Feb 14, 2025
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Geography Major, BA
Students who enter the major having completed a laboratory science sequence other than geography may petition the department to waive the GEOG 131 */GEOG 137 * and GEOG 132 * requirements. Students who enter the major with more than 60 hours credit may petition the department to waive the GEOG 101 * or GEOG 121 * requirement.
Major Requirements
The major consists of 31 hours. No more than 3 hours of GEOG 490 may be counted toward the major. Select one geospatial course:
Select one human geography course:
Select one regional geography course:
Select one physical geography course:
Select 9 additional hours:
300-400 level geography courses Honors Concentration
Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.25 to graduate with honors. Twelve hours of honors work must be taken, including GEOG 497 and GEOG 498 , under the direction of a faculty mentor. A written final copy of the thesis must be submitted to the Department of Geography. Balance of credit hours may be taken in honors courses or through honors-by-contract arrangements. Students should consult their advisor about participation. |