Jul 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nursing Education Graduate Certificate

This post-MSN certificate prepares nurses for a career as nurse educators in both academic and nursing service settings. Nursing education practice involves the management of resources, interdisciplinary collaboration, and application of technology, information systems, knowledge, and critical thinking.

Campus Code

Distance Education

Graduate Certificate Type



Admissions Standards/Procedures

A master’s degree in nursing is required for admission.

Academic Standards

The College of Nursing will observe the following grading scale:

A   =  92 – 100 4 quality points
B+ =  88 – 91 3.3 quality points
B   =  83 – 87 3 quality points
C+ =  78 – 82 2.3 quality points
C   =  75 – 77 2 quality points
D   =  67 – 74 1 quality point
F   =  66 or below 0 quality points

Credit Hours Required

A minimum 12 graduate credit hours

Required Courses

  • 6 credit hours in nursing and 6 in education
  • Remaining 6 credit hours are selected
    • From distance education courses offered by the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences and
    • In consultation with the Nursing Education Certificate Coordinator.