Feb 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Economics Major, BS in Business Administration - Collateral Option (Business Administration)

The economics major provides an opportunity to apply the theoretical and analytical rigor of basic managerial and macroeconomic tools to contemporary issues in economics and business. Students choose from a traditional option (27 hours in economics), a collateral option (complementary coursework in finance, mathematics, or statistics), a concentration in international business, or a concentration in Heath Integrated Business and Engineering. Electives, as well as major coursework under the traditional option, consider topics such as business/industrial organization and public finance, as well as international, quantitative, monetary, regional/urban, environmental, labor, and health economics. Majors pursue careers in the traditional business disciplines, consulting, all levels of government service, and a variety of other fields. The program provides excellent training for graduate work in economics, business, public policy, and law. Students planning to pursue graduate study in economics should elect the quantitative economics and mathematics collateral option.



uTrack Requirements

Universal Tracking (uTrack) is an academic monitoring system designed to help students stay on track for timely graduation. In order to remain on track, students must complete the minimum requirements for each tracking semester, known as milestones. Milestones include successful completion of specified courses and/or attainment of a minimum GPA. uTrack requirements only affect full-time, degree-seeking students.

Term 1

Credit Hours 16-18

Term 1 Milestone Notes

  • 2.5 cumulative GPA

Term 2

Credit Hours 15-17

Term 2 Milestone Notes

  • 2.5 cumulative GPA

Term 3

Credit Hours 15

Term 3 Milestone Notes

  • 2.5 cumulative GPA

Credit Hours 15

Term 4 Milestone Notes

  • 2.5 Cumulative GPA

Credit Hours 15

Term 5 Milestone Notes

Term 6

  • Collateral Course 3 Credit Hours
  • 5 Economics Elective (300-level) 3 Credit Hours
  • 4 Unrestricted Elective 2 Credit Hours

Credit Hours 15

Term 6 Milestone Notes

  • 2.5 cumulative GPA

Term 7

  • 5 Economics Elective (300-level) 3 Credit Hours
  • 5 Economics Elective (400-level) 3 Credit Hours
  • 4 Unrestricted Elective 3 Credit Hours

Credit Hours 14

Term 7 Milestone Notes

Term 8

  • Collateral Courses 6 Credit Hours
  • 4 Unrestricted Electives 5 Credit Hours

Credit Hours 15

Term 8 Milestone Notes

  • No milestones

Total Credit Hours 120-124


  1. Must be completed by the end of the First Year.
  2. Chosen from the Volunteer Core  list.
  3. Students who have already completed MATH 132 * with a C or better may substitute that for MATH 141 *.
  4. Any courses not already required for the major.
  5. Students completing the collateral in quantitative economics and math will complete ECON 381  and ECON 482  as two of the four required economics elective courses.
  6. Students pursuing a collateral in Finance must choose ACCT 203  or ACCT 208 , and FINC 306 .
  7. First-semester freshmen should take BUAD 100 ; transfer students should take BUAD 210 .
  8. At least three hours from courses among the Volunteer Core  Applied Arts and Humanities (AAH) , Arts and Humanities (AH) , Global Citizenship - International (GCI) , Global Citizenship - United States (GCUS) , or Social Sciences (SS)  lists.

* Meets Volunteer Core Requirements .

Economics Collateral Options

Advanced Foreign Language

(only available to students pursuing International Business as a secondary major)

Business Analytics

Quantitative Economics and Math

Economics Major - Five-Year BSBA/MA Program

The Department of Economics and Department of Finance offer an accelerated 5-year Bachelor’s/MA program for qualified students. With prior approval, students may take up to 9 credit hours of 400-level or 500-level courses that satisfy their senior undergraduate electives and have them count toward both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees at UT-Knoxville. Students first obtain a BA degree in Economics through the College of Arts and Sciences, a BSBA in Economics through the Haslam College of Business, or a BSBA in Finance through the Haslam College of Business. Then, with an additional two semesters of coursework, students complete an MA in Economics. Students are typically considered for conditional admission to the accelerated program prior to their last year of undergraduate studies.

Important guidelines and admissions requirements are as follows:

  • Applicants must have declared an economics major in either the College of Arts and Sciences or the Haslam College of Business, or a finance major in the Haslam College of Business.
  • Students first apply to their undergraduate department for conditional admission to the accelerated combined program after completing a minimum of 64 credit hours of required coursework towards the undergraduate major. Students are strongly encouraged to have taken one year of calculus, ECON 311 , ECON 313 , and ECON 381  prior to applying.
  • Students must at least have conditional admission before taking courses that will count for both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. These courses must be approved by their undergraduate department  and the Graduate School. Students must request permission from the Graduate School to take approved courses for graduate credit by submitting the Senior Requesting Graduate Credit form. This form must be completed and submitted to the Graduate School before each semester in which the undergraduate student enrolls in courses for graduate credit.
  • Students must follow the normal procedure for admission to the master’s program by submitting the online admission application to the Graduate School during their last year of undergraduate studies. Students will be fully admitted to the MA program after they have been accepted by both the Graduate School and the Department of Economics.
  • Students will not be eligible for graduate assistantships until they are enrolled as graduate-level students in the Graduate School.