Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science website

Garrett S. Rose, Department Head
Jens Gregor, Director of Graduate Studies

Bai, H., PhD – Tsinghua (China)
Berry, M.W., PhD – Illinois
Blalock, B.J. (Blalock-Kennedy-Pierce Professor), PhD – Georgia Tech
Costinett, D., PhD – Colorado
Del Maestro, A., PhD – Harvard
Djouadi, S.M., PhD – McGill (Canada)
Fathy, A.E. (McConnell Professor), PhD – Polytechnic Institute of New York
Gregor, J. (McConnell Fellow), PhD – Aalborg (Denmark)
Gu, G., PhD – Princeton
Huang, J., PhD – Ohio State
Kilic, O. (Dean), PhD – George Washington
Langston, M.A., PhD – Texas A&M
Li, F. (John W. Fisher Professor), PhD, PE – Virginia Tech
Liu, Y. (Governor’s Chair Professor), PhD – Ohio State
McFarlane, N., PhD – Maryland
Mockus, A. (Ericsson-Harlan D. Mills Chair Professor), PhD – Carnegie Mellon
Peterson, G.D., DSc – Washington (St. Louis)
Plank, J.S., PhD – Princeton
Qi, H. (Gonzalez Family Professor), PhD – North Carolina State
Rose, G.S., PhD – Virginia
Sun, J.S., PhD – Florida
Sun, K., PhD – Tsinghua (China)
Taufer, M. (Dongarra Professor), PhD – ETH (Switzerland)
Tolbert, L.M. (Min H. Kao and Chancellor’s Professor), PhD, PE – Georgia Tech
Tomsovic, K.L. (CTI Professor and Chancellor’s Professor), PhD – Washington
Wang, F. (Condra Chair of Excellence Professor), PhD – Southern California
Wu, J., PhD – Notre Dame

Associate Professors
Beck, M., PhD – Cornell
Cao, Q., PhD – Illinois
Emrich, S., PhD – Iowa State
He, J., PhD – Marquette
Jantz, M., PhD – Kansas
Pulgar, H., PhD – Illinois
Ruoti, S., PhD – Brigham Young
Thapliyal, H., PhD – South Florida
Wilson, D., PhD – California (Santa Barbara)

Assistant Professors
Aziz, A., PhD – Purdue
Bevill, R., PhD – Tübingen (Germany)
Castellanos, R.M., PhD – Purdue
Kim, D., PhD – Maryland
Li, W., PhD – North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Liu, F., PhD – Institut National des Sciences Appliqu’ees de Lyon (France)
Liu, J., PhD – Rutgers
Saligram, R., PhD – Georgia Tech
Santos Villalobos, H., PhD – Purdue
Schuman, C., PhD – Tennessee
​Suya, F., PhD – Virginia
Swaminathan, S., PhD – Carnegie Mellon

Professors of Practice and Lecturers
Crumpton, C., MS – Tennessee
Disney, A., PhD – Tennessee
Fagan, J.D., PhD – Tennessee
Icove, D. (Professor of Practice), PhD – Tennessee
Linder, R., PhD – Texas A&M
Marz, S. (Senior Lecturer), PhD – Tennessee
Parmar, M.D., PhD – Jilin (China)
Taousser, F., PhD – Polytechnic (France)

Abidi, M.A., PhD – Tennessee
Birdwell, J.D., PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bishop, A.O., PhD – Clemson
Bodenheimer, R., PhD – Northwestern
Bose, B.K., PhD – Calcutta
Bouldin, D., PhD – Vanderbilt
Dean, M.E., PhD – Stanford
Dongarra, J.J. (University Distinguished Professor), PhD – New Mexico
Gonzalez, R.C., PhD – Florida
Googe, J.M., PhD – Vanderbilt
Kennedy, E.J., PhD – Tennessee
Lawler, J.S., PhD – Michigan State​
MacLennan, B.J., PhD – Purdue
Parker, L.E., PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Roberts, M.J., PhD – Tennessee
Rochelle, J.M., PhD – Tennessee
Straight, D.W., PhD – Texas (Austin)
Symonds, F., PhD – Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Thomason, M.G., PhD – Duke
Vanderzanden, B.T., PhD – Cornell
Waller, J.W., PhD – Tennessee
Ward, R.C., PhD – Virginia

Majors, Degrees
Computer Engineering Major, MS Computer Engineering Major, PhD     
  Energy Science and Engineering Concentration (PhD only)
Dual MS-MBA Program, Computer Engineering - Business Administration     
Computer Science Major, MS ; Computer Science Major, PhD      
  Cybersecurity Concentration
  Data Analytics Concentration (available for PhD)
  Data Mining and Intelligent Systems Concentration
  Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning Concentration (available for PhD)
  Software Engineering Concentration
Dual MS-MBA Program, Computer Science - Business Administration    
Electrical Engineering Major, MS Electrical Engineering Major, PhD     
  Energy Science and Engineering Concentration (PhD only)
  Power Electronics Concentration
Dual MS-MBA Program, Electrical Engineering - Business Administration   
Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Major, MS     
  Computer Engineering Concentration
  Electrical Engineering Concentration
Graduate Certificates
  Fire Protection Engineering Certificate    
  Power and Energy Systems Certificate    
  Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Certificate
    Computer Engineering Concentration    
    Electrical Engineering Concentration    
  Wide Bandgap (WBG) Power Electronics Certificate    

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was formed after the merger of the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2007. The department offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy with majors in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science.

Graduate work leading to the Master of Science with a major in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science may be completed during three semesters of full-time study or two to three years of part-time study.

The departmental graduate committee is responsible for administering, promoting, and advancing the general well-being of the graduate program. Departmental actions regarding a graduate student may be appealed in writing, first to the departmental graduate committee and then to the department faculty. The catalog program description provides details regarding the graduate program requirements.