Sep 22, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Italian (ITAL)

  • ITAL 592 - Off-Campus Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
  • ITAL 593 - Independent Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.

Japanese (JAPA)

  • JAPA 451 - Readings in Pre-Modern Japanese Texts

    3 Credit Hours
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 352 or equivalent.
  • JAPA 452 - Reading in Modern Japanese Texts

    3 Credit Hours
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 352 or equivalent.

Journalism and Electronic Media (JREM)

  • JREM 410 - Media Ethics

    3 Credit Hours
    Case studies of ethical issues in print, electronic, and online communication. Definitions of “good” and “ethical” communication – including image acquisition and presentation, in a democratic society. Study of the information/entertainment dilemma while investigating decision-making frameworks and standards for mass communication professionals.
  • JREM 414 - Magazine and Feature Writing

    3 Credit Hours
    Techniques of writing features and in-depth articles for mass circulation and specialized magazines or newspapers. Organizing and presenting material with attention to problems in areas such as business, science, agriculture, and the humanities.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 230 or Public Relations 320; and 333.
  • JREM 415 - Magazine Industry Workshop

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to the magazine industry including management, design, writing and editing, and interactivity. Analysis of print and electronic format magazines. Planning new products for the marketplace.
    Contact Hour Distribution: Lecture and lab.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 414.
  • JREM 422 - Web Journalism

    3 Credit Hours
    Students introduced to a variety of social media and the ways in which they may be used by journalists for information gathering, reporting, publicity, and engagement. Topics covered will include curation, verification, ethical considerations, and analytics.
    Contact Hour Distribution: Lecture and lab.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 350.
  • JREM 450 - Writing About Science and Medicine

    3 Credit Hours
    A writing workshop in which students analyze successful science writing and write a series of articles for the general public based on scientific journals, news conferences, technical meetings, and interviews. Satisfies General Education Requirement: (WC).
    Cross-listed: (Same as Information Sciences 450.)

    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • JREM 451 - Environmental Writing

    3 Credit Hours
    Writing for the news media (including the Internet) on such environmental issues as energy, sprawl, air pollution, forests, and invasive species. Students hear presentations from and interview experts in environmental science and reporting. Exemplary environmental writing is analyzed. Satisfies General Education Requirement: (WC).
  • JREM 456 - Science Writing as Literature

    3 Credit Hours
    A survey of important science writing for the general public across the spectrum of science, engineering, and medicine. Works by authors such as Arthur C. Clarke, David Quammen, and Richard Selzer are analyzed for literary qualities in a quest to understand why some science writing succeeds. Satisfies General Education Requirement: (WC).
  • JREM 460 - Advanced Television News Reporting and Producing

    3 Credit Hours
    Production of daily and weekly television newscasts for The Volunteer Channel and on local television stations. Advanced course in TV news producing, reporting and anchoring. State-of-the-art converged newsroom and high definition studio are used in the production of weekly broadcasts.
    Contact Hour Distribution: Lecture and lab.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 411.
  • JREM 475 - Sports Writing

    3 Credit Hours
    Writing sports stories, features and columns. Sports writing is considered from the standpoint of sports reporters, sports information specialists and others with an interest in writing about sports.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 375.
  • JREM 490 - Advanced Photojournalism

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced principles and methods of black-and-white photography. Introduction to color photography. News and feature photographs, photo essays.
    Contact Hour Distribution: Lecture and lab.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 390.
  • JREM 491 - Foreign Study

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Comment(s): Approval of hours and topics by advisor required.
  • JREM 500 - Thesis

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to graduate students.
  • JREM 502 - Registration for Use of Facilities

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Required for the student not otherwise registered during any semester when the student uses university facilities and/or faculty time before degree is completed.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Restriction: May not be used toward degree requirements.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to graduate students.
  • JREM 510 - International Journalism

    3 Credit Hours
    Studies the development and impact of international and trans-national media systems on journalism today. Examines the implications for reporters, editors, and publishers in print, broadcasting, cable, satellite, and the Internet as well as the effects on audiences, societies, global cultures, and political economies. Comparative analysis of media, media practices, and flow of information throughout the world.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to graduate students.
  • JREM 512 - Mass Media Research Methods

    3 Credit Hours
    Applications of communication research techniques for management. Gathering and analysis of data for assessing media audiences and message impacts.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to graduate students or consent of instructor.
  • JREM 515 - Advanced Reporting across the Media

    3 Credit Hours
    Developing good story ideas, researching them, and translating them into suitable material for news in print, broadcasting, cable, and the Internet. Using video and graphics to reinforce the story concept. Considering the needs of the media and the audience. Theories of how content changes as the medium changes.
  • JREM 520 - Seminar in Political Communication

    3 Credit Hours
    Relationships among mass media, public relations and government and their roles in democratic society. Governmental public relations, political campaigns, coverage of military, executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, special interest groups and public access to government information.
  • JREM 522 - Seminar in Journalism Issues and Theory

    3 Credit Hours
    Discussion of the important issues in journalism from a variety of theoretical viewpoints. Study of the basic literature on theory involving journalism (print, broadcasting, cable, and the Internet) and its application to current problems.
  • JREM 525 - Public Opinion

    3 Credit Hours
    Role of press in developing and influencing public consensus. Social theories of public opinion and analysis of media’s response.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Public Relations 525.)

  • JREM 530 - Mass Communication Law in a Democratic Society

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced study of legal issues in journalism across the media. Constitutional interpretation of First Amendment rights. The evolution of the theory of press freedom in the United States. Principles and case studies in communication law. Analysis of court opinions and regulatory policies. Discussion of legal research. Examination of the impact of globalization and new technologies on the traditional values of the First Amendment.
  • JREM 550 - Writing and Editing Projects

    3 Credit Hours
    Specialized writing or editing interests: agriculture, politics, labor, finance, science, technical, general publications.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • JREM 555 - Seminar in the Technology and Economics of Media and Information Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Examines how economics and technology shape development and operations of media and information systems. Focus on industry structures, market definitions, and impacts of emerging competition. Implications of emerging technologies on costs, market definitions, and supply and demand characteristics. Discussion of emerging/new media and implications on existing systems. Comparison of traditional and emerging industries, markets, and models.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to graduate students or consent of instructor.
  • JREM 556 - Seminar in Mass Media Health Communication

    3 Credit Hours
    Methods, problems, theories, and issues of communication in health field. Media’s reporting of health issues. Setting of media’s health agenda; strategic uses of media in social marketing efforts; public communication of complex social/medical issues. Discussion of relevant communication theories including uses and gratifications, reasoned action, health belief model, social cognitive and framing.
  • JREM 560 - Advanced Web Publishing

    3 Credit Hours
    Electronic research and publishing. Social, legal and ethical challenges surrounding online publishing. Project planning and storyboarding techniques for designing and creating site on web.
  • JREM 590 - Project

    3 Credit Hours
    Capstone project under guidance of faculty. Applications of principles from previous course work.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
  • JREM 592 - Internship

    3 Credit Hours
    Full-time (30-40 hours per week) work experience in news, production, or sales and management with non-university professional organization. Educational experience beyond that available at the university. Final term paper.
    Credit Restriction: No retroactive credit for previous work experience.
  • JREM 593 - Seminar in Journalism And Electronic Media Issues

    3 Credit Hours
    Contemporary topics in communications.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • JREM 597 - Independent Study

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Must be a graduate student.
    Registration Permission: Advanced undergraduate students who wish to be considered must seek permission of instructor.
  • JREM 680 - Mass Communication Theory

    3 Credit Hours
    Survey of major theories and studies in mass communication.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Advertising 680 and Public Relations 680.)

    Registration Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in the College of Communication and Information or consent of instructor. Minimum student level – graduate.

Judaic Studies (JST)

  • JST 405 - Modern Jewish Studies

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Religious Studies 405.)

  • JST 426 - Early Christian and Byzantine Art to 1350

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Art History 425.)

  • JST 432 - Medieval Art of the West, 800-1400

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Art History 431.)

Kinesiology (KNS)

  • KNS 480 - Physiology of Exercise

    3 Credit Hours
    Lecture and laboratory class dealing with functions of the body in muscular work. Topics include physiological aspects of fatigue, training, and adaptation to environment.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology 482).

    Contact Hour Distribution: 2 lectures and 1 lab.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Chemistry 120 with a C or better, Chemistry 130 with a C or better, Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology 230 with a C or better or 440 with a C or better.
    Registration Restriction(s): Kinesiology major, Biological Sciences major, or Animal Science major.
  • KNS 490 - Psychology of Coaching

    3 Credit Hours
    Major topics and theories dealing with the social-psychological factors affecting the performance of athletes and teams, with practical suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness of teachers and coaches.
    Registration Restriction(s): Kinesiology or recreation and sport management major; minimum student level – junior
  • KNS 500 - Thesis

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 501 - Special Project

    3 Credit Hours
    Culminating experience for non-thesis major.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 502 - Registration for Use of Facilities

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Required for the student not otherwise registered during any semester when student uses university facilities and/or faculty time before degree is completed.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Restriction: May not be used toward degree requirements.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 508 - Research Methods

    3 Credit Hours
    Research for writing of thesis and institutional review board proposals; presentation of research through free communications and poster presentations; calculation and interpretation of statistics related to common research designs used in research; and use of computer software.
  • KNS 509 - Graduate Seminar in Public Health

    1 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Public Health 509.)

  • KNS 513 - Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Injury

    3 Credit Hours
    Effect of injury and physical activity on musculoskeletal tissue: injury mechanisms, surgical implications, and rehabilitation related research.
    Recommended Background: An undergraduate biomechanics or applied anatomy course.
  • KNS 515 - Qualitative Biomechanical Analysis of Movement

    3 Credit Hours
    Develop a framework for qualitative analysis of human movement in sports and exercise via the use of video to record sports skills and exercise activities. Understand the practical issues related to recording movement appropriately, interpreting and assessing the movement according to biomechanical principles, and reporting effectively.
    Recommended Background: An undergraduate biomechanics or applied anatomy course.
  • KNS 516 - Therapeutic Exercise

    3 Credit Hours
    Current research in therapeutic exercise: role of nervous system, soft tissue healing, proprioception, muscle activation patterns, and strength.
  • KNS 521 - Physical Activity Epidemiology Methods

    3 Credit Hours
    Epidemiological foundation for research in physical activity related to individual and population-based health. Emphasis on analytic methods, surveys, and research designs. Focus on issues within special populations (e.g., elderly, children).
    Recommended Background: Course in statistics or consent of instructor.
  • KNS 531 - Biomechanics

    3 Credit Hours
    Fundamental knowledge of 2D and 3D biomechanical principles and applications in kinematics and kinetics, anthropometric models, instrumentation, signal processing and noise reduction, and related topics.
    Recommended Background: Undergraduate biomechanics course and Physics 221 or equivalent.
  • KNS 532 - Exercise Physiology

    3 Credit Hours
    Physiology of human performance: acute and chronic effects of exercise on metabolic, cardiac, pulmonary, and skeletal systems.
    Contact Hour Distribution: 2 hours and 1 lab.
    Recommended Background: Human physiology or general physiology course and a general chemistry course.
  • KNS 533 - Psychology of Sport

    3 Credit Hours
    Social psychological factors influencing human behavior in a sport context; discussion of contemporary theory, research, and methodology.
    Registration Restriction(s): Must be majors within the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies or
    permission of the instructor. Minimum student level – graduate.

  • KNS 534 - Motor Behavior and Skill Acquisition

    3 Credit Hours
    Topical explanation and application of principles of human movement behavior to acquisition and performance of skills; discussion of current research and methodology.
    Registration Restriction(s): Kinesiology major or concentration. Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 535 - Health and Exercise Psychology

    3 Credit Hours
    Critical examination of various aspects of health and exercise psychology including the psychological benefits of exercise (e.g., increased well-being) as well as the psychological pitfalls of too much exercise (e.g., exercise addiction, overeating, disordered eating behavior etc.).
    Registration Restriction(s): Must be majors within the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies or
    permission of the instructor. Minimum student level – graduate.

  • KNS 536 - Expert Performance in Sports

    3 Credit Hours
    Examines expertise in athletic performance with a primary focus on the development and maintenance of expertise. Special emphasis is placed on theoretical and practical perspectives on the study of sport expertise as they intersect with issues regarding sport psychology, race, aging, gender, or other socio-cultural factors.
    Registration Restriction(s): Kinesiology major or concentration. Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 538 - Professional Practice Issues in Sport Psychology

    3 Credit Hours
    Critical examination of various aspects of professional practice in sport psychology with particular emphasis on ethical issues.
    Registration Restriction(s): Must be majors within the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies or
    permission of the instructor. Minimum student level – graduate.

  • KNS 541 - Special Topics

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Advanced study in selected areas of kinesiology.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.
  • KNS 543 - Women, Sport and Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    Cross-listed: (See Sport Studies 543).

  • KNS 544 - Performance Consulting Skills and Strategies

    3 Credit Hours
    Skills and strategies sport and performance psychology consultants use when working with athletes and other performers (e.g., exercise participants, performing artists, etc.) to help manage their thoughts and emotions under pressure or when faced with challenges.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 533 and 538.
  • KNS 545 - Psychological Aspects of Sport Injury

    3 Credit Hours
    An examination of the role of psychological factors in the occurrence, prevention, and rehabilitation of sport injury as well as psychological intervention approaches relevant to injury and rehabilitation.
  • KNS 565 - Advanced Physiology of Exercise

    3 Credit Hours
    Systematic study of skeletal muscle and metabolism related to acute exercise and physical training: lectures, discussions of major scientific reviews, and appropriate laboratory experiments.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 480 or 532.
  • KNS 567 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

    3 Credit Hours
    Physiological adaptations to exercise training. Measurement and evaluation of cardiorespiratory function, body composition, strength, and flexibility.
    Recommended Background: Undergraduate courses in human physiology and physiology of exercise.
  • KNS 569 - Clinical Exercise Physiology

    3 Credit Hours
    Cardiac structure and function, interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiograms, exercise considerations for cardiac and pulmonary patient.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 480 or 532 and 567.
  • KNS 570 - Cardiac Rehabilitation Practicum

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Supervised experience in hospital-based exercise programs for participants with cardiac and/or pulmonary disorders. Use of telemetry monitoring, leading safe exercise regimens counseling participants on safe exercise guidelines. Presenting educational class on topic applicable to participants.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 532 and 567 or consent of instructor.
  • KNS 593 - Independent Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.
  • KNS 594 - Directed Readings

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.
  • KNS 595 - Special Topics in Kinesiology

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Advanced study in selected aspects of kinesiology.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.
  • KNS 600 - Doctoral Research and Dissertation

    3-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 602 - Research Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Departmental research seminar. Includes research presentations on different topics in Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Sport Studies 602.)

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Must be majors within the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies or permission of the instructor. Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 622 - Directed Independent Research

    3-6 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Comment(s): For doctoral students. Others must obtain consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 624 - Advanced Topics in Obesity

    1-4 Credit Hours
    Recent advances and concepts, research techniques, and current problems of obesity related to nutrition and exercise sciences. Topics may include disease prevention and treatment, prevalence, etiology, metabolism, and molecular mechanisms of disease.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 633 - Advanced Sport Psychology

    3 Credit Hours
    Analysis, synthesis, and discussion of contemporary theory and topics; research development and production in sport psychology.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Must be majors within the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies.
    Minimum student level – graduate.

  • KNS 634 - Advanced Methods and Instrumentation in Biomechanics

    3 Credit Hours
    Focus on practical experience, theoretical foundations and literature of advanced methods and instrumentation in biomechanics.
    Recommended Background: 531 or consent of instructor.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 635 - Physical Activity and Positive Health

    3 Credit Hours
    Review of clinical, epidemiological, and experimental evidence concerning relationship and effects of exercise on health-related components of fitness.
    Cross-listed: (Same as Public Health 634.)

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 480 or 532 and 567 or consent of instructor.
    Recommended Background: Elementary statistics course.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 661 - Seminar in Exercise and Applied Physiology

    1 Credit Hours
    Selected topics in exercise physiology and physical activity research.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 662 - Seminar in Biomechanics

    1 Credit Hours
    Selected topics on research in biomechanics and related areas.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 531.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 664 - Research Participation in Kinesiology

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Participation in research with faculty member whose interests coincide with those of student.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • KNS 681 - Practicum

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Intern experience in areas of major interest.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.
  • KNS 693 - Independent Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.
  • KNS 694 - Supervised Reading

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.
  • KNS 695 - Special Topics

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Study for doctoral students in selected aspects of kinesiology (e.g., biomechanics, epidemiology, exercise physiology, motor behavior, and sport psychology).
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
    Registration Permission: Requires consent of instructor.

Landscape Architecture (LAR)

  • LAR 500 - Thesis

    1-15 Credit Hours
    Grading Restriction: P/NP only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated.
    Credit Level Restriction: Graduate credit only.
    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
  • LAR 521 - Design Communication I

    3 Credit Hours
    Focuses on discipline-specific modes of representation, digital tools, technical drawing modes and con­ventions, and fundamental compositional concerns. In addition to these visual and graphic modes of representation, students learn cross-media software workflows and multi-media strategies for generating and communicating design ideas.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 522 - Design Communication II

    3 Credit Hours
    Builds on the skills developed in LAR 521 to engage in more advanced and exploratory practices of design communication. Students will use multiple media and techniques to explore and explain complex landscape phenomena and conditions as well as developing skills with emerging design communication processes such as parametric modeling, information graphics, and visual storytelling.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 521.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 525 - Special Topics

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Instructor-initiated course.
    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 9 hours.
  • LAR 526 - Directed Readings in Landscape Architecture

    3 Credit Hours
    Faculty-guided independent readings on topics of interest: primary texts, history, theory, urban issues, technology and professional practice. Products determined by instructor. Proposal required prior to registration.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • LAR 532 - Plants in Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Focuses on the theory and application of living materials including plant, water, and soil systems and other biota in the context of design precedents and contemporary landscape architectural practice. Students will explore the use of vegetation and living systems across a range of scales and landscape types with respect to both planting design and landscape performance.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Plant Sciences 421.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 534 - Operative Landscapes

    3 Credit Hours
    Surveys the evolving socio-ecological conditions resulting from urbanization, climate dynamics, evolving economies and technological innovation. Landscape architects around the world increasingly engage these complexities in the built environment to create new possibilities for the economic, social, and environmental performance of landscapes in public, private, and infrastructural territories. Will use contemporary projects as a basis for understanding multi-scalar design approaches, technical details, and maintenance regimes. Emphasis will be placed on built landscapes and living systems as integral parts of more dynamic, resilient, and sustainable approaches to landscape design, implementation, and management across scales from the site to the watershed.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Geology 590.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 535 - Operative Landscape Tactics

    3 Credit Hours
    Provides instruction on the practical design, implementation, and management of living systems as fundamental elements of multifunctional infrastructures and operative landscapes at a range of scales and contexts. Planning, design, implementation, maintenance, and professional communication methods are exercised through a series of project scenarios.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 534.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 551 - Design Studio I

    6 Credit Hours
    Introduces students to techniques, concepts, and practices of landscape architecture and landscape planning with particular emphasis on development of representational and communication skills using digital and analog media. Strategic and formal design concepts are introduced as vehicles for the exploration of a wide range of media and techniques for analyzing landscapes, projecting design alternatives, and communicating design ideas.
    Credit Restriction: Students may not receive credit for both Landscape Architecture 551 and Architecture 474.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major.
  • LAR 552 - Design Studio II

    6 Credit Hours
    Focuses on issues of space and form in landscape architectural design. Working at small and intermediate scales, students explore contemporary and historical theories of space and form through a range of analog and digital media with a particular emphasis on 3-dimensional modeling. Students work rapidly across several projects in order to explore multiple formal and spatial concepts and practice new techniques.
    Credit Restriction: Students may not receive credit for both Landscape Architecture 552 and Architecture 475.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 551.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major.
  • LAR 553 - Design Studio III

    6 Credit Hours
    Focus on regional landscape systems with emphasis on community development, spatial planning, urban/rural networks, and natural resource sustainability. Students engage with community partners to tackle complex issues such as water resource stewardship, infrastructure adaptation, ecological resilience, environmental justice, policy innovation, and economic development. Interdisciplinary teams of architecture and landscape architecture students are encouraged.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 552.
  • LAR 554 - Design Studio IV

    6 Credit Hours
    Focus on medium to large scale sites with emphasis on dynamic landscape formation, landscape tectonics, and the use of landform in relation to spatial and programmatic potentials. Students develop comprehensive digital models and work parametrically in order to rapidly explore a wide range of formal, spatial, and programmatic configurations.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 553.
  • LAR 555 - Design Studio V

    6 Credit Hours
    Focus on issues of infrastructure and urbanism with particular emphasis on new approaches to the design of metropolitan conditions using landscape as the primary organizing system. Students develop comprehensive projects which include inventive programmatic conditions, strategies for implementation, and concrete spatial and formal designs.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 554.
  • LAR 556 - Design Studio VI

    6 Credit Hours
    An advanced studio with a focus on strategic approaches to landscape architecture and planning. Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of systemic strategies, which include physical landscape components, policy innovations, economic mechanisms, PR campaigns, and more.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 555.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 561 - Practicum for Landscape Architecture

    3-6 Credit Hours
    Supervised experience in a private practice, governmental or non-governmental organization, or on a landscape oriented research project. Business or research practices, management, and design skills.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 552 or consent of instructor.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor and approval of graduate program in landscape architecture.
  • LAR 570 - Capstone Studio

    6 Credit Hours
    Advanced, thematically-based (non-thesis) studio.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 555.
  • LAR 571 - Landform and Hydrology

    4 Credit Hours
    Explores the aesthetic, technical, and hydrologic aspects of shaping the land. The coursework focuses on a systems approach using contemporary best practices from landscape architecture and site engineering to shape landscapes in order to manage water for functional and aesthetic effects.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 572 - Design and Construction I

    3 Credit Hours
    Focuses on design issues related to construction, fabrication, materiality, and tectonics for landscape architecture. Students will learn about construction-related issues such as layout, dimensioning, and the creation of construction details, as well as explore new technologies, methods, and materials being utilized in contemporary landscape architectural design and construction practices.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 571.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 573 - Design and Construction II

    3 Credit Hours
    Engages in material, formal, and spatial explorations of landscapes through virtual and physical model making at a variety of scales. Students will learn about the performative capacities of a range of contemporary materials and investigate ways that such materials may be configured for various effects.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 572.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 580 - Thesis Preparation/Programming

    3 Credit Hours
    Research, planning, and preparation of thesis document under supervision of candidate’s thesis committee in anticipation of thesis design studio.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 555 or consent of instructor.
  • LAR 581 - Histories and Theories I

    3 Credit Hours
    The first of a two-part history and theory sequence. It provides an overview of the human landscape (settlements, cities, gardens) from Antiquity to the 19th century.
    Registration Restriction(s): Landscape architecture major or consent of instructor.

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