Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Special Education Major, BS in Education - Teacher Education (Undergraduate Internship Program)

Completion of this program, along with meeting all State requirements for teacher licensure, results in the Bachelor of Science degree and teaching endorsements in Interventionist K-8, Interventionist 6-12, and Comprehensive K-12. Students complete a year-long teaching internship during the senior year (terms 7 and 8). Internship placements begin when the assigned school system requires teachers to report (pre-planning) and end when the school system concludes for teachers (post-planning). Students are recommended for licensure upon completion of the internship year and all state requirements (e.g., passing Praxis exams and edTPA).

Progression Requirements

Progression to the Special Education major requires a 2.75 cumulative GPA after a minimum of 12 semester hours of coursework. A Board of Admissions will meet fall, spring, and summer to review applications and conduct interviews with each applicant. Students admitted to the program must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 while in the program. Students must earn a grade of C or better in all Teacher Education courses. Students with less than a 2.75 GPA for two consecutive semesters will be dropped from the program. Students who fail to meet the standards for professional conduct during their courses and/or fieldwork will not be retained in the major.



uTrack Requirements

Universal Tracking (uTrack) is an academic monitoring system designed to help students stay on track for timely graduation. In order to remain on track, students must complete the minimum requirements for each tracking semester, known as milestones. Milestones include successful completion of specified courses and/or attainment of a minimum GPA. uTrack requirements only affect full-time, degree-seeking students.

Term 1

Credit Hours 16

Term 1 Milestone Notes

  • 2.5 GPA

Term 2

Credit Hours 15

Term 2 Milestone Notes

  • 2.75 GPA

Credit Hours 16

Term 3 Milestone Notes

  • 2.75 GPA

Credit Hours 15

Term 4 Milestone Notes

Credit Hours 15

Credit Hours 15

Term 6 Milestone Notes

  • 2.75 GPA

Term 7

  • 11 Professional Support Elective 3 Credit Hours

Credit Hours 15

Term 7 Milestone Notes

  • 2.75 GPA

Term 8

  • Unrestricted Elective 1 Credit Hours

Credit Hours 13

Term 8 Milestone Notes

  • 2.75 GPA

Total Credit Hours 120


  1. Three courses from the Written Communication * (WC), First-year composition sequence (2 courses, 3 credit hours each) and one additional Written Communication * course (SPED 416 *).
  2. One course from approved Arts and Humanities * (AH) courses.
  3. Two 3-hour courses from approved Quantitative Reasoning * (QR) courses. Please note that students must select a math and/or statistics course.
  4. Two courses (minimum 3 hours each) from approved Natural Sciences * (NS) courses, one must have a laboratory.
  5. One course (minimum 1 hour) from approved Oral Communication * (OC) courses.
  6. One course (minimum 3 hours) from approved Social Sciences * (SS) courses.
  7. One course (minimum 3 hours) from approved Global Citizenship – International * (GCI) courses (CSE 200 * recommended).
  8. One course (minimum 3 hours) from approved Global Citizenship – US * (GCUS) courses.
  9. At least 9 credit hours (minimum 2 courses; at least two different subject areas) from Engaged Inquiries (EI)  courses.
  10. Two courses (at least 6 credit hours) from Expanded Perspectives * Electives (select from Arts and Humanities *, Social Sciences *, Global Citizenship – International *, Global Citizenship – US *, or Applied Arts and Humanities  Courses*).
  11. Select from COUN 333  *, ELED 322  *, REED 230  *, REED 428 , RSM 326  *, SCED 430 , SSCE 421 , SPED 200S , SPED 452 , WLEL 489 .
  12. One course from approved Applied Oral Communication (AOC)  courses.

* Meets Volunteer Core  Requirement.