Sep 22, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Cinema Studies (CNST)

  • CNST 422 - Topics in Italian Cinema

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Italian 422.)

  • CNST 423 - Themes and Genres in German Cinema

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: See German 423.

  • CNST 433 - History of Film and Modern and Contemporary Art

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Art History 433.)

  • CNST 434 - Hispanic Culture Through Film

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Spanish 434.)

  • CNST 435 - Narrative Filmmaking

    4 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Art Four Dimensional Arts 435.)

  • CNST 436 - Video Art

    4 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Art Four Dimensional Arts 436.)

  • CNST 465 - Latin American Film and Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Spanish 465.)

  • CNST 482 - Special Topics in Global Cinema

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures 482.)

  • CNST 489 - Special Topics in Film

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See English 489.)

  • CNST 510 - Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
  • CNST 582 - Special Topics in Global Cinema

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures 582.)

Civil Engineering (CE)

  • CE 472 - Steel Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Design of plate girders and composite beams. Consideration of members subjected to combined stresses. Design of a typical framed building including connections.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 371.
  • CE 474 - Reinforced Concrete Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Design of continuous beams, floor slabs, columns with combined axial loads and bending, and footings. Design for torsion.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 371.
  • CE 485 - Principles of Hydrogeology

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Geology 485.)

  • CE 500 - Thesis

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 502 - Registration for Use of Facilities

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Required for the student not otherwise registered during any semester when student uses university facilities and/or faculty time before degree is completed.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Restriction: May not be used toward degree requirements.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 521 - Pavement Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Empirical and theoretical based methods of pavement design and analysis, strengthening existing pavements, pavement distress and economical design alternatives.
    Recommended Background: 321 and 331.
  • CE 522 - Mix Design for Asphaltic and Portland-Cement Concrete

    3 Credit Hours
    Aggregate properties and tests, asphalt binder properties and tests, mix design methods for asphaltic mixtures, hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixture production and construction, Portland-cement concrete (PCC) mix design, additives and admixtures for PCC, special types of PCC, PCC production and construction.
    Recommended Background: 321.
  • CE 525 - Pavement Materials Characterization

    3 Credit Hours
    Material modeling, laboratory and in-situ characterization of unbound granular, stabilized base, hot-mix asphalt mixtures, Portland cement concrete, and other paving materials; performance prediction for flexible and rigid pavements.
    Recommended Background: 321 and 331.
  • CE 529 - Application of Linear Algebra in Engineering Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 529).

  • CE 530 - Advanced Soil Mechanics and Slope Stability

    3 Credit Hours
    Implications of surface charge for fine-grained soils. Force balance and effective stress. Stresses in a soil mass, stress paths, stress-strain relationships, Rankine earth pressures, and retaining walls. Capillarity, unsaturated soil, one- and two-dimensional flow, consolidation theory, drained and undrained behavior. Infinite slopes, non-circular failure surfaces, limiting equilibrium methods for evaluating stability of soil slopes, and selection of strength parameters.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 430.
  • CE 531 - Soil Stabilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Mechanical stabilization of soils by compaction, drainage, and blending; chemical stabilization of soils with admixtures, waterproofing and modifying soils and additives. Reinforced earth and stabilization with geosynthetics.
    Recommended Background: 331.
  • CE 535 - Advanced Foundations and Retaining Structures

    3 Credit Hours
    Site investigation and characterization, analysis and design of deep foundations, sheet piles, retaining structures for bridge abutments and deep excavation, and deep foundations in rock and liquefiable soils. Approaches include allowable working stress, load and resistance factor design, and the use of modern numerical modeling tools.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 430.
  • CE 538 - Finite Element Applications in Geotechnical Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Application of finite element method to typical problems in geotechnical engineering. Confined and unconfined flow through porous media; two-dimensional stress and strain; two-dimensional elements; representation of nonlinear soil behavior with elastic and elastic-plastic models. Taught concurrently with 561.
    Credit Restriction: Students may not receive credit for both 538 and 561.
    Recommended Background: Course work in soil behavior and matrix computation.
  • CE 539 - Geotechnology Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Seminar topics in geotechnical and geological engineering. Research contributions and case histories by graduate students and engineers and scientists from surrounding community.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 10 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be used toward degree requirements.
    Comment(s): Enrollment limited to students with graduate standing.
    Registration Permission: Consent of advisor.
  • CE 547 - Design of Railway Transportation Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Basic principles of rail way transportation, track behavior and design, geometric design of railway lines and terminals, train performance, railway signaling and communications, capacity and operations analysis.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: With consent of instructor, upper UG students may receive permission.
  • CE 548 - Sustainable Transportation

    3 Credit Hours
    Sustainability in the context of the transportation system including all aspects of sustainability that focus on environment, equity, and economy. Relative merits of transportation demand management, technologies, land use, and alternative fuels are compared. For the environmental analysis, a full life cycle accounting approach, teaching specific approaches, data, and tools to assess environmental impacts through all phases of vehicles, fuels, and infrastructure life cycles.
    Registration Restriction(s): Graduate or senior undergraduate standing.
  • CE 550 - Transportation Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Seminar topics in transportation engineering. Research contributions and case histories by graduate students and engineers and scientists from the professional community.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 10 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be used toward degree requirements.
    Comment(s): Minimum student level - senior.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CE 551 - Traffic Engineering: Characteristics

    3 Credit Hours
    Characteristics of human, vehicle, and roadway in transportation system; microscopic and macroscopic traffic models; elements of transportation/highway safety.
    Recommended Background: 331.
  • CE 552 - Traffic Engineering: Operations

    3 Credit Hours
    Operation and management of the surface transportation system including freeways and arterials; traffic control systems including traffic signal design and operation; traffic control devices including signing and markings.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 551.
  • CE 553 - Geometric Design and Layout of Roadways and Community Facilities

    3 Credit Hours
    Functional and geometric design and rural and urban roads of all classes; subdivision layout; configuration of urban roads of all classes; techniques for access control; freeway interchanges and street intersections; and parking.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 451 or consent of instructor.
  • CE 554 - Public Transit Planning and Operations

    3 Credit Hours
    Characteristics of transit modes – conventional, informal, and paratransit; operational design of transit services: route planning and scheduling; cost analysis; traveler behavior; performance evaluation; data collection methods; organization and financing.
    Comment(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor required.
  • CE 556 - Traffic Crash Reconstruction and Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Data collection and analysis as basis for accident prevention on control programs; roadside hardware design and crash testing.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level - graduate.
    Registration Permission: With consent of instructor, upper UG students may receive permission.
  • CE 557 - Transportation Policy and Economics

    3 Credit Hours
    An overview of US transportation policy development, regulations, institutions, and finance mechanisms for surface transportation. Behavioral and microeconomic concepts related to transportation, including firm and consumer behavioral theory and application, pricing and regulatory strategies to shift behavior to meet welfare objectives. How transportation policy is developed and how economic principles shape transportation systems.
    Recommended Background: Economics 201 or equivalent.
    Registration Restriction(s): Graduate or senior undergraduate standing.
  • CE 558 - Transportation Planning Models

    3 Credit Hours
    Transportation planning process and travel patterns, data collection, trip generation, trip distribution, mode split, and traffic assignment. Applications of travel demand modeling. Proposing transportation alternatives and evaluation. Social, economic, and environmental impacts of transportation. Innovative travel demand modeling techniques.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 355 or equivalent.
    Comment(s): Enrollment limited to students with graduate standing.
    Registration Restriction(s): Engineering graduate or senior undergraduate standing.
  • CE 559 - Transportation Safety

    3 Credit Hours
    Transportation safety defined from a multi-disciplinary perspective and characterized by crashes, injuries and deaths. Significant challenges to transportation safety are identified. Environmental, roadway, vehicle, and human factors involved in crashes are explored using descriptive analysis and advanced modeling/simulation techniques.  Discussion of current state-of-the-practice in Highway Safety Manual.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 355 or equivalent.
    Registration Restriction(s): Engineering graduate or senior undergraduate standing.
  • CE 560 - Advanced Structural Mechanics

    3 Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of solid and structural mechanics. The tensorial nature of stress and strain and their principal governing equations.  Description of boundary value problems and basic analytical solution techniques for two dimensional problems (planar elasticity). Failure theories. Energy principles relevant to the finite element method. Selected applications and advanced topics for structural materials.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 262 or equivalent.
    Recommended Background: Calculus, differential equations.
    Registration Restriction(s): Graduate student standing or permission of instructor.
  • CE 561 - Finite Element Applications in Structural Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Application of finite element method to typical problems in structural engineering. Truss, beam and plate elements; two-dimensional stress and strain; two-dimensional elements; representation of nonlinear material behavior with elastic and elastic-plastic models. Taught concurrently with 538.
    Credit Restriction: Students may not receive credit for both 561 and 538.
    Recommended Background: Structural analysis and matrix computation course.
  • CE 562 - Structural Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Structural system analysis and design; dead, live, wind, and earthquake loads on buildings; vertical and lateral load resisting systems; use of computers in analysis and design.
    Recommended Background: 461.
  • CE 565 - Structural Dynamics

    3 Credit Hours
    Analysis of free and forced vibrations, and transient response of structures having many degrees of freedom; elastoplastic behavior considered for structural systems; earthquake design and response of structures.
    Recommended Background: 461.
  • CE 571 - Behavior of Steel Structures

    3 Credit Hours
    Behavior of structural steel members due to static and fatigue loading; relation between research results and current specifications for design.
    Recommended Background: 371.
  • CE 573 - Prestressed Concrete

    3 Credit Hours
    Properties of prestressing materials; methods of pretensioning and posttensioning; analysis and design of simple and continuous beams and slabs.
    Recommended Background: 371.
  • CE 574 - Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members

    3 Credit Hours
    Moment-curvature and load-deflection relationships for reinforced concrete beams; combined bending and axial load; shear and torsion; relation between research results and specifications for design.
    Recommended Background: 371.
  • CE 576 - Masonry Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Clay and concrete masonry materials; unreinforced masonry design; reinforced masonry design; seismic behavior of masonry structures.
    Recommended Background: 371.
  • CE 581 - Construction Estimating

    3 Credit Hours
    Comprehensive coverage of construction project cost estimation including quantity take-off, associated market pricing conditions, and the techniques used for assessing cost of labor, material, and equipment.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 441.
  • CE 582 - Construction Scheduling

    3 Credit Hours
    Comprehensive coverage techniques used to schedule and deliver construction projects using Gantt charts, critical path management (CPM), program evaluation and review technique (PERT), and cash flow analysis, including associated software packages.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 440 and 441.
  • CE 583 - Building Information Modeling for Construction

    3 Credit Hours
    Building information modeling (BIM) from perspectives of technology and building practice including the building or infrastructure lifecycle stages of planning, design, pre-design, construction, and operations.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 441.
  • CE 584 - Construction Conflicts, Claims, and Disputes

    3 Credit Hours
    Detailed analysis of the different techniques used to analyze and mitigate conflicts, claims, and disputes in civil engineering projects as related to schedule delays, extension of time, prolongation costs, liquidated damages, and others.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 440 and 441.
  • CE 590 - Special Problems in Civil Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Comment(s): Enrollment limited to students in non-thesis option only.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 595 - Special Topics

    1-4 Credit Hours
    Problems and topics related to current developments in field.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CE 600 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    3-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 630 - Constitutive Behavior of Geomaterials

    3 Credit Hours
    Stress and strain tensors, ideal elastic behavior, stress paths, soil plasticity and failure criteria including one parameter and two parameters models, critical state soil mechanics, modified Cam clay model, stress-dilatancy theory.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 430 and 530.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 632 - Advanced Laboratory and In Situ Testing of Soil

    3 Credit Hours
    Data acquisition and control systems, instruments for measuring electric signals, transducers and sensors, insitu measurements of strain, earth pressure, pore pressure, temperature, deformation, load-deformation behavior (static and seismic methods), 1D and CRS consolidation, swelling pressure and percent free swell, measurement of hydraulic conductivity using flexible wall permeameter, UU and CU triaxial (isotropic and Ko-consolidation), CPT, SPT, pressuremeter, vane shear test, dilatometer.
    Contact Hour Distribution: 1 hour and 2 hours lab.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 430.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 633 - Soil and Structural Dynamics

    3 Credit Hours
    Vibration of elementary systems in time and frequency domain considering multi-degrees of freedom system of damped and undamped cases. Foundation vibration theory based on coupled oscillations and related design considerations. Wave propagation theory and layered media. Response of a site/structure/system to dynamic loading and soil liquefaction.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 430.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 634 - Engineering Soil Characteristics and Behavior

    3 Credit Hours
    Nature of soils and its influence on soil behavior. Soil composition, particle characteristics, characteristics of particulate media, the influence of a polar fluid, conduction and diffusion phenomena, volume change behavior, strength/deformation behavior, and applications of physico-chemical principles in soil engineering.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 331.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 651 - Analysis Techniques for Transportation Systems I

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics on mathematical, statistical, operations research, or computer science techniques that may be applied to modeling and analysis of transportation systems.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CE 652 - Analysis Techniques for Transportation Systems II

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced topics of application of mathematical, statistical and computer science techniques in modeling and analysis of transportation systems.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 651.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 653 - Intelligent Transportation Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Examine how Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), including connected and automated vehicles, can enhance mobility, safety, and the environment. ITS apply information and communication technologies in transportation. Systems engineering approach and modeling/simulation methodologies applied to ITS, connectivity and automation, ITS deployment and transportation operations, transportation system management, traveler response to technologies and information, ITS planning, evaluation, and institutional issues.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 355 or equivalent.
    Registration Restriction(s): Engineering graduate or senior undergraduate standing.
  • CE 671 - Behavior of Bridges and Buildings

    3 Credit Hours
    Behavior, analysis and design of decks, girders, columns, and composite members subjected to static and dynamic loading.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 571 and 573.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 674 - Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs

    3 Credit Hours
    Strength and behavior of statically indeterminate reinforced concrete beams and frames; limit analysis; behavior, analysis, and design of reinforced concrete slabs: yield-line theory, finite element solutions, and ACI Code Method.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 574.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CE 680 - Information Technology for Building and Infrastructure Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Concepts, approaches, and implementation issues associated with information technology for buildings and infrastructure systems. Topics include data sensing and analysis, and object oriented programming.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 440 and 441.
  • CE 681 - Rating and Analysis of Sustainable Infrastructure Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Assessment of the impact of civil infrastructure on societal sustainability using life-cycle assessment, systems analysis, modeling and simulation, and economic valuation.  Applications in mitigation and sustainability rating systems.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level –graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of Instructor.
  • CE 691 - Special Topics in Civil Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Selected advanced problems of current interest.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Classics (CLAS)

  • CLAS 401 - Greek Poetry

    3 Credit Hours
    Epic, lyric, drama. Authors vary.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 261.
  • CLAS 402 - Greek Prose

    3 Credit Hours
    History, philosophy, and oratory. Authors vary.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 261.
  • CLAS 405 - Selected Readings from Greek Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    For advanced students in Greek. The study of plays, historical writings, and poetry of ancient Greece in the original Greek.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 261.
  • CLAS 406 - Selected Readings from Greek Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    For advanced students in Greek. The study of plays, historical writings, and poetry of ancient Greece in the original Greek.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 261.
  • CLAS 414 - Cicero and Techniques of Latin Prose Composition

    3 Credit Hours
    For advanced students in Latin. Practice in prose composition, the writings of Cicero the model.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 351 and 352.
  • CLAS 431 - Selected Readings from Latin Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    For advanced students in Latin. Oratory, historical writings, poetry of ancient Rome in the original Latin.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 252.
  • CLAS 432 - Selected Readings from Latin Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    For advanced students in Latin. Oratory, historical writings, poetry of ancient Rome in the original Latin.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 252.
  • CLAS 435 - Medieval Latin

    3 Credit Hours
    Selected readings from the Latin prose and poetry of medieval Europe.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 252.
  • CLAS 436 - Cities and Sanctuaries of the Greek and Roman World

    3 Credit Hours
    Major cities and sanctuaries in Greece, the Greek colonies, and the Roman Empire. Approach is archaeological, focusing on physical evidence – landscape, architecture and artifacts – as well as description by ancient authors. Cities include various types: planned and unplanned, seaports, caravan centers, government and commercial centers. The sanctuaries also vary in function, including prophetic centers, athletic centers, theater centers, and healing centers.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Anthropology 436.)

  • CLAS 441 - Special Topics in Classical Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics in art, literature, religion, and society of Greece and Rome.
    Repeatability: May be repeated with consent of department. Maximum 9 hours.
  • CLAS 442 - Archaeology of the Prehistoric Aegean

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of the archaeology and art of the Aegean from the earliest human presence to the end of the Mycenaean civilization (ca. 3000000 - 1050 BCE). Highlights include Early Cycladic civilization with its abstract, almost “modern” art, the rise and decline of Minoan and Mycenaean complex societies, the wall paintings of Thera (the “Pompeii” of the Bronze Age), and Troy. Emphasis on anthropological and art-historical approaches. Writing-emphasis course.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Anthropology 442.)

  • CLAS 443 - Archaeology and Art of Ancient Greece

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of the archaeology and art of Greece and the Greek-speaking areas from the period of Dark Age villages through the rise of the polis, the Golden Age of Pericles, and the establishment of powerful Hellenistic kingdoms after the conquests of Alexander the Great (c. 1050–30 BCE). Achievements in architecture, sculpture, vase painting, and minor arts seen in the context of changes in society as well as developments in Greek philosophy and thought. Archaeological evidence for daily life, economy, and political institutions. Writing-emphasis course.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Anthropology 443.)

  • CLAS 444 - Archaeology and Art of Ancient Italy and Rome

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of the archaeology and art of ancient Italy and the Roman world from prehistoric times to the fall of the Roman Empire (ca. 1000 BCE – 476 CE). Highlights include Etruscan culture and multiculturalism in early Italy; the development of Roman architecture, art, and urban planning; art and architecture used for political propaganda; Roman cosmopolitan culture and imperialism; theory and method in Roman archaeology. Writing-emphasis course.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Anthropology 444.)

  • CLAS 445 - Ancient and Medieval Seafaring

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of seafaring in the Mediterranean and northern Europe from its very beginning, c. 11,000 BCE, until the late Middle Ages. Discussion of shipwrecks, iconographic evidence, and texts. Emphasis on ship construction and the evidence it provides about seafaring, naval warfare, technology, the exploitation of natural resources, levels of labor, social differences in society, and changes in the economy.
  • CLAS 562 - Special Topics in Mediterranean Archaeology

    3 Credit Hours
    Selected topics in archaeology or art of the prehistoric Aegean, historic Greece or Rome. Lectures, discussions, student presentations, and papers.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Anthropology 562.)

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • CLAS 565 - Graduate Seminar in Ancient Mediterranean Civilization

    3 Credit Hours
    Theoretical and practical issues in the civilizations of the prehistoric Aegean or historic Greece. Study and discussions conducted in seminar format. Emphasis on developing students’ skills in research and oral as well as written presentation.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Anthropology 565.)

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
  • CLAS 571 - Special Topics in Medieval Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    Selected topics in Medieval Latin literature. Discussions, student presentations, examinations, papers.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 431, 432, or 435.
  • CLAS 572 - Latin Paleography and Book Culture in the Middle Ages I

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to the Latin hands used in Western Europe from the Roman through the Humanistic period. Focuses on identifying and dating hands and on transcribing them accurately.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 431, 432, or 435.
    Comment(s): Prior knowledge may satisfy prerequisite with consent of instructor.
  • CLAS 573 - Latin Paleography and Book Culture in the Middle Ages II

    3 Credit Hours
    Continuation of 572.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 572.
  • CLAS 591 - Foreign Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
  • CLAS 592 - Off-Campus Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
  • CLAS 593 - Independent Study

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.

Communication and Information (CCI)

  • CCI 501 - Orientation to Graduate Study

    1 Credit Hours
    Overview of the communication and information discipline. Orientation to resources needed for successful graduate study.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor.
  • CCI 540 - Communication Theory

    3 Credit Hours
    Overview of theory-building process and theories in communication.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor.
  • CCI 600 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    3-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CCI 605 - Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Communication and Information

    3 Credit Hours
    An overview of the philosophical presuppositions and theoretical frameworks that have informed the fields in communication and information.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor. Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CCI 611 - Statistical Design and Analysis for CCI Research

    3 Credit Hours
    Methods of statistical analysis of data in Communication and Information. Begins with a review of basic probability and descriptive statistical concepts, then moves to consider statistical inference and hypothesis-testing, focusing on regression and ANOVA. Emphasizes the use and interpretation of statistics in communication and information research.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor. Minimum student level –graduate.
  • CCI 620 - Communication and Information Professional Development Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Seminar examining the role and scope of communication and information teaching, research and other professional development topics.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 3 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor. Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CCI 631 - Quantitative Communication and Information Research Methods I

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to quantitative approaches to research in the fields of communication and information. Theoretical underpinnings of the different approaches are reviewed.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor. Minimum student level –graduate.
  • CCI 635 - Qualitative Communication and Information Research Methods I

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to qualitative approaches to research in the fields of communication and information. Theoretical underpinnings of the different approaches are reviewed.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor. Minimum student level –graduate.
  • CCI 640 - Advanced Communication and Information Research Methods

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics in communication and information research design, methodology, and analysis. Methods intensive.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CCI 643 - Qualitative Communication and Information Research Methods II

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced theory and application of qualitative research methods to communication and information research.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CCI 644 - Quantitative Communication and Information Research Methods II

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced theory and application of quantitative research methods to communication and information.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CCI 650 - Social Media, Technology, and Society

    3 Credit Hours
    Explores social media’s influence on society, organizations, and individuals. It discusses the enabling technologies which encompass a wide variety of formats and which allow users to easily cross platforms. The theories and methods used to study social media are critically analyzed and discussed.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CCI 651 - Contemporary Issues in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medical Communication and Information

    3 Credit Hours
    Integrative approach to the role of communication and information in the study of STEM topics.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CCI 653 - Contemporary Issues in Law, Policy, and Ethics in Communication and Information

    3 Credit Hours
    Integrative approach to law, policy, and ethics in communication and information topics.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CCI 654 - Contemporary Issues in Management of Communication and Information within Organizations

    3 Credit Hours
    Integrative approach to the role of communication and information in organizational management.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

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