Feb 18, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Social Work

Graduate Program
Grading Policy
Course Load

Honors Concentration
Intercollegiate/Interdisciplinary Minor in Gerontology
Academic Programs


Karen M. Sowers, Dean
Matthew T. Theriot, Director


Bradshaw, W., PhD - Southern California
Combs-Orme, T., PhD - Washington (St. Louis)
Cummings, S., PhD - Georgia
Dupper, D., PhD - Florida State
Glisson, C., PhD - Washington (St. Louis)
Nugent, W., PhD - Florida State
Orme, J., PhD - Washington (St. Louis)
Patterson, D., PhD - Utah
Rocha, C., PhD - Washington (St. Louis)
Sowers, K., PhD - Florida State
Wodarski, J., PhD - Washington (St. Louis)
Associate Professors
Bolen, R., PhD - Texas (Arlington)
Bowie, S., PhD - Barry
Davis, C., PhD - California (Los Angeles)
Ellis, R., PhD - Florida International
Evans, T., PhD - Minnesota
Hall, J., PhD - Smith
MacMaster, S., PhD - Case Western Reserve
Rogge, M., PhD - Washington (St. Louis)
Staudt, M., PhD - Washington (St. Louis)
Theriot, M., PhD - California (Berkeley)
Assistant Professors
Cooper, L., PhD - Louisville
Choi, S., PhD - Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Dia, D., PhD - Maryland (Baltimore)
McClure-Cassie, K., PhD - Tennessee
Strand, E., PhD - Tennessee
Research Faculty
Black, B., MSSW - Tennessee
Campbell, P., DSW - Alabama
Green, P., PhD - Tennessee
Hemmelgarn, A., PhD - Tennessee
Field Coordinators
Gonzales, S., MSSW (Nashville) - Tennessee
Jackson, R., MSSW (Knoxville) - Tennessee
Lodato, G., MSW - Marywood
Watson, C., MSSW (DE) - Tennessee
Distance Education Coordinator
Chaffin, K., MSSW - Tennessee

Social work is a helping profession which focuses on providing skilled intervention in the prevention and amelioration of individual and societal problems. It is a challenging and rewarding career involving the application of knowledge, skills, and professional values to assist individuals, families, groups, and communities in reaching their potential. The primary mission of the undergraduate social work program is to develop generalist social workers who are strategic thinkers, life-long learners, and opinion shapers. It is the purpose of the college to provide an education which enhances individual and career development and fosters involvement on behalf of social and economic justice.

The program prepares students for social work careers in such diverse areas as schools, youth programs, family service agencies, nursing homes, courts, mental health, and welfare agencies. The degree provides graduates a competitive advantage in many jobs, the possibility of up to one year’s standing in some master’s degree programs in social work, and the potential to be licensed in a number of states throughout the nation.

The social work curriculum builds on a strong liberal arts base. The humanities and the social and behavioral sciences are emphasized to help students understand human diversity and the transactions between people and their environment. The curriculum combines classroom experience and agency-based field placements. Courses provide a knowledge base in social work practice theory, human behavior, social welfare policy, and research. Educationally directed field placements, which consist of over 600 clock hours of supervised field instruction in agency settings throughout greater Knoxville, provide extensive and challenging opportunities for students to apply the lessons of the classroom to the needs of society. The program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

The undergraduate social work program (Bachelor of Science in Social Work) started in 1982 in the College of Liberal Arts. It was granted initial accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education in January 1983, and reaffirmation was given in 1992, 2001, and 2010. The program was transferred to the College of Social Work in September 1985. The three programs, Bachelor of Science in Social Work, Master of Science in Social Work, and Doctor of Philosophy, in the college represent the full continuum of social work education.


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The College of Social Work is housed in Henson Hall, located on the corner of Cumberland Avenue and Volunteer Boulevard on the UT Knoxville campus. This building houses the administrative and faculty offices, along with classrooms for the BSSW, MSSW and PhD programs. Video and computer resources are available to facilitate instruction.

Graduate Program

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The College of Social Work offers a fully accredited two-year graduate professional degree at the master’s level (MSSW). The college also offers a graduate program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (PhD) and a program leading to a Doctor of Social Work (DSW). Information concerning graduate programs is given in the College of Social Work Bulletin and also in the Graduate Catalog. Master’s degree programs are offered on the campus in Knoxville and in Nashville. The PhD program is offered in Knoxville. The DSW program is offered via distance education.

Grading Policy

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The Satisfactory/No Credit option is not permitted in the major. The minimum acceptable grade for all social work courses is a C. Courses, other than field, in which a C- or below is achieved may be repeated once. Field courses must be completed with a C or better and may not be repeated.

A student receiving a grade of incomplete (I) in any social work course must remove the Incomplete before enrollment in subsequent field practice.

Course Load

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The maximum credit hours per semester allowed for any student is 19. Special permission is needed for any overload.

Progression Requirements

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Students admitted to the university may request a faculty advisor from the College of Social Work. Prior to enrolling in upper-division social work courses, students in the college must successfully complete SOWK 200  or SOWK 207  and SOWK 250  with a grade of C or better, have a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher, and have fulfilled most lower-division and General Education course requirements. Students in the college are encouraged to participate in community service and/or volunteer activities at a social service agency in advance of upper division social work course work. Students are advised that several field placement agencies and licensing boards require successfully passing a criminal background check.


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Any student who has not continued enrollment for at least one semester (excluding summer) or has withdrawn from the university and wishes to re-enroll must complete and submit the application for readmission. Readmitted students who wish to resume their prior major or declare a major must meet first with an academic advisor in the college.

Honors Concentration

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The honors concentration provides highly motivated social work majors with the opportunity to pursue advanced course work and complete a senior research project. All declared social work majors with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 are invited to participate in the honors concentration. To graduate with honors, social work majors must complete 12 hours of honors work including at least 9 hours of social work honors courses. Students completing the honors concentration must take SOWK 417  and SOWK 467  and complete a senior research project. A grade of B or above must be earned in all honors courses and students must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.25. Students are evaluated at the end of each semester. Students with cumulative grade point averages that drop below a 3.25 will incur probationary status and will be given one semester to raise their average above 3.25. Failure to improve one’s cumulative grade point average during the probationary semester will lead to dismissal from the honors concentration. Students interested in honors at any level should consult with their academic advisor or the BSSW program director about participation in the honors concentration.

Intercollegiate/Interdisciplinary Minor in Gerontology

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An intercollegiate/interdisciplinary undergraduate minor in gerontology is available. See College of Nursing for required courses.

Academic Programs

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