Sep 22, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE)

  • CBE 529 - Application of Linear Algebra in Engineering Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Fundamental concepts of linear algebra to problems in engineering systems: steady state and dynamic systems. Geometric and physical interpretations of relevant concepts: least square problems, LU, QR, and SVD decompositions of system matrix, eigenvalue problems, and similarity transformations in solving difference and differential equations; numerical stability aspects of various algorithms; application of linear algebra concepts in control and optimization studies; introduction to linear programming. Computer projects.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Biomedical Engineering 529; Civil Engineering 529, Electrical and Computer Engineering 529; Environmental Engineering 529; Industrial Engineering 529; Materials Science and Engineering 529; Mechanical Engineering 529; Nuclear Engineering 529).

    Comment(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor required.
  • CBE 531 - Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    3 Credit Hours
    Phase equilibrium in ideal and non-ideal solution; composition relationship between phases, solution behavior, and application to macromolecules; introduction to microscopic approach to thermodynamics.
  • CBE 539 - Polymer Engineering I

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Materials Science and Engineering 539.)

  • CBE 542 - Diffusive and Stagewise Mass Transfer Operations

    3 Credit Hours
    Analysis of mass transfer phenomena, coupled mass transfer and reaction, mass transfer operations in packed towers and agitated vessels, membrane separations. Equilibrium stage concepts applied to mass transfer operation, emphasizing nonisothermal and multicomponent systems.
  • CBE 547 - Advanced Transport Phenomena

    3 Credit Hours
    Unified treatment of momentum transport (fluid flow), energy transport (heat conduction, convection, and radiation), and mass transport (diffusion). Fundamental basis of transport phenomena and momentum transport: viscous, viscoelastic, and potential flows.
  • CBE 551 - Chemical Reactor Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Rate models for heterogeneous reactions, properties of porous catalysts, catalyst deactivation, fluid-fluid and fluid-solid reactors.
  • CBE 555 - Elements of Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-disciplinary course combining synergistic approaches of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering to design complex cellular metabolisms to solve challenging problems related to health, energy, and environment with integration of state-of-the-art computational and experimental techniques.
    Credit Restriction: Students cannot receive credit for both 455 and 555.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CBE 560 - Electrochemical Technology

    3 Credit Hours
    Designed to introduce electrochemical engineering. Based on an introduction to the physical underpinnings, methods and language of electrochemistry, the course will explore the design and operation of various electrochemical devices and the materials from which they are made. Devices such as fuel cells, batteries, electro-organic reactors and electrochemical sensors will be explored with discussion at the device and system levels. Laboratory exercises will be included to illustrate test methods and device properties. Several team modeling projects will be assigned.
    Recommended Background: Broad understanding of simple chemical concepts, basic mathematical proficiency consistent with graduate or upper-division standing in Engineering or Sciences, some computational capability.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CBE 576 - Applied Microbiology and Bioengineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-disciplinary course combining basic concepts in microbiology, biochemistry, reaction kinetics, and biochemical and environmental engineering. Commercial processes, biodegradation/wastewater treatment, analysis of basic bioreactor systems, biosensors, and immobilization methods.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Biosystems Engineering 576; Environmental Engineering 576; Microbiology 576.)

  • CBE 579 - Advanced Biomolecular Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Application of engineering approaches and analysis to molecular and cellular biological sciences.
  • CBE 580 - Technical Review and Assessment

    3 Credit Hours
    Preparation of critical review of literature in area related to chemical engineering.
    Comment(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the non-thesis option.
    Registration Permission: Consent of advisor.
  • CBE 585 - Process System Reliability and Safety

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Nuclear Engineering 585.)

  • CBE 586 - Sustainable Engineering, Design, and Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Principles and practical aspects of the design, commercialization, and use of processes and products that are feasible and economical while minimizing the generation of pollution at the source and risk to human health and environment.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Environmental Engineering 586.)

    Comment(s): Graduate standing in engineering or consent of the instructor required.
  • CBE 590 - Special Topics in Chemical Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
  • CBE 600 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    3-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CBE 611 - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Journal Club

    1 Credit Hours
    Readings and discussion based on current literature.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 3 hours.
    Credit Restriction: A maximum of 3 hours can be applied toward a graduate degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
    Comment(s): Graduate standing in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CBE 630 - Statistical Thermodynamics

    3 Credit Hours
    Canonical, grand canonical, isothermal/isobaric, and microcanonical ensembles; method of most probable distribution; ensemble averages; thermodynamic connections; fluctuations; Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose-Einstein statistics; ideal monoatomic, diatomic, and polyatomic gases; classical statistical mechanics; chemical equilibria; transition state theory.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CBE 631 - Statistical Mechanics

    3 Credit Hours
    Theoretical foundations of classical statistical mechanics; Liouville’s theorem, the Liouville equation, time correlation functions, molecular simulations, Langevin equations, theory of liquids.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CBE 632 - Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

    3 Credit Hours
    Unified treatment of nonequilibrium thermodynamics from the perspective of a general mathematical framework, applicable at all levels of system description from microscopic to macroscopic. Statistical and continuum mechanical descriptions of irreversible thermodynamic systems, with applications to complex fluids, are emphasized.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 531 and 630.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CBE 633 - Multiscale Materials Modeling

    3 Credit Hours
    Development of multiscale simulation strategies for engineering of advanced micro-and-nano structured materials via integration of essential information from different scales, i.e., molecular, mesoscopic and continuum.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 506, 531, and 547.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CBE 647 - Advanced Topics in Transport Phenomena

    3 Credit Hours
    Application of mass, momentum, and energy evolution equations to complex materials and energy-relevant and biological systems.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 547 and 548.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CBE 671 - Advanced Topics in Biomolecular Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Current science and technology at the interface of engineering and biology, focusing at the molecular level. Topics include enzyme-based sensors, molecular-level engineering for bio-based energy production, genetic engineering for protein expression in non-native hosts, modeling of metabolic networks and gene expression.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 579.
    Recommended Background: Working knowledge of undergraduate level biochemistry and cellular biology; graduate chemical engineering core course work.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CBE 672 - Computational Bioinformatics

    3 Credit Hours
    Modeling and analysis of DNA/RNA and protein sequences. Topics include STR and SNP DNA measurement data for human identification; dynamic programming; distance measures, clusters, and link analysis and discovery; clustering algorithms; data mining using SVD method; dynamic indexing of data collections using clustering; probability theory; Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation; entropy as a measure of information content and inductive inference; parallel computation. Applications to biological molecules will be studied.
    Recommended Background: Programming skills, and linear algebra.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CBE 691 - Special Topics in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Chemistry (CHEM)

  • CHEM 430 - In-depth Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Atomic and molecular structure, bonding theories, descriptive chemistry of the elements, kinetics and mechanism of inorganic reactions, applications of modern techniques for characterization, coordination and organometallic chemistry.
  • CHEM 479 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory I

    2 Credit Hours
    Experiments on topics discussed in 471 or 473.
    Contact Hour Distribution: 1 lab.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology 471 or Chemistry 473.
  • CHEM 500 - Thesis

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CHEM 501 - Chemistry Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Lectures and discussion on current research. Continuous registration is required for resident graduate students.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 14 hours.
  • CHEM 502 - Registration for Use of Facilities

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Required for the student not otherwise registered during any semester when student uses university facilities and/or faculty time before degree is completed.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Restriction: May not be used toward degree requirements.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CHEM 505 - Special Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Specially assigned theoretical or experimental work on problems not covered in other courses.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of department.
  • CHEM 510 - Analytical Spectrometry

    3 Credit Hours
    Physical principles and instrumentation of modern spectrochemical analyses including statistical data interpretation.
    Recommended Background: Undergraduate course work in instrumental analysis and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 511 - Analytical Separations

    3 Credit Hours
    Physical principles and instrumentation of the modern methods of separation of mixtures into simpler fractions or pure compounds.
    Recommended Background: Undergraduate course work in instrumental analysis and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 513 - Mass Spectrometry and Surface Characterization

    3 Credit Hours
    Principles, development, and practice of modern mass spectrometric and surface characterization tools, including discussion of ion chemistry. Emphasis is on instrumentation.
    Recommended Background: Undergraduate course work in instrumental analysis and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 530 - Chemical Bonding

    3 Credit Hours
    Wave mechanical atom, group theory, quantum approach to molecular orbital theory, covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding, ligand field theories, solid state.
    Recommended Background: 1 semester of inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 531 - Materials Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis

    3 Credit Hours
    A survey of the structure properties of contemporary inorganic materials. Topics include structure and bonding, methods of synthesis and characterization, introduction to heterogeneous catalysis.
    Recommended Background: 1 semester of inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 532 - Experimental Methods of Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Electronic, infrared, Raman, microwave, NMR, ESR, nuclear quadrupole, Mossbauer, mass, and photoelectron spectroscopies for characterization of inorganic compounds.
    Recommended Background: 1 semester of inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 533 - Chemistry of the Transition Metals

    3 Credit Hours
    Theoretical and experimental foundations of modern coordination, organometallic, and bio-inorganic chemistry of transition metals; transition metal mediated catalysis, materials chemistry, isolobal theory, kinetics and mechanism of reactions of transition metals, and applications in organic synthesis.
    Recommended Background: 1 semester of inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 550 - Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Structure and bonding in organic compounds; molecular orbital theory, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, and molecular mechanics; substituent effects on acidity and reactivity; introduction to reaction mechanisms.
    Recommended Background: 2 semesters of organic chemistry.
  • CHEM 551 - Organic Reactions

    3 Credit Hours
    Organic transformations of use in synthesis; carbonyl chemistry and carbon-carbon bond formation; stereochemistry and regiochemistry of synthetic processes.
  • CHEM 552 - Applications of Organic Reactions

    3 Credit Hours
    Applications of organic reactions to directed synthesis targets including bio-organic substrates, natural products, medicinal agents, or other molecules of practical or theoretical interest.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 551.
  • CHEM 553 - Spectroscopic Characterization of Organic Compounds

    3 Credit Hours
    Organic structure elucidation using spectroscopic methods: nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, ultraviolet and mass spectrometry.
    Recommended Background: 2 semesters of organic chemistry.
  • CHEM 570 - Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy

    3 Credit Hours
    Basic principles of quantum mechanics and their applications to molecular orbital theory, molecular structure, and spectroscopy; introduction to group theory.
    Recommended Background: 2 semesters of physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 571 - Advanced Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy

    3 Credit Hours
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 570 or consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 572 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

    3 Credit Hours
    Macroscopic and microscopic description of equilibrium systems. Basic principles of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and application to selected chemical systems.
    Recommended Background: 2 semesters of physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 573 - Chemical Kinetics and Transport

    3 Credit Hours
    Time-dependent phenomena in chemistry: chemical kinetics, chemical dynamics, transport theory.
    Recommended Background: 2 semesters of physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 580 - Radio and Nuclear Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Nuclear properties, structure, and models; radioactivity, decay processes; radioemission interaction with matter; radioemission detection; radioactive tracers; industrial; research and medical applications; fission; fusion; carcinogenesis; environmental radioactivity; radiation protection.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Nuclear Engineering 535.)

  • CHEM 581 - Radiation Measurements Laboratory

    4 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Nuclear Engineering 550.)

  • CHEM 590 - Polymer Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Fundamentals of polymer synthesis and characterization through application of organic and physical chemical principles.
    Recommended Background: 2 semesters of organic chemistry and 2 semesters of physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 594 - Organic Chemistry of Polymers

    3 Credit Hours
    Synthesis of monomers; mechanism, stereochemistry, sequence distribution, and kinetics of polymerizations. Formation of block, graft, and network polymers. Reactions on polymers.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 590 or equivalent.
  • CHEM 595 - Physical Chemistry of Polymers

    3 Credit Hours
    Conformation of macromolecules, solution and bulk properties, rubber elasticity, kinetics of polymerization, polymer thermodynamics.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 590 or equivalent.
  • CHEM 596 - Advanced Techniques in Polymer Synthesis and Characterization

    3 Credit Hours
    Consists of both lecture and laboratory experiments directed toward polymer synthesis and polymer characterization techniques. Thorough laboratory reports in an accepted reporting format will be required.
    Contact Hour Distribution: 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 594 and 595.
  • CHEM 600 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    3-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CHEM 603 - Candidacy Proposal

    2 Credit Hours
    Preparation of a candidacy proposal (CP) based on current and proposed research and oral defense of the CP that demonstrates an in depth and broad perspective.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level - graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of department head.
  • CHEM 604 - Original Research Proposal

    1 Credit Hours
    Preparation and oral defense of an original research proposal based on thorough survey of chemical literature.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level - graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of department head.
  • CHEM 610 - Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics of current significance.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 510 and 511 or consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CHEM 630 - Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics of current significance.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 530, 531, and 532 or consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CHEM 650 - Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics of current significance.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Any two of 550, 551, 552 or consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CHEM 670 - Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics of current significance.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 570, 572, and 573 or consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CHEM 690 - Selected Topics in Polymer Chemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    Topics of current significance.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Child and Family Studies (CFS)

  • CFS 500 - Thesis

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of Instructor.
  • CFS 502 - Registration for Use of Facilities

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Required for the student not otherwise registered during any semester when student uses university facilities and/or faculty time before degree is completed.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 24 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be used toward degree requirements.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 510 - Theory in Human Development

    3 Credit Hours
    Theoretical models of human development; analysis, synthesis, and discussion of historical and contemporary relevance of models; application of theory to research, prevention, intervention, and education; critical reading and evaluation of theory-based research regarding human development.
  • CFS 511 - Explorations in Child Development

    3 Credit Hours
    Research and theory in a selected area of child development. Emphasis on development in the context of family and community. Topics vary.
  • CFS 512 - Survey of Research in Early Childhood Education

    3 Credit Hours
    Current literature and issues in early childhood education.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 510 or consent of instructor.
  • CFS 515 - Children in Contemporary Society

    3 Credit Hours
    Theory and research on environmental and developmental issues in contemporary family situations and educational environments for children from infancy through middle childhood. Implications for programs and policy.
  • CFS 535 - Couple Relationships

    3 Credit Hours
    Understanding couple relationships through the life course (adolescence to late adulthood); focus on common couple interactions and difficulties from research and clinical perspectives.
  • CFS 540 - Parent-Child Relations

    3 Credit Hours
    Influence of parents on children, influence of children on parents, reciprocal interaction between parents and children, applications of systems models, impact of child abuse and divorce on children.
    Recommended Background: 6 hours of graduate course work in child and family studies.
  • CFS 550 - Theory in Family Studies

    3 Credit Hours
    Theoretical models of families; analysis, synthesis, and discussion of historical and contemporary relevance of models; application of theory to research, prevention, intervention, and education; critical reading and evaluation of theory-based research on family.
  • CFS 551 - Assessment in Early Childhood Education

    3 Credit Hours
    Overview of current child assessment and evaluation approaches and their connections to instructional adaptations in early childhood education (Prek-3 classrooms). This course will only be offered in the summer.
  • CFS 552 - Diversity in Children and Families

    3 Credit Hours
    Diversity in child and family contexts, focusing on variations that coincide with major axes of diversity in contemporary societies.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 550.
  • CFS 555 - Cross-Cultural Research in Early Care and Education

    3 Credit Hours
    Students will design cross-cultural research with international partners including in-depth review of and response to challenges and considerations for cross-cultural research studies; the analyses of historical and contemporary cross-cultural research studies, qualitative research methods, and exposure to diverse cultural contexts are emphasized.
  • CFS 560 - Culture and Early Development

    3 Credit Hours
    Examining early development (zero to 5 years) from a cross-cultural perspective; focus on cultural and international research and theory.
  • CFS 562 - Families and Children Coping with Stress

    3 Credit Hours
    Processes used by children and families during times of stress. Theoretical contributions to study of impact of developmental stressors and catastrophes on children and families.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 550.
  • CFS 564 - Practicum in Human Development or Family Studies I

    3 Credit Hours
    School and community programs. Education for human development and family living.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CFS 565 - Practicum in Human Development or Family Studies II

    3 Credit Hours
    School and community programs concerned with education for human development and family living. Committee approved and supervised written project.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Registration Permission: Consent of Instructor.
  • CFS 569 - Practice-based Research in Early Childhood Education

    3 Credit Hours
    Principles and methodologies of practice-based research for practitioners in early childhood and school settings.
    Comment(s): Requires admission to the early childhood education graduate concentration in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences.
  • CFS 570 - Research Methods in Child and Family Studies

    3 Credit Hours
    Empirical means of studying human behavior, evaluating and conducting empirical research.
    Recommended Background: 9 graduate hours in the major.
  • CFS 572 - Professional Seminar 1: Introduction to CFS

    1 Credit Hours
    Professional orientation to the field of Child and Family Studies; consideration of multi-disciplinary trends, current research and application, ethics, publication and research planning.
  • CFS 574 - Analysis of Teaching for Professional Development

    1-2 Credit Hours
    Strategies to document and analyze effectiveness of teaching and of professional development. Study and application of various approaches.
    Repeatability: Not repeatable. May be taken once for 1-2 hours.
    (DE) Corequisite(s): 575.
  • CFS 575 - Professional Internship in Teaching

    1-8 Credit Hours
    Intensive teaching and teaching-related experiences in professional settings in public schools. Enrollment limited to post-baccalaureate students in professional year program.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Comment(s): Requires admission to the teacher education program.
  • CFS 580 - Special Topics in Child and Family Studies

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Research, theory and current issues in child development, family studies, or early learning. Topics vary.
    Repeatability: May be repeated if topic differs. Maximum 9 hours.
    Recommended Background: 6 graduate hours in the major or consent of instructor.
  • CFS 581 - Directed Study in Child and Family Studies

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Individual learning experiences in specific topics in child development, family studies, or early learning.
    Repeatability: May be repeated if topic differs. Maximum 6 hours.
    Recommended Background: 6 graduate hours or consent of instructor.
  • CFS 591 - Clinical Studies

    1-4 Credit Hours
    Group and individual seminar activities during full-time internship. Application and evaluation of professional core competencies. Completion and presentation of portfolio and analysis of teaching project.
    Repeatability: Not repeatable. May be taken once for 1-4 hours.
    (DE) Corequisite(s): 575.
  • CFS 600 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    3-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of Instructor.
  • CFS 610 - Advanced Special Topics in Child and Family Studies

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Advanced, in-depth study in child development, family studies, or early learning. Topics vary.
    Repeatability: May be repeated if topic differs. Maximum 6 hours.
    Recommended Background: 12 graduate hours in the major or consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 620 - Advanced Directed Study in Child and Family Studies

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Advanced, in-depth individualized learning experiences in specific topics in family studies, child development, or early learning.
    Repeatability: May be repeated if topic differs. Maximum 6 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be applied to child and family studies specialization electives for the master’s degree.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 631 - Adolescent Development in Families

    3 Credit Hours
    Normative and non-normative adolescent development: physical, cognitive, moral, social, familial, sexual, and personality.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 510, 511, and 550.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 635 - International Perspectives on Children, Youth, and Family

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced exploration of cross-cultural and international research and theory on children, youth, and families, focusing on variations of experience within and between cultural and national contexts.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 640 - Seminar in Child Development, Family Studies, and Early Learning

    3 Credit Hours
    Recent theoretical and empirical developments in the field. Topics vary.
    Repeatability: May be repeated if topic differs. Maximum 9 hours.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 510, 511, 550 and 570.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • CFS 650 - Advanced Qualitative Research in Human Sciences

    3 Credit Hours
    Methods of qualitative research are explored including narrative, phenomenological, ethnographic, grounded theory, and case study approaches. Emphasis on utilizing and analyzing data from in-depth interviews. Development of a proposed study and pilot data collection and analyses are required.
    Comment(s): For master’s students completing the certificate in qualitative analysis and for doctoral students with consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 652 - Gender and Families

    3 Credit Hours
    Research and theory related to intersections between gender and family interactions, relationships, and processes. Consideration of contemporary societal contexts. Emphasis on gender topics and contexts varies.
    Recommended Background: 9 hours of graduate family studies course work.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level - graduate.
  • CFS 653 - Women and Families

    3 Credit Hours
    Contemporary women: primary psychological processes in sociological context. Reciprocal influence of society, women, and their families in relation to marriage and parenting.
    Recommended Background: 9 hours of graduate family studies course work.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 660 - Advanced Observation Research Design and Methods

    3 Credit Hours
    Design of observational research in natural and contrived settings as used in child and family research; observation methods used with these designs.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 570.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 661 - Advanced Longitudinal Research Methods

    3 Credit Hours
    Design, application, and analysis of longitudinal human development research.
    Recommended Background: At least 3 credit hours of graduate-level methods and 3 of graduate-level statistics.
    Registration Restriction(s): Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 672 - Professional Seminar 2: Professional Socialization

    2 Credit Hours
    Preparing for a position in a professional setting: finding and understanding job announcements, preparing curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy and research statements, navigating the interview process, accepting a position and transitioning to a professional occupation.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 680 - Knox Area Family and Child Study (KAFACS) Research Practica I

    3 Credit Hours
    Faculty-directed collaborative original research, including problem definition, instrumentation, data collection, data analysis, and report writing on a panel or sample of families and children in the Knox County area.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 570.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • CFS 681 - Knox Area Family and Child Study (KAFACS) Research Practica II

    3 Credit Hours
    Faculty-directed collaborative original research, including problem definition, instrumentation, data collection, data analysis, and report writing on a panel or sample of families and children in the Knox County area.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 570.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Chinese (CHIN)

  • CHIN 431 - Chinese Literature and Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    Students will learn to express complicated ideas fluently both in speaking and in prose. Topics may include film, literature, news, business Chinese, etc. The class is conducted in Chinese.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 232 or equivalent.

Cinema Studies (CNST)

  • CNST 400 - Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
  • CNST 420 - French Cinema

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See French 420.)


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