Sep 30, 2024  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nuclear Engineering

J.W. Hines, Head
Nick Brown, Director of Graduate Studies

Hall, H.L., PhD – California (Berkeley)
Hayward, J.P. (UCOR Fellow), PhD – Michigan
Heilbronn, L.H., PhD – Michigan State
Hines, J.W. (Chancellor’s Professor and Postelle Fellow), PhD – Ohio State
Lang, M.K., PhD – University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Lukosi, E., PhD – Missouri (Columbia)
Maldonado, G.I., PhD – North Carolina State
Wirth, B.D. (Governor’s Chair Professor), PhD – California (Santa Barbara)
Wood, R., PhD – Tennessee
Zinkle, S. (Governor’s Chair Professor), PhD – Wisconsin

Associate Professors
Brown, N.R., PhD – Purdue
Coble, J.B., PhD – Tennessee
Donovan, D., PhD – Wisconsin
Hattar, K., PhD – Illinois

Assistant Professors
Bogetic, S., PhD – California (Berkeley)
Casali, L., PhD – Ludwig-Maximilian (Germany)
Chaple Gore, I., PhD – Alabama (Birmingham)
Sobes, V., PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research Professors
Grossbeck, M.L. (Research), PhD – Illinois
Khan, M., PhD – Tennessee
Melcher, C., PhD – California Institute of Technology
Mihalczo, J.T. (Research), PhD – Tennessee
Ruggles, A.E., PhD – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Research Assistant Professors
Ang, C., PhD – Monash (Australia)
Chvala, O., PhD – Prague, Czech Republic
Davis, J., PhD – Idaho State
Liesenfelt, M., PhD – Florida
Penchoff, D., PhD – Tennessee
Stand Stracuzzi, L., PhD – Tennessee
Wen, X., PhD – Oregon State

Professors of Practice
Lagdon, C., MEA – George Washington
Pevey, R.E., PhD, PE – Tennessee

Joint Faculty
Katoh, Y., PhD – University of Tokyo (Japan)
Skutnik, S.E., PhD – North Carolina State
Stowe, A., PhD – Florida State

Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Brian Anderson, Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr. Andrei I. Apostoaei, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr. Steven Arndt, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Birsen Ayaz-Maierhafer, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr. Hash Hashemian, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Samantha Hedrick, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr. Michael Howard, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Richard Howard, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr. Alan Icenhour, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Rajesh Maingi, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Dustin Osborne, Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr. Chet Ramsey, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Kurt Terrani, Adjunct Research Assistant Professor

Dr. Peter Angelo, Lecturer
Dr. Jason Davis, Lecturer

Emeriti Faculty
Dodds, H.L., PhD, PE – Tennessee
Groer, P.G., PhD – Vienna (Austria)
Kerlin, T.W., PhD – Tennessee
Miller, L.F., PhD, PE – Texas A&M
Townsend, L.W., PhD – Idaho
Upadhyaya, B.R., PhD, PE – California (San Diego)

Majors, Degrees
Medical Physics Major, MS  
Nuclear Engineering Major, MS  
  Nuclear Safety Concentration
  Radiological Engineering Concentration
Dual MS-MBA Program, Nuclear Engineering - Business Administration  
Nuclear Engineering Major, PhD  
   Energy Science and Engineering Concentration
  Nuclear Safety Concentration
  Nuclear Space Science and Engineering Concentration
  Radiological Engineering Concentration
Reliability and Maintainability Engineering, MS   
  Nuclear Engineering Concentration
Graduate Certificates
  Medical Physics Graduate Certificate  
  Nuclear Security Science and Analysis Graduate Certificate  
  Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Graduate Certificate   

The Department of Nuclear Engineering offers programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, and three Graduate Certificates. Students may elect a traditional nuclear engineering program focusing on fission energy or radiological engineering concentration program, which prepares students for careers in the radiation safety field (health or medical physics). Both programs are designed for graduates of accredited undergraduate programs in engineering, physics, chemistry, or mathematics.

All entering students pursuing a MS or PhD in NE must have, as a minimum, competency in mathematics through ordinary differential equations. Admitted applicants will be advised of any prerequisite undergraduate courses that may be required for their graduate studies. In addition, students without a BS in nuclear engineering, or the equivalent, must take NE 433 , NE 470  both of which may be taken for graduate credit.

The Graduate Certificate in Medical Physics requires applicants to have earned a PhD in an appropriate field such as Nuclear Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, or other closely related science and engineering discipline.

Graduate Credit for Undergraduate Courses

The 400-level courses, listed in the Graduate Catalog, in nuclear engineering may be taken for graduate credit. However, at least two-thirds of the minimum required credit hours in the MS must be taken in courses numbered 500 or above.