Sep 24, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

General Education Designations

Registration Notes

Academic Disciplines Chart





(MLSL) Military Science and Leadership (689)

  • MLSL 102 - Introduction to Tactical Leadership

    2 Credit Hours
    Overviews leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills. Cadets explore dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
  • MLSL 103 - Army ROTC Fitness Program

    1 Credit Hours
    Develops individual muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardio-respiratory endurance. Classes are divided into groups based on ability and exercises are geared toward personal improvement. Primary evaluation is the Army Physical Fitness Test which consists of pushups, sit-ups and a two-mile run.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 8 hours.
  • MLSL 200 - Leader’s Training Course

    4 Credit Hours
    A 28-day leadership practicum at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Familiarizes students with Army physical fitness, land navigation, rifle marksmanship, and military problem-solving/decision-making.

  • MLSL 201 - Innovative Team Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework (trait and behavior theories). Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
  • MLSL 202 - Foundations of Tactical Leadership

    3 Credit Hours
    Examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex contemporary operating environment (COE). The course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
  • MLSL 301 - Adaptive Tactical Leadership

    4 Credit Hours
    Challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities.

    Contact Hour Distribution: 3 hours and 1 lab.
    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 101 and 102; 201, 202, or 200.
    Comment(s): 2.0 GPA.
  • MLSL 302 - Leadership in Changing Environments

    4 Credit Hours
    Increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build cadet awareness and skills in leading tactical operations up to platoon level. Cadets review aspects of combat, stability, and support operations. They also conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in garrison operation orders.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 301.
  • MLSL 303 - Leadership in Military History

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduces learners to the American military experience and the development of the profession of arms. The importance of historical study is highlighted by noting personal and military examples of changes made as a result of lessons learned from history. Accounts from the major wars and battles throughout U.S. history are described with a focus on how leadership decisions affected the success or failure of military operations.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (WC)
    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
  • MLSL 349 - United States Military History, 1754 to the Present

    3 Credit Hours
    (See History 349.)
  • MLSL 400 - National Advanced Leadership Camp

    4 Credit Hours
    A 31-day leadership practicum held at Fort Lewis, Washington. Students are evaluated in varied leadership positions, rifle marksmanship, land navigation, field leadership reaction course, and tactical small unit leadership.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 301 and 302.
  • MLSL 401 - Developing Adaptive Leaders

    4 Credit Hours
    Develops cadet proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Cadets assess risk, make ethical decisions, and lead fellow ROTC cadets. Lessons on military justice and personnel processes prepare cadets to make the transition to Army officers.

    Contact Hour Distribution: 3 hours and 1-hour lab.
    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
  • MLSL 402 - Leadership in a Complex World

    4 Credit Hours
    Explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the contemporary operating environment (COE). Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield and host nation support.

    Contact Hour Distribution: 3 hours and 1-hour lab.
    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 301 and 302 and 401.
  • MLSL 493 - Military Leadership Topics

    1 Credit Hours
    Topics on principles and styles of military leadership. Students conduct in-depth profile of a contemporary or historic military leader.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 4 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

(MRST) Medieval and Renaissance Studies

  • MRST 201 - Medieval Civilization I

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to basic themes in the medieval experience approached from interdisciplinary points of view and including philosophy and religion, art and architecture, language and literature, and social and political history. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • MRST 202 - Medieval Civilization II

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to basic themes in the medieval experience approached from interdisciplinary points of view and including philosophy and religion, art and architecture, language and literature, and social and political history. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
  • MRST 261 - Medieval Culture: Readings from the Early Middle Ages, 500-1000

    3 Credit Hours
    Critical analysis and interpretation of selected works from the early medieval period. Focuses on major types of literature produced during the period 500-1000 AD, e.g., cultural, religious, rhetorical, lyric, epic, biographical. Includes Augustine’s Confessions, Boethius’ Consolation, St. Gregory’s Life of St. Benedict, The Life of Charlemagne, etc. Writing-emphasis course.

  • MRST 262 - Medieval Culture: Readings from the Later Middle Ages, 1000-1500

    3 Credit Hours
    Critical analysis and interpretation of selected works from the later medieval period. Focuses on romantic, allegorical, and mystical writings from the high and later Middle Ages, e.g., the Song of the Nibelungen, the Romance of the Rose, St. Bernard’s Commentary on the Song of Songs, Peter Abelard’s History of My Calamities. Writing-emphasis course.

  • MRST 312 - Medieval History

    3 Credit Hours
    (See History 312.)
  • MRST 313 - Medieval History

    3 Credit Hours
    (See History 313.)
  • MRST 322 - Medieval Philosophy

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Philosophy 322.)
  • MRST 401 - Dante and Medieval Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Italian 401.)
  • MRST 402 - Petrarch and Boccaccio

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Italian 402.)
  • MRST 403 - Seminar in Medieval and Renaissance Studies

    3 Credit Hours
    Interdisciplinary treatment of selected topics. Content varies. Writing-emphasis course.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
  • MRST 405 - Medieval Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    (See English 401.)
  • MRST 406 - Chaucer

    3 Credit Hours
    (See English 402.)
  • MRST 410 - Topics in Medieval/Early Modern French Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    (See French 410.)
  • MRST 432 - Medieval Art of the West, 800-1400

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Art History 431.)
  • MRST 442 - Northern European Painting, 1350-1600

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Art History 441.)
  • MRST 452 - The Art of Italy, 1250-1450

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Art History 451.)
  • MRST 475 - Ancient and Medieval Political Thought

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Political Science 475.)
  • MRST 491 - Foreign Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
  • MRST 492 - Off-Campus Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
  • MRST 493 - Independent Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.

(MSE) Materials Science and Engineering (638)

  • MSE 101 - Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

    1 Credit Hours
    Review of modern advances in materials science and engineering. Exposes students to a variety of materials science and engineering case studies to demonstrate the societal impact of the materials science and engineering profession.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
  • MSE 201 - Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Correlation of atomic structure, crystal structure, and microstructure of solids with mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of engineering significance.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 120.
  • MSE 210 - Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory

    1 Credit Hours
    Laboratory assignments demonstrating introductory concepts in materials science and engineering; heat treating, mechanical testing, microscopy.

    (RE) Corequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 250 - Introduction to Materials Kinetics and Transport Phenomena

    3 Credit Hours
    Mass and energy balances and reaction kinetics. Steady state and transient heat transfer. Viscous flow of gases and liquids. Applications to synthesis and processing of engineering materials and technologies. Analytical and numerical problem solving.

    Contact Hour Distribution: 3 hours lecture.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Engineering Fundamentals 230, Mathematics 142 or 148.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 201 and Mathematics 231.
  • MSE 260 - Materials Engineering Thermodynamics

    3 Credit Hours
    Thermodynamic laws, entropy, internal energy, and state functions. One-component and two-component phase equilibria. Characteristics of small and large molecular systems. Surface energy, elasticity, and material defects.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201; Engineering Fundamentals 152 or 158; Chemistry 130 or 138; and Mathematics 241 or 247.
  • MSE 290 - Professional Development

    1 Credit Hours
    Professionalism, ethical considerations, safety, patents, product liability, field trips, industrial speakers, materials science in a global/societal context, teamwork, contemporary issues, and life-long learning.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May not be repeated.
  • MSE 300 - Principles of Materials Laboratory I

    1 Credit Hours
    Hands-on sample preparation, characterization, and data analysis for introductory studies demonstrating the structure-property-processing relationships of materials. Report writing skills including word processing and graphics usage; Oral presentation skills.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201 and 210.
  • MSE 301 - Applied Statistics and Numerical Methods for Materials Scientists and Engineers

    3 Credit Hours
    Statistical methods for probabilities, expectations, sampling, and estimation; numerical methods for regression, integration, solution for systems of linear/nonlinear algebraic and differential equations.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Engineering Fundamentals 230; Mathematics 142 or 148, and Mathematics 231.
  • MSE 302 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials I

    3 Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of deformation and fracture in solids, including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Topics include stress and strain tensors, isotropic and anisotropic elasticity, anelastic and viscoelastic deformation, plasticity, tensile testing, mechanisms of plastic deformation in crystalline solids, basic strengthening mechanisms, and elementary fracture mechanics.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 304 - Principles of Materials Laboratory II

    1 Credit Hours
    Laboratory assignments demonstrating fundamental principles of materials science and engineering.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 300, 320, 340, 360.
  • MSE 320 - Diffusion and Phase Transformations

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to diffusion in solids. Diffusion equations, point defects, and atomic mechanisms of diffusion. Thermodynamics of phase equilibrium. Introduction to the kinetics and morphology of phase transformations.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201 and 260.
  • MSE 340 - Principles of Polymeric Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Synthesis and molecular structure of polymers and polymerization kinetics. Molecular characterization, crystalline and glass transitions, crystallization kinetics, mechanical properties, rheology, and processing.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 347 - Honors: Principles of Polymeric Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Honors version of 340 that requires an additional honors component.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 350 - Principles of Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Fundamental electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of solid state materials. Basic bonding and crystallography correlations to electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of materials. Specific subjects that will be covered include wave properties of electrons, Schrodinger’s equation, energy bands in crystals, electrical conduction in metals and semiconductors, classical and quantum mechanical treatments of optical properties, and magnetic phenomena.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 357 - Honors: Principles of Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Honors version of 350 that requires an additional honors component.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 360 - Principles of Ceramic Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Description of the atomic structure of ceramic materials and glasses. Description of defects in ceramic materials and correlations to physical properties. Features and operations of ternary phase diagrams of ceramic systems.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 367 - Honors: Principles of Ceramic Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Honors version of 360 that requires an additional honors component.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 370 - Materials Processing

    3 Credit Hours
    Application of fundamentals of mass and energy balances, mechanics, heat and mass transfer, and chemical thermodynamics and kinetics to the processing of materials and manufacturing of products. A wide range of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers), geometries (bulk, fibers, films, coatings), and processes (casting, molding, extrusion, forging, powder processing, coating techniques, etc.) are studied as examples of processing technologies. Elementary ideas of process measurement and control.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 340 and 360.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 320.
  • MSE 390 - Principles of Metallic Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Review of the heat treatment of steels, hardenability, quenching of steels, tempering of steels, austenitzation of steels, annealing, normalizing, martempering and austempering, surface treatments of steels, tool steels, stainless steels, structural steels, review of diffusion, ternary phase diagrams, physical metallurgy and heat treatment of aluminum and cu alloys, design of heat treatments.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 397 - Honors: Principles of Metallic Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Honors version of 390 that requires an additional honors component.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 405 - Structural Characterization of Materials

    4 Credit Hours
    X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and microanalytical techniques.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (WC)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Physics 232.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • MSE 408 - Functional Nanoscale Materials: Processing, Properties, and Applications

    3 Credit Hours
    Principles of nanoscale materials processing by nucleation, self-assembly, thin film and bulk techniques, and lithography. Fundamentals of size-dependent mechanical, electronic and optical properties and their characterization. Applications of nanoscale materials to energy harvesting, information processing and structural materials.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 410 - Theory and Processing of Conventional and Nano-Structured Devices

    3 Credit Hours
    Conventional and nano-scale device structure and processing; p-n junctions, semiconductor diode solid state amplifiers; semiconductor crystal growth, epitaxial growth, doping, ion implantation, diffusion, and lithography.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Physics 232.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level ― junior.
  • MSE 421 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials II

    3 Credit Hours
    Description of stress and strain. Linear elastic constitutive equations. Isotropic and anisotropic moduli in various materials. Yield criteria, brittle fracture, crazing, and plastic strain constitutive equations. Forming operations and limit criteria.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 302.
  • MSE 425 - Welding Metallurgy

    3 Credit Hours
    Welding processes; physical metallurgy of welding; phase transformations; heat flow; residual stresses; theories of hot cracking, cold cracking and porosity formation; applications to process utilization.

    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • MSE 432 - Defects in Crystals

    3 Credit Hours
    Analytical and experimental analysis of defect interactions in solids.

    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • MSE 440 - Polymer Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Non-Newtonian rheology, shear thinning fluids, rheometry, melt processing operations, molecular orientation, linear viscoelasticity, dynamic mechanical behavior, yield, fracture, mechanical properties of polymeric composites.

    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 340.
  • MSE 445 - Polymer Engineering Processing and Characterization Laboratory

    3 Credit Hours
    This is a project-based polymer processing laboratory course. Groups of students will work on specific projects that involve polymer processing and characterization. Each semester-long project includes processing of polymer samples, characterization of mechanical and physical properties of the products, variation of processing parameters to determine effect on properties, and generation of oral and written reports.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 450 - Introduction to Nuclear Fuels and Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Nuclear Engineering 440.)
  • MSE 451 - Corrosion in Nuclear Power Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Nuclear Engineering 441.)
  • MSE 455 - Materials for Energy

    3 Credit Hours
    Underlying physics and operating principles of functional materials used in energy applications such as photovoltaics and photocatalysts, fuel cells, batteries, thermoelectrics, and superconductors.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 350.
    Comment(s): Prior knowledge may satisfy prerequisite with consent of instructor.
  • MSE 457 - Engineering Entrepreneurship

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Mechanical Engineering 457.)
  • MSE 460 - Solar Photovoltaics

    3 Credit Hours
    Underlying physics of semiconductor materials used as photovoltaics and a review of the current state of the art of converting sunlight to electrical energy.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 350 or consent of the instructor.
  • MSE 466 - Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

    3 Credit Hours
    Review of the atomic origin of magnetic moments and how these moments can be affected by their local environment. Properties, basic theory, and applications of para-, dia-, ferro-, ferri- and antiferromagnets. Novel magnetic phenomena and magnetic materials in modern technological applications.

    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 350.
  • MSE 474 - Biomaterials

    3 Credit Hours
    Metals, polymers, and ceramics utilized in orthopedic, cardiovascular, and dental surgical implant devices. Corrosion and degradation problems. Material properties of primary importance and tissue response to synthetic materials.

    (Same as Biomedical Engineering 474).
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 480 - Materials Selection in Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Systematic materials selection in design. Review of material properties. Use of property selection charts and indices. Materials selection with and without shape constraints. Materials processing in design. Case studies. Sources of material property data, utilization of material data bases. Industrial design, aesthetics, economics, regulations, forces for changes.

    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level ― junior.
  • MSE 484 - Introduction to Maintainability Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    (See Nuclear Engineering 484.)
  • MSE 485 - Advanced Biomaterials: Biological Application of Nanomaterials

    3 Credit Hours
    0-d, 1-d and 2-d nanomaterials synthesis and characterization with emphasis of surface properties. Chemical and biological functionalization of nanomaterials and nano-bio interfaces. Biological and biomedical application of nanomaterials.

    (Same as Biomedical Engineering 485.)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 474.
  • MSE 486 - Cell and Tissue-Biomaterials Interaction

    3 Credit Hours
    Study of the fundamental principles involved in materials/cell and tissue interactions. Students will learn the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms in host response to biomaterials. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of biomaterials/neuronal cell and tissue interactions into the design of neural implants (sensors, scaffolds, and therapeutics delivery modalities, etc.).

    (Same as Biomedical Engineering 486.)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 474 or Biomedical Engineering 409.
  • MSE 489 - Materials Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Design projects involving materials selection and performance.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (OC)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 304, 340, 360, 370, 390, 480.
  • MSE 494 - Special Project Laboratory

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Group or individual investigation of problems related to materials science and engineering.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 201.
  • MSE 495 - Thesis

    3 Credit Hours
    Research problems in materials science and engineering with prior approval of a professor.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level ― senior.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

(MUCO) Musicology (706)

  • MUCO 110 - Introduction to Music in Western Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    The study of style periods of Western European art music and related issues of cultural and social history. Develops listening skills and ability to respond to music articulately. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (AH)
    Credit Restriction: Students who receive a grade of C or better in 200 may not receive credit for 110.
  • MUCO 115 - Music in the United States

    3 Credit Hours
    Explores musical traditions of the United States. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (AH)
  • MUCO 120 - History of Rock

    3 Credit Hours
    Study and appreciation of rock music, its origins in blues and rock and roll, and its development and cultural dimensions to the present. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (AH)
  • MUCO 125 - Jazz in American Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    The historical study of jazz as part of American culture, including its styles, key performers, and musical practices. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (AH)
  • MUCO 210 - History of Western Music, Ancient to the Baroque

    3 Credit Hours
    Historical study of musical styles, practices, theories, and context of European art music to 1750. Develops skills in independent research, critical thinking, and expository writing. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (AH) (WC)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 110 or 115 or 120 or 125.
  • MUCO 220 - History of Western Music, Classical to the Present

    3 Credit Hours
    Historical study of musical styles, practices, theories, and context of European art music from 1750 to present. Develops skills in independent research, critical thinking, and expository writing. Writing-emphasis course.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (AH)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 110 or 115 or 120 or 125.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): Music Theory 110.
  • MUCO 290 - Soundscapes: Exploring Music in a Changing World

    3 Credit Hours
    An introduction to music within expressive culture and as a part of peoples’ daily lives around the world. Focuses on music as sound, its role in conceptions of identity, migration and global social processes, personal and community memory, and politics and power.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (AH)
  • MUCO 330 - Women in Music

    3 Credit Hours
    Interdisciplinary survey of music as a gendered construct in varying cultural contexts, including western European art music, American popular music, and others. Explores gendered roles in composition, performance, and social and musical institutions from the point of view of historical, cultural, feminist, and queer interpretations.

    (Same as Women’s Studies 330.)
    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (WC)
  • MUCO 350 - History of Jazz

    3 Credit Hours
    Origin, development, and styles of jazz music and its exponents. Cultivation of special listening techniques. Writing-emphasis course.

    Registration Restriction(s): Bachelor of Music music major; studio music and jazz concentration.
  • MUCO 380 - Music in World Cultures

    3 Credit Hours
    Examines music from an ethnomusicological perspective focusing on musical performance and the interrelationships of music, culture, and daily life. The course surveys music from a variety of cultures through a series of case studies.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (WC)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 210 and 220.
  • MUCO 400 - Music History Survey

    3 Credit Hours
    Condensed survey of the history of western European musical traditions from the medieval era to the present, including socio-political events that shape musical practice. Explores musical genres and styles, as well as key themes in musicological research.

    Grading Restriction: A, B, C, No Credit grading only.
    Credit Restriction: Does not count toward graduate credit.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 110 or 115 or 120 or 125.
    Comment(s): Recommended as a review course for graduate students.
  • MUCO 410 - Special Topics in Musicology

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics vary, drawn from historical, cultural, analytical, or musicological issues related to a musical genre, style, repertory, composer, or other.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    Recommended Background: 100-level musicology course.
  • MUCO 411 - Music of Appalachia

    3 Credit Hours
    Explores the diverse, complex and frequently misunderstood music and culture of the Appalachian region. Topics include balladry, early fiddle and banjo styles, religious music, bluegrass, early country music, and Americana.

    (Same as American Studies 411.)
  • MUCO 412 - Women, Performance Art, and the Avant Garde

    3 Credit Hours
    Explores interdisciplinary 20th-century phenomena of performance and performativity with sexuality, feminisms, social constructions of gender, and identifications and presentations of the body. Consideration of ways in which performative expressions employ and encompass aspects of music, voice, and sound, drama, spoken word, film, visual arts, movement, and dance.

    (Same as Women’s Studies 412.)
  • MUCO 413 - Music and the African Diaspora

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduces music and related cultural expressions of the African diaspora connecting Africa, the Americas (especially North America) and Europe. Introduces interdisciplinary social theories, evaluates critical debates, and explores several case studies of African and African American music and performance.

    (Same as Africana Studies 413.)
    Comment(s): Students who have taken 310 cannot receive credit for 413.
  • MUCO 414 - Music and Media

    3 Credit Hours
    Explores the role of music and sound as they intersect with visual and aural media. Topics may include gramophone and radio, film, television, computer technologies, and others. Focus on changing perceptions about music through new media from the perspectives of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, media studies, cinema studies, and allied disciplines.

  • MUCO 460 - Music Aesthetics

    3 Credit Hours
    Nature of music and musical experience, sense perception and emotions, music, and the role of artist in society. Aesthetic viewpoint of individuals and historical eras through selected writings. Writing-emphasis course.

    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 110 or 115 or 120 or 125.
  • MUCO 480 - Music in Christian Worship

    3 Credit Hours
    Hymnody, liturgies, and liturgical music.

    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 110 or 115 or 120 or 125.
    Recommended Background: 100-level musicology course.
  • MUCO 493 - Independent Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

(MUED) Music Education (707)

  • MUED 200 - Conducting Laboratory

    1 Credit Hours
    A laboratory course designed to afford conducting opportunities for student conductors and to acquaint students with a variety of music literature.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 3 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May be taken as elective credit by any student except those registered for 310, 320.
  • MUED 210 - Class Woodwind Methods I

    1 Credit Hours
    Structure, use, and techniques of playing. Care and repair of the clarinet in school instrumental organizations. Emphasis on techniques necessary for basic understanding and effective teaching of the instruments. Practical use of current instructional materials.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Bachelor of Music ― music majors only.
  • MUED 211 - Class Woodwind Methods II

    1 Credit Hours
    Structure, use, and techniques of playing. Care and repair of the flute and saxophone in school instrumental organizations. Emphasis on techniques necessary for basic understanding and effective teaching of the instruments. Practical use of current instructional materials.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Bachelor of Music ― music majors only.
  • MUED 212 - Class Woodwind Methods III

    1 Credit Hours
    Structure, use, and techniques of playing. Care and repair of the oboe and bassoon in school instrumental organizations. Emphasis on techniques necessary for basic understanding and effective teaching of the instruments. Practical use of current instructional materials.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Bachelor of Music ― music majors only.
  • MUED 220 - Class Brass Methods

    1 Credit Hours
    Structure, use, and techniques of playing. Care and repair of the upper brass instruments in school instrumental organizations. Emphasis on techniques necessary for basic understanding and effective teaching of the instruments. Practical use of current instructional materials.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Bachelor of Music ― music majors only.
  • MUED 221 - Class Brass Methods II

    1 Credit Hours
    Structure, use, and techniques of playing. Care and repair of the lower brass instruments in school instrumental organizations. Emphasis on techniques necessary for basic understanding and effective teaching of the instruments. Practical use of current instructional materials.

    Grading Restriction: Letter grade only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Bachelor of Music ― music majors only.

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