Sep 20, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Natalie L. Haslam College of Music

Natalie L. Haslam College of Music website

Jeffrey Pappas, Founding Dean
Brendan McConville, Interim Associate Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs
Nathan Fleshner, Interim Associate Dean of Research and Facilities
Angela L. Batey, Interim Associate Dean of Access and Engagement and Interim Director of Graduate Studies
Allison Adams, Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies

Baldwin, W., DMA – Maryland
Batey, A.L., DMA – South Carolina
Class, K., DMA – Illinois
Golden, R.M., PhD – North Carolina
Herndon, H., MM – Juilliard
Hristov, M., DMA – Kentucky
Hu, C.L., DMA – Michigan
McConville, B., PhD – Rutgers
Pappas, J., DMA – Iowa
Skoog, A., MA – Stephen F. Austin

Associate Professors
Adams, A., DMA – Arizona State
Bliss, A., DMA – Kentucky
Chavez, V., DMA – Eastman
Fellenbaum, J., MM – Northwestern
Fleshner, N., PhD – Eastman
Gay, L.C., PhD – Columbia
Hamar, J., MM – Eastman
Johnson-Webb, K., DMA – Wisconsin (Madison)
Lapins, A., PhD – Indiana
Murphy, B.A., PhD – Ohio State
Royse, D., PhD – Kent State
Sigler, A., DMA – Texas (Austin)
Stewart, M., PhD – Ohio State
Tardy, G., – Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
VanDuuren, A., DMA – Arizona
Zastoupil, J., DMA – Northwestern

Assistant Professors
Atherholt, J., MM – Rice
Castillo, M.F., DMA – Michigan
De Camargo Zanin, A., DMA – Rutgers
Salters, S., AD – Boston
Tatum, R., MM – Manhattan College
Variego, J., PhD – Florida

Distinguished Lecturer
Brown, K., BA – Tennessee
Downey, E., MM – Michigan State

Senior Lecturers
Jung, E., DMA – West Virginia
Lyon, J., PhD – Louisiana
McCollough, S., MM – Tennessee
Nall, C., MM – Cincinnati
Sivy, R., PhD – Kentucky
Thompson, D.V., MM – DePaul

Adams, J., PhD – University of British Columbia
Benson, K., DMA – Michigan
Chen, E., DMA – Rice
Disney, D., DMA – Boston
Koch, D., DA – North Carolina
Lindveit, R., DMA – Michigan
Rostami, M., PhD – California (Los Angeles)
Skiba, S., MM – Oberlin Conservatory
Salamone, J., PhD – Kentucky
Spillane, L., PhD – Southern California
Zetina, K., MMA – Yale

Assistant Professors of Practice
Gable, T., MM – Tennessee
Quintero, J.C., BM – Berklee College of Music
Roberts, K., DMA – Louisiana State

Part-time Lecturers
Atherholt, B., BM – Oberlin Conservatory
Clark, J., MS – Indiana-Purdue University
Gantte, A., MM – Tennessee
Hart, K., BM – Tennessee
Johnson, E., DM – Indiana
Madsen, N., MM – Texas Christian
Pappas, J., MM – Iowa
Turner, S., BM – Tennessee

Majors, Degrees
Music Major, MMusic     
   Choral Conducting Concentration
  Collaborative Piano Concentration
  Composition Concentration
  Instrumental Conducting Concentration
  Jazz Concentration
  Music Education Concentration
  Music Theory Concentration
  Musicology Concentration
  Performance Concentration (Organ, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Voice, or Winds) 
Graduate Certificates
  Artist Certificate in Brass Performance  
  Artist Certificate in Keyboard Performance  
  Artist Certificate in Percussion Performance  
  Artist Certificate in String Performance  
  Artist Certificate in Voice Performance  
  Artist Certificate in Woodwind Performance  
  Certificate in Vocal Pedagogy  
  Music Theory Pedagogy Graduate Certificate   

Mission Statement

The mission of the Natalie L. Haslam College of Music is to provide the highest quality instruction in the musical arts and to cultivate creative activity and research in the areas of composition, education, musicology, pedagogy, performance, and theory. As part of its mission, the college enriches the musical and educational lives of its students, the university community, and citizens of Tennessee. In support of this mission, the college’s curricula and course offerings are designed to

  • Develop technical and artistic abilities in performance.
  • Foster individual and collaborative work.
  • Promote an understanding of theoretical, historical and cultural studies of music.
  • Provide skills in teaching and the knowledge of educational principles.
  • Encourage interpretive, creative and scholarly expression. Such preparation enables students to be competitive in music careers and related fields and to continue study at an advanced level.

To foster a greater understanding of music, the faculty regularly engage in artistic, educational, and scholarly activities through performances, workshops, publications, and participation in professional organizations.

The college fulfills its service mission to enrich the educational and cultural life of the university community at large by offering a broad range of courses, performance opportunities, as well as public concerts, recitals, and musical productions.

The college also aims to promote a greater understanding of cultural diversity among faculty and students; build a diverse student and faculty community; and offer curricula that require students to engage with the musical richness of our world and develop their own musical identities within an increasingly interconnected globe.