ME 551 - Hybrid Materials

3 Credit Hours
The overarching theme of the class is hybrid materials. We will start with a general overview of how engineering materials are classified and selected for design (Ashby-type analysis), then introduce the different classes of hybrid materials along with basic models for predicting limit behavior. We will then dive more deeply into each class of hybrid material (composites, laminates, sandwich structures, cellular materials, and segmented structures) and introduce models for mechanical and transport behavior, where applicable. At the end of this class the student should have a working knowledge of basic mechanics models for all classes of hybrid materials and be able to apply these models to design hybrid materials given a set of functional and material constraints (e.g. mass, volume, cost, strength, etc.). At the end of this course, the student should also have a working knowledge of the engineering materials landscape and a familiarity with resources available for more in-depth analysis and design of hybrid materials.
Cross-listed: (Same as Aerospace Engineering 551 and Biomedical Engineering 551.)

Recommended Background: Materials Science Engineering 201 - Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering 321 - Mechanics of Materials.

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