Mar 02, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Intercollegiate Graduate Statistics Program, Minor

The Intercollegiate Graduate Statistics Program (IGSP) is a formal University of Tennessee, Knoxville, academic program established to enable students to earn either a minor or an MS in statistics simultaneously with a master’s or doctoral degree in another department. Approved course work taken to meet doctoral requirements in the student’s home department may also be credited toward the MS in statistics. Similarly, approved course work in statistics taken to meet the requirements for a master’s or doctoral degree in another department may also count toward the statistics minor. The program is open to graduate students in all participating departments which have an approved minor and/or MS joint major curriculum offered through the program. The program is administered by an executive committee, consisting of college representatives from all colleges with approved programs, with advisory input from the program faculty.


Degree Program

Credit Hours in Approved IGSP Courses

Master’s in home department, minor in statistics 9
Master’s in home department, MS in statistics* 21
Doctorate in home department, minor in statistics 15
Doctorate in home department, MS in statistics** 21

  * The MS in statistics requires 30 credit hours separate from the degree requirements in the home department.
** The MS in statistics requires 30 credit hours.

Course options consist of courses in statistics offered either by the Department of Business Analytics and Statistics or by other departments, which have been reviewed and approved by the IGSP Executive Committee. Students completing two master’s degrees and doctoral students taking an MS with a major in statistics or a minor in statistics must pass a written comprehensive examination in statistics, constructed and evaluated by the student’s examination committee. No formal comprehensive examination is required of students earning a statistics minor along with a master’s in another field beyond questions the home department wishes to include as part of the comprehensive examination for the master’s degree.


The student’s home department must have a program of courses approved by the executive committee. That program will specify the sequences of statistics courses, chosen from the IGSP approved list, considered appropriate by the home department. Students who wish to participate in this program should contact their college representative or the Chair of IGSP in the Department of Business Analytics and Statistics.

The student’s graduate committee must include a member of the IGSP faculty. For students seeking doctoral degrees or the Master of Science with a major in statistics, the committee member must be a faculty member in the Department of Business Analytics and Statistics.

The IGSP Student Application Form must be completed by the student, signed by the appropriate committee members and submitted to the Chair of the Executive Committee. The completed and signed form is then submitted to the Graduate School for the official enrollment to the IGSP and as the official application for the Admission to Candidacy for the MS degree.

Successful completion of the statistics MS or minor is recognized by appropriate documentation on the student’s transcript. Students who do not complete the requirements of the minor or MS will still receive academic credit for the statistics courses they have successfully completed.