2011-2012 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Life Sciences (Interdepartmental)
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Albrecht vonArnim, Director for the Genome science and technology concentration
Barry D. Bruce, Interim Director for the Plant physiological and genetics concentration
Life Sciences |
Genome science and technology concentration |
Plant physiology and genetics concentration |
The program leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees with a major in life sciences is interdepartmental and intercollegiate and is designed to augment offerings of individual departments in two concentrations – genome science and technology, and plant physiology and genetics. Students interested in these areas should contact the director of the area of interest. Each concentration is administered separately and has unique admission requirements.
The Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology participates in the interdisciplinary graduate minor in computational science (IGMCS) program. Any student pursuing a PhD with a major in Life Sciences (genome science and technology concentration) can receive a Minor in Computational Science by completing the appropriate IGMCS requirements. For additional information, see the description of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Minor in Computational Science listed under Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science or visit the IGMCS website at http://igmcs.utk.edu/. The Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology also contributes courses to the IGMCS program curriculum.
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