courses)

      ANTH 110 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology  †
      ANTH 117 - Honors: Introduction to Biological Anthropology  † 

      ASTR 151 - A Journey through the Solar System Lecture   †
      ASTR 152 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology Lecture   †
      ASTR 153 - A Journey through the Solar System Lab       
      ASTR 154 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology Lab 
      ASTR 217 - Honors: Introductory Astronomy 
      ASTR 218 - Honors: Introductory Astronomy  

*NOTE: Students may take ASTR 151 -ASTR 153  or ASTR 152 -ASTR 154  for natural science with lab credit.

      BIOL 101 - Introduction to Biology: Cells, Genetics, and Physiology  
      BIOL 102 - Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity and Ecology  
      BIOL 105 - Parasites, Pathogens, and Pandemics: Infectious Disease and Society  †
      BIOL 106 - The Living City  †
      BIOL 113 - Introductory Plant Biology I  †
      BIOL 114 - Introductory Plant Biology II  †
      BIOL 115 - Introductory Plant Biology Laboratory  (Lab if taken with BIOL 113  or BIOL 114 .)
      BIOL 150 - Organismal and Ecological Biology   †
      BIOL 158 - Honors: Organismal and Ecological Biology  †
      BIOL 159 - Skills of Biological Investigation 
      BIOL 160 - Cellular and Molecular Biology 
      BIOL 167 - Honors: Skills of Biological Investigation  

      BIOL 168 - Honors: Cellular and Molecular Biology  †

*NOTE: Students may take BIOL 150 -BIOL 159 , BIOL 160 -BIOL 159 , BIOL 158 -BIOL 167 , or BIOL 168 -BIOL 159  for natural science with lab credit.

      CHEM 102 - Principles of Chemistry  
      CHEM 103 - Principles of Chemistry Laboratory  
      CHEM 112 - Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry  
      CHEM 113 - Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Laboratory  
      CHEM 122 - General Chemistry I  
      CHEM 123 - General Chemistry I Laboratory  
      CHEM 132 - General Chemistry II  
      CHEM 133 - General Chemistry II Laboratory  
      CHEM 128 - Honors: General Chemistry I 
      CHEM 138 - Honors: General Chemistry II  

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
      EEB 205 - Theory and Methods in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology  † 

Engineering Fundamentals
      EF 151 - Physics for Engineers I 
      EF 152 - Physics for Engineers II 
      EF 157 - Honors: Physics for Engineers I 
      EF 158 - Honors: Physics for Engineers II  

Entomology and Plant Pathology
      EPP 201 - Impact of Insects and Plant Diseases on Human Societies  †
      EPP 210 - Bugs: Bizarre, Beautiful, and Beneficial  † 

Environmental and Soil Sciences
      ESS 110 - Energy for the World  †

Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
      FWF 250 - Conservation  †

      GEOG 131 - Weather, Climate, and Climate Change 
      GEOG 132 - Landscapes and Environmental Change  
      GEOG 137 - Honors: Weather, Climate, and Climate Change  
      GEOG 204 - Understanding Climate Change   †
      GEOG 200 - Environmental Issues in National Parks  †
      GEOG 331 - Natural Hazards  † 

GEOL 100 - Earth, Environment, and People  
      GEOL 101 - The Dynamic Earth 
      GEOL 102 - Earth, Life, and Time  




Plant Sciences

University Honors

IV. Social Sciences (SS) (2 courses)

Why do people – individually and collectively – do what they do? Answering this question allows us to better understand ourselves, make better decisions, and promote the health and success of individuals and groups. The ability to answer this question requires gaining knowledge about individual and group behavior and political and social systems, as well as understanding the methods by which social scientists collect, create, and evaluate such knowledge.

Courses in this area are expected to produce the following outcomes for students:

  1. Students will identify and critique claims about human behavior and the dynamics of individual, political, and social issues.
  2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of appropriate and ethical methods, technologies, and data that social scientists use to investigate and describe the human condition.

This requirement is satisfied by taking two courses from the approved SS list.

Approved Social Sciences (SS) Courses

Africana Studies

Agricultural and Resource Economics

Agriculture and Natural Resources


Baker Center for Public Policy

Child and Family Studies


Educational Psychology


Global Studies

Interior Architecture

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Political Science


Public Health

Religious Studies

Social Work


University Honors

Women, Gender, and Sexuality


  1. Some courses on the various General Education course lists may have prerequisites. Students are responsible for meeting all course prerequisites.
  2. A student’s college/program may require specific General Education courses.
  3. General Education courses must be taken for a letter grade (i.e., A-F) rather than Satisfactory/No Credit (unless this is the only way the course is offered).
  4. The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is committed to providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities at the University of Tennessee. Appropriate accommodations will be made to enable persons with disabilities to satisfy the General Education requirements. Students with documented disabilities should contact the Office of Disability Services for assistance with appropriate accommodations at (865) 974-6087 or ods@tennessee.edu.
  5. Subcommittees of the Undergraduate Council General Education Committee are charged with management of the courses to be included on the General Education course lists for the Basic Skills and Broadened Perspectives areas.