Mar 06, 2025
GEOL 465 - Geomicrobiology3 Credit Hours Introduction to interactions between microbes and earth materials (rock, soil, water). Course will identify and evaluate key biogeochemical and genetic evidence used to determine biotic from abiotic processes in modern and ancient systems. Topics include microbial ecology and diversity, community structure, biogeochemistry, molecular biology, major environmental habitats, astrobiology, and geomicrobiological applications for geology, engineering, and mining.
(Same as MICR 465 .) (RE) Prerequisite(s): ENGL 102 *, ENGL 132 *, ENGL 290 *, or ENGL 298 * and one eight-credit sequence chosen from ASTR 151 *-ASTR 153 * and ASTR 152 *-ASTR 154 *; ASTR 217 *-ASTR 218 *; BIOL 101 *-BIOL 102 *; BIOL 113 *-BIOL 114 *-BIOL 115 ; BIOL 150 *-BIOL 160 *-BIOL 159 *; BIOL 158 -BIOL 168 *-BIOL 167 *; CHEM 102 *-CHEM 103 * and CHEM 112 *-CHEM 113 *; CHEM 122 *-CHEM 123 * and CHEM 132 *-CHEM 133 *; CHEM 128 *-CHEM 138 *; GEOG 137 *-GEOG 132 *; or two courses chosen from GEOL 101 *, GEOL 102 *, GEOL 103 *, GEOL 104 *, GEOL 107 *, GEOL 108 *; or PHYS 135 *-PHYS 136 *, PHYS 137 *-PHYS 138 *, or PHYS 221 *-PHYS 222 *.
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