2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chemical Engineering Major, PhD
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Students may apply directly to the PhD program either with or without having completed a master’s thesis. Students proceeding directly to the PhD program from a baccalaureate degree should submit evidence of outstanding performance in a rigorous undergraduate program and the ability to perform independent research at the doctoral level.
A total of 72 hours beyond the bachelor’s degree are required for the PhD. These consist of course work hours and research and dissertation hours (CBE 600 ). Specifically, the departmental requirements consist of the satisfactory completion of
- A minimum of 36 semester hours in graduate-level courses (excluding CBE 600 ) in chemical engineering and related fields beyond the baccalaureate. These courses must include the four core courses (CBE 506 , CBE 531 , CBE 547 , and CBE 579 ), and at least 6 hours of courses at the 600 level from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
- A qualifying exam that assesses the student’s competence in the core areas of chemical and biomolecular engineering, ability to think analytically and creatively, and potential to perform original research.
- A comprehensive examination consisting of a written part and an oral part. The written part consists of a written thesis research proposal, and the oral defense of the thesis research proposal constitutes the oral portion of the exam.
- A minimum of 24 hours of research and dissertation credit in CBE 600 . Registration must be continuous from the time research begins. (See the Continuous Registration requirement in the Graduate School section of this catalog.)
- Successful oral defense of the dissertation before the student’s dissertation committee.
- Active participation in graduate seminars conducted by the department. Resident students must register for CBE 501 or CBE 503 every semester offered.
- Completion of a minimum of two semesters of service as a teaching assistant in departmental courses.
Energy Science and Engineering Concentration
This concentration is offered in collaboration with the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education (CIRE). The CIRE is a joint effort between the College of Engineering, other University of Tennessee colleges, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The students who wish to pursue this concentration will normally have completed 6 Core credit hours, 3 credit hours of Knowledge Breadth, and 6 credit hours of Knowledge Specialization coursework (minimum 15 hours) specified under the Energy Science and Engineering major , (PhD) program section of this catalog. |
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