The College of Nursing offers certificates for nurses who need additional training. A master’s degree in nursing is required for admission. This post-MSN certificate prepares nurses for a career as nurse managers and administrators. Nursing Administration involves the managing delivery of care, management of resources, interdisciplinary collaboration, and application of technology, information systems, knowledge, and critical thinking.
The total credit hours will vary depending on the student’s academic record, clinical experience, and objectives. Students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours. Most students complete 16-20 credit hours of course credit. Contact the Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies for more information.
Course requirements are NURS 589 , NURS 590 , NURS 591 , NURS 594 , and NURS 595 plus additional credit hours as determined by the college.
The College of Nursing will observe the following grading scale:
A = 92 – 100 4 quality points
B+ = 88 – 91 3.3 quality points
B = 83 – 87 3 quality points
C+ = 78 – 82 2.3 quality points
C = 75 – 77 2 quality points
D = 67 – 74 1 quality point
F = 66 or below 0 quality points