Sep 25, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

General Education Designations

Registration Notes

Academic Disciplines Chart





 17-18 Academic Disciplines Chart  


(GERM) German (433)

  • GERM 491 - Foreign Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of program chair.
  • GERM 492 - Off-Campus Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of program chair.
  • GERM 493 - Independent Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • GERM 494 - German Community Service Practicum

    1 Credit Hours
    Supervised by the director of the lower-division German program. Students assist German classes at local schools or they perform supervised service with local institutions that promote awareness of German culture among the general public.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 3 hours. (Maximum 1 hour per semester.)
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 411 or 412 or 485.
    Registration Permission: Consent of program chair.

(GLBS) Global Studies (440)

  • GLBS 250 - Introduction to Global Studies

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Sociology 250.)
  • GLBS 441 - Global Justice and Human Rights

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Philosophy 441.)
  • GLBS 482 - Special Topics in Global Cinema

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures 482.)
  • GLBS 491 - Foreign Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Comment(s): Requires advance approval of hours and topic by program chair.
  • GLBS 492 - Off-Campus Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Comment(s): Requires advance approval of hours and topic by program chair.
  • GLBS 493 - Independent Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Comment(s): Requires advance approval of hours and topic by program chair.

(HEAM) Higher Education Administration (461)

  • HEAM 455 - Seminar in Student Leadership

    1 Credit Hours
    Topics to be assigned. Designed to develop knowledge and skills in leadership roles for resident assistants, student government leaders, student activities, and other student organizations.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 3 hours.

(HEBR) Hebrew (458)

  • HEBR 141 - Elementary Modern Hebrew I

    4 Credit Hours
    Taped language program.

  • HEBR 142 - Elementary Modern Hebrew II

    4 Credit Hours
    Taped language program.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 141.
  • HEBR 241 - Intermediate Modern Hebrew I

    4 Credit Hours
    Taped language program.

  • HEBR 242 - Intermediate Modern Hebrew II

    4 Credit Hours
    Taped language program.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 241.

(HIAF) History – Africa

  • HIAF 371 - Africa to 1400

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of Sub-Saharan Africa through 1400 CE. Culture, states, religion. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Africana Studies 371.)
  • HIAF 372 - Africa since 1400

    3 Credit Hours
    Encounters amongst Africa, Europe and the Americas. Atlantic trade, colonial and independence eras. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Africana Studies 372.)
  • HIAF 381 - History of South Africa

    3 Credit Hours
    South African history from the pre-colonial period through post-apartheid era. African state formation, resistance to European colonization, impact of industrialization, evolution of modern resistance movements, first democratic elections. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Africana Studies 381.)
  • HIAF 383 - Studies in African History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of African history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Africana Studies 383.)
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIAF 484 - Studies in African History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of African history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Africana Studies 483.)
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.

(HIAS) History – Asia

  • HIAS 383 - Studies in Asian History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of Asian history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIAS 389 - Pre-Modern Chinese History

    3 Credit Hours
    Chinese society from Neolithic Revolution to 1600. Governmental structure, social organization, economic and technological developments, religious practices, artistic, intellectual and literary traditions, cross-cultural exchanges. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIAS 390 - Modern Chinese History

    3 Credit Hours
    Highlights China’s transformation from dynastic system to modern nation state; examines internal and external forces driving China toward revolution in 20th century. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIAS 391 - Modern Chinese Intellectual History

    3 Credit Hours
    Major intellectual currents, late 19th to 20th century, including: role of Confucianism in Chinese state and society, gender and the family; rise of a philosophy of science and social survey movements; formulation of a Chinese Marxist ideology. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIAS 392 - History of Pre-Modern Japan

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduces history, culture and interpretation of the area of the world that later became Japanese nation-state. Topics include Japanese kingship, court culture, rise of the samurai, civil war, religious movements. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIAS 393 - History of Modern Japan

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduces politics, culture and ideologies of modern Japan, 1800 to 1990s. Investigates Japan’s experience as modern nation-state; emphasis on complex interplay between participation in global modernity and assertion of cultural particularity. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIAS 394 - Chinese Intellectual History: Early Times

    3 Credit Hours
    Intellectual traditions from early times to the medieval period, beginning with Confucius. Development and evolution of primary concepts and values over centuries. Impact of changing forms of political organization on intellectual life. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIAS 484 - Studies in Asian History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of Asian history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIAS 490 - The Samurai: Fact, Fiction, Fantasy

    3 Credit Hours
    A history of the samurai from their rise in the ninth century CE to their formal abolition in 1872, this course contrasts the historical narrative with modern depictions of purported samurai ideals to discuss issues pertaining to the politicization of the past.

  • HIAS 494 - History of Tokyo

    3 Credit Hours
    Urban development and architectural changes as examples of the social, political, economic, and cultural transformations defining transition from pre-modern to modern era. Topics include construction of spaces, gendered spaces, spaces apart, and architecture as a source of authority. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIAS 495 - Modern China on Film

    3 Credit Hours
    Changing conceptions of gender, class, race, identity, and nation in modern China through film. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Cinema Studies 495.)

(HIEU) History – Europe

  • HIEU 241 - Development of Western Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of Western history, ancient world to 1715. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIEU 242 - Development of Western Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of Western history, 1715 to present. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIEU 247 - Honors: Development of Western Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Honors survey of Western history, ancient world to 1715. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIEU 248 - Honors: Development of Western Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Honors survey of Western history, 1715 to present. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIEU 302 - History of Greece I

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Classics 302.)
  • HIEU 303 - History of the Roman Republic

    3 Credit Hours
    Surveys Roman history from the archaic (royal) period to the Augustan age. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Classics 309.)
  • HIEU 304 - History of the Early Roman Empire

    3 Credit Hours
    Roman history from the death of Caesar to the emperor Constantine. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Classics 304.)
  • HIEU 305 - History of the Later Roman Empire

    3 Credit Hours
    Roman history in late antiquity from Diocletian to the rise of Islam. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Classics 305.)
  • HIEU 306 - History of Greece II

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Classics 306.)
  • HIEU 311 - Early Middle Ages

    3 Credit Hours
    Formation of medieval society, culture and institutions, 500-1000. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Medieval and Renaissance Studies 309.)
  • HIEU 312 - High Middle Ages

    3 Credit Hours
    Height of medieval civilization – chivalry, monarchy, universities, Gothic cathedrals, 1000-1300 Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Medieval and Renaissance Studies 312.)
  • HIEU 313 - Later Middle Ages

    3 Credit Hours
    Explores the transformation of medieval society, 1300-1400. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Medieval and Renaissance Studies 311.)
  • HIEU 314 - Renaissance Europe

    3 Credit Hours
    Traditionally seen as transition from Middle Ages to modern era. Cultural, social, economic, political, and intellectual developments. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Medieval and Renaissance Studies 314.)
  • HIEU 315 - Reformation Europe

    3 Credit Hours
    Era from 1500-1650. Religious disunity, economic dislocation, political centralization, intellectual skepticism. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Religious Studies 315.)
  • HIEU 316 - Early Modern Europe

    3 Credit Hours
    Era from 1650-1800. Age of revolutions including scientific; intellectual flowering known as the Enlightenment. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 319 - Modern Europe

    3 Credit Hours
    Era from 1750-1914. Political, social, cultural and intellectual transformations. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 320 - Contemporary Europe

    3 Credit Hours
    Era from World War I to present. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 321 - New Testament and Early Christian Origins

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Religious Studies 321.)
  • HIEU 322 - Christianity in Late Antiquity

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Religious Studies 322.)
  • HIEU 323 - Deviance and Persecution in the Christian West

    3 Credit Hours
    Popular perceptions and ecclesiastical and civil policies and institutions designed to uncover and combat heretics, homosexuals, Jews, and witches. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 324 - The Viking World

    3 Credit Hours
    Examines the history of the Viking world from 800 to 1100 CE. Covers numerous topics, including: the incursions and conquests of the Vikings, religion and mythology, the development of medieval Scandinavian society, and the memory of the Viking Age in later culture and myth.

  • HIEU 332 - Europe in the Age of Total War, 1900-2000

    3 Credit Hours
    Role of industrial “total war” in fundamentally reshaping Europe in the 20th century. Imperialist tensions, World War I, troubled interwar diplomacy, World War II, and the Cold War. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 333 - History of the Cold War

    3 Credit Hours
    Global history of the Cold War from 1945 to 1991. Tensions between superpowers and their respective allies; ideological, military, political, social, cultural, and economic dimensions; reasons for Cold War’s end. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 334 - Early Modern Germany

    3 Credit Hours
    To ca. 1815. Developments in German lands, from the medieval empire to its disintegration; dynastic and religious realignments; end of the old order in the Age of Napoleon. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 335 - Modern Germany

    3 Credit Hours
    Nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics include nationhood, revolution, industrialization, social transformation, imperialism, war, fascism, genocide. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 336 - Modern France

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics include the French Revolution, imperialism, Dreyfus Affair, Vichy Regime, student protests of May 1968. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 340 - Revolution in Modern European History: France and Russia

    3 Credit Hours
    Focus on most important revolutions in modern European history: French Revolution of 1789 and Russian Revolution of 1917. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 341 - History of Modern Russia

    3 Credit Hours
    Era from Peter the Great to present.

  • HIEU 383 - Studies in Premodern European History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of premodern European history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIEU 384 - Studies in Modern European History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of modern European history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIEU 395 - The Crusades and Medieval Christian-Muslim Relations

    3 Credit Hours
    Major wars of European Christian armies against Muslim societies, 1050 to 1500; political, military, cultural, religious, intellectual, and diplomatic perspectives. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Judaic Studies 395.)
  • HIEU 426 - Dark Age Empire

    3 Credit Hours
    Era of Charlemagne and Carolingian dynasty (ca. 700-ca. 900), a period of empire-building and religious transformation known to many of its contemporaries as a “Dark Age.” Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 429 - Medieval Intellectual History

    3 Credit Hours
    Evolution of thought in Europe from late antiquity to the advent of Humanism; emphasizes connections between major thinkers and their social, economic, and professional contexts. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 431 - European Cultural and Intellectual History

    3 Credit Hours
    Romanticism to Relativism ― 1750-present. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 433 - European Diplomatic History

    3 Credit Hours
    Diplomatic history of modern Europe, including rise of Great Powers and “balance of power system”; challenges to state system by Napoleon, German empire, and Hitler; creation of overseas empires; decline of European world power. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 434 - Modern European Imperialism

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics include slave trade, scramble for Africa, liberal imperialism, theories of empire, gender, migration, and decolonization. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 435 - Science, Religion and Magic in Early Modern Europe

    3 Credit Hours
    Course examines the role of alchemy, natural magic, and the natural sciences in early modern Europe (1400-1700); special attention to social, religious, economic, and political developments shaping intellectual traditions. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIEU 482 - Studies in Ancient History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of ancient Near East and Mediterranean history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIEU 483 - Studies in Medieval and Early Modern European History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of medieval and early modern Europe. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIEU 484 - Studies in Modern European History

    3 Credit Hours
    Themes and issues in modern European history, eighteenth century to present. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.

(HILA) History – Latin America

  • HILA 255 - Early Latin American and Caribbean History

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean from pre-colonial period through independence era. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 251.)
    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HILA 256 - Modern Latin American and Caribbean History

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean from independence to present. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 252.)
    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HILA 343 - History of Mexico

    3 Credit Hours
    Mexican history from pre-colonial period to present. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 343.)
  • HILA 344 - History of Brazil

    3 Credit Hours
    Brazilian history from pre-colonial period to present. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 344.)
  • HILA 360 - History of Early Latin America

    3 Credit Hours
    Native cultures of pre-Conquest times. Conquest and colonial settlement of Iberian America. Economic, social, cultural developments, concentrating on central areas of European presence and interactions among European, indigenous, and African populations. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 360.)
  • HILA 361 - History of Modern Latin America

    3 Credit Hours
    Independence to modern times. Explores political and economic themes of nationhood as well as socio-economic and political dimensions of race, class, ethnicity, gender. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 361.)
  • HILA 383 - Studies in Latin American and Caribbean History

    3 Credit Hours
    Particular aspects of Latin American and/or Caribbean history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 383.)
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HILA 450 - Slavery in the Early Americas

    3 Credit Hours
    Examines the rise and fall of slavery in the Americas, ca. 1450-1888. Focus on the Caribbean, South and North America. Writing emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 450.)
  • HILA 464 - The Spanish Conquest

    3 Credit Hours
    History of Iberian and Native American societies leading up to the Spanish Conquest of the Americas, the Conquest, and its aftermath. Spanish and indigenous primary accounts of the process of conquest; cultural, religious, gender, epidemiological, and political impact on Spanish and native societies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 464.)
  • HILA 465 - Gender and Sexuality in Early Latin America

    3 Credit Hours
    Gender and sexuality in social systems of pre-Colombian and colonial Latin America; consideration of indigenous and Spanish societies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 466; Women, Gender, and Sexuality 465.)
  • HILA 484 - Studies in Latin American and Caribbean History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of Latin American and Caribbean history. Content varies Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 484.)
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.

(HIME) History – Middle East

  • HIME 350 - Early Muslim-Christian Relations in the Middle East

    3 Credit Hours
    History of Muslim-Christian relations from the rise of Islam to c. 1500. Writing emphasis course.

  • HIME 366 - History of the Middle East and the Islamic World, 600 – 1050

    3 Credit Hours
    History of the Middle East, c.600 to c.1050. Islamic world from Central Asia to North Africa; focus on religious, ethnic, and political diversity. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Middle East Studies 366.)
  • HIME 369 - History of the Middle East and the Islamic World, ca. 1050 – 1500

    3 Credit Hours
    Religious, ethnic, and political diversity of the Islamic world from Central Asia to North Africa, c. 1050 to 1500. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Judaic Studies 369 and Middle East Studies 369.)
  • HIME 370 - Modern Middle East

    3 Credit Hours
    History of the Middle East from the 16th century to the present. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Judaic Studies 370 and Middle East Studies 370.)
  • HIME 382 - Archaeology of the Biblical World

    3 Credit Hours
    Archaeology and material culture of ancient Israel and the biblical world, from the Epi-Paleolithic Period (10,000 – 8,500 BCE) to the end of the Iron Age in the 6th century BCE. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Judaic Studies 382.)
  • HIME 383 - Early Jewish History

    3 Credit Hours
    Biblical-Talmudic periods (1200 BCE – 600 CE). Origins of the Israelites, development of independent Israelite and Jewish states in the ancient Near East, rise of Jewish Diaspora communities, cultural convergences with Hellenism and early Christianity, and the development of Rabbinic Judaism. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Judaic Studies 383.)
  • HIME 384 - Studies in Middle East History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of Middle East history. Content varies Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIME 385 - Studies in Jewish History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of Jewish history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIME 400 - History and Archaeology of Mesopotamia

    3 Credit Hours
    Mesopotamia (Assyria and Babylonia) from the 5th millennium to the Iron Age. Topics include development of village and state-level societies; emergence of social and political institutions; literacy, imperialism, and intersocietal interaction. Writing-emphasis course.

  • HIME 484 - Studies in Middle East History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of Middle Eastern history. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIME 485 - Studies in Jewish History

    3 Credit Hours
    Aspects of Jewish civilization and culture. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    (Same as Judaic Studies 484.)
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • HIME 486 - Studies in the Ancient Near East

    3 Credit Hours
    History and archaeology of Egypt, Anatolia (Turkey), Cyprus, and Persia (Iran). Rise of social complexity and social boundaries in antiquity. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.

(HIST) History (462)

  • HIST 261 - A History of World Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Historical survey of world civilization – origins to 1500. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIST 262 - A History of World Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Historical survey of world civilization – 1500 to present. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIST 267 - Honors: A History of World Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Students will attend the appropriate 261 lectures and the designated honors discussion section. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIST 268 - Honors: A History of World Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Students will attend the appropriate 262 lectures and the designated honors discussion section. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • HIST 299 - Thinking Historically

    3 Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of the historian’s craft. Variable content. Required for all majors except history honors students.

    Registration Restriction(s): History majors only.
  • HIST 307 - Honors: Introduction/Historical Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Historical analysis and philosophy of history. Principles and techniques of research emphasizing the roles of climates of opinion and frames of reference and the problems of evidence, interpretation, and objectivity. Required of students working for honors in history.

    Registration Permission: Consent of honors director.

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