Mar 28, 2025  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Arts and Sciences


Programs of Study
Requirements for Degrees
Basic Skills
    –Communicating Through Writing
    –Communicating Orally
    –Foreign Language
    –Quantitative Reasoning
Distribution Requirements
   Part A: Divisional Distribution Requirements
      –Natural Science
      –Social Science
      –Arts and Humanities
      –Non-U.S. History


Part B: Upper-Level DistributionRequirements
List A - United States Studies
      List B - Foreign Studies
Elective Courses
Program for Prospective K-12 Teachers
Academic Departments


Bruce E. Bursten, Dean
Don Richard Cox, Executive Associate Dean
William M. Dunne, Associate Dean for Research and Resource Development
John Zomchick, Associate Dean for Academic Personnel
Robert J. Hinde, Associate Dean for Teaching and Diversity
Melissa Parker, Director, College of Arts and Sciences Advising Services

The College of Arts and Sciences is home to a wide array of academic disciplines and interdisciplinary programs. Such diverse areas of study as classics, anthropology, women’s studies and Latin American studies are represented among the 21 departments and schools and 13 special programs that compose the college.

The faculty of the college are committed to providing both comprehensive general education and concentrated study in a particular field to all students enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. General education offers opportunities to master the basic learning skills necessary to understand a specialized area of study and is essential for the continuation of learning throughout life.

Arts and Sciences faculty are also committed to educating students in a discipline. Education with a disciplinary focus prepares students for further study at the graduate level and for careers in business, public service, or any other endeavor. As our world becomes both more specialized and more changeable, the need to find the right balance between general and specialized knowledge becomes essential.

The central purposes of a liberal education include the encouragement of intellectual tolerance, a dedication to the quest for knowledge as a worthwhile goal in and of itself, and the cultivation of a responsible, creative, individual mind. These qualities enable one to develop an ability to reason and to express oneself clearly, an incentive to absorb emerging knowledge, and a competence to confront the uncertainties of human experience. For the student whose interests and talents lead into research, scholarship, and teaching, a liberal education provides an invaluable foundation. For the individual who enters business, industry, the professions, or government service, it furnishes a broadly useful and well-rounded educational background. For all, it offers the opportunity to share in a rich intellectual heritage, in the adventures of the mind, and in the life of the educated imagination. A liberally educated person is identified not so much by specific knowledge as by quality of mind and by creative response to the challenges of the times.

The great universities of the world are so labeled because their faculties have earned the reputation of being renowned scholars. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has earned such a reputation because of the quality of the research and creative activity of its faculty. The student who studies in the College of Arts and Sciences has joined a community of scholars. To study with such a talented faculty is to experience the best education possible.

The faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences provide to all students a general education and to thousands of students a year a more specialized education in any one of 21 disciplines and thirteen  interdisciplinary programs. The college’s faculty help their students prepare for any and all careers. Faculty research and creative activity are the foundations on which education in this college is built. As a result of that faculty endeavor, the lives of students are enriched and the world’s body of knowledge grows. That is the basic mission of the College of Arts and Sciences faculty in a research university.

Programs of Study

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Seeking the broad, general goals of a liberal education, students come into the college also with a wide variety of specific educational and vocational objectives. Recognizing this diversity, the college offers a number of different programs of study leading to the baccalaureate degree and also several pre-professional curricula which prepare students for advanced study but do not lead to a degree from this college.

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts represents the attainment of a broad knowledge of the arts and sciences as well as a comprehensive understanding of one or more areas of special interest. Three programs leading to this degree are open to the student.

Basic Program

The program appropriate for most Bachelor of Arts students is developed around the basic skills and distribution requirements plus intensive study in one or more of the specified departmental or interdepartmental major fields described below.

Individualized Program

Designed for students whose educational goals are best met by a program tailored to their particular needs, it is the same as the basic program in broad area requirements but permits the student to develop an individual concentration incorporating work in two or more departments.

College Scholars Program

Intended for a limited number of students who are especially qualified and motivated and who have been selected to undertake this honors program, the College Scholars Program permits the students maximum freedom to design a curriculum to meet particular interests and goals.

Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science degree, offered in selected departments and programs, is designed for students who wish to pursue a more scientifically or professionally oriented program of study. Two programs leading to this degree are offered.

Basic Program

The basic program for the Bachelor of Science degree contains basic skills and distribution requirements similar to the basic program for the Bachelor of Arts as well as a unique set of requirements for the major including additional study in mathematics, statistics, or laboratory sciences.

Pre-Professional Program

The pre-professional program is offered for those who wish to participate in the cooperative 3+1 curricula in the health sciences (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, or nuclear medicine technology). Students taking one of the health sciences curricula proceed directly to specialized training in the chosen area after the third year of Arts and Sciences study and complete the first year of professional study in lieu of satisfying the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree with a major concentration in the college.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

See Department of Chemistry .

Bachelor of Fine Arts

See School of Art .

Bachelor of Music

See School of Music .

Requirements for Degrees

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To earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, these requirements must be completed.

  • All university degree requirements as described in the section, Academic Policies and Procedures – General Requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree.
  • A minimum of 120 credit hours.
  • At least 42 credit hours in courses numbered 300 or above.
  • Appropriate work to satisfy basic skill and distribution requirements, counting no course in more than one area. (This is not a requirement in the College Scholars Program.)
  • Completion of at least one major (24-40 credits at 200 level or above for Bachelor of Science majors and 24-37 credits at 200 level or above for Bachelor of Arts majors); up to 6 hours in the major may be used, where listed, to satisfy basic skills or divisional distribution requirements. Courses used for the major may not be used to satisfy upper level distribution requirements.

Students may choose to develop one or more minors (minimum 15 hours at the 200-level and above).

Students may take up to 20 hours of courses graded Satisfactory/No Credit in an area outside the major or minor, basic skills or distribution requirements.

Satisfactory/No Credit

A few courses in the college are offered only on a Satisfactory/No Credit (S/NC) basis and students may elect to take others on this basis, except in areas where the option is specifically prohibited. Such courses, if successfully completed, will count as hours for graduation although neither S nor NC grades will be calculated in the student’s grade point average. Satisfactory is defined as C or better work on the traditional grading scale and No Credit is defined as less than C. The following regulations apply.

  • S/NC courses, except those offered only on this basis, may not count for basic skills or distribution requirements or major and minor requirements unless specifically permitted by petition. This restriction applies also to major or minor prerequisites or corequisites.
  • The maximum number of S/NC elective hours which may be counted toward graduation is 20, exclusive of courses offered only S/NC, physical education courses, and/or satisfactory hours earned by examination, military service, etc.
  • A transfer student with S/NC or equivalent credit earned prior to admission to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in a course which satisfies a basic skills or distribution requirement may count it for that purpose. In the case of a course which satisfies a major or minor requirement, the first bullet applies.

The option of taking courses on a S/NC basis is provided to encourage the able student to venture beyond the limits of those courses in which the student does well and, motivated by intellectual curiosity, to explore subject matter in which performance may be somewhat less outstanding than work in preferred subject fields.

Note: Students planning to seek admission to graduate or professional schools (especially in the health sciences) should discuss with their advisors possible limitations on exercise of the S/NC option before registering for courses on this basis.

Basic Skills and Distribution Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science degrees share the same program of basic skills and distribution requirements (except where noted otherwise).

All students who earn a degree in the College of Arts and Sciences must have demonstrated skill in the use of the English language, the ability to acquire another language, and the ability to use the tools of quantitative analysis or formal logic. The specific requirements are as follows.

First Year Composition
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Skills necessary to write persuasive, logical and coherent essays in English; to read critically texts from a variety of media; to evaluate and cite sources in research; and to be aware of how to write for different audiences and purposes.

Students may meet this requirement in one of two ways.

  • By completing 6 hours in English writing courses – either ENGL 101  and ENGL 102 ; or ENGL 118  and ENGL 102 ; or ENGL 131  and ENGL 132 . Students who obtain a grade of A or B in ENGL 118  may complete their freshman requirement with ENGL 102 , or with a sophomore course in the English Department, or ENGL 355 . The sophomore course may, if so listed, also be used toward the humanities distribution requirement.
  • By earning a score of 4 or 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement Test in Literature and Composition. Credit in ENGL 101  is earned with a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Test in Language and Composition.

Placement Information

Eligibility for ENGL 118  will be determined by ACT or SAT scores and a placement exam. Selected students will be placed in ENGL 103  based on ACT or SAT scores and may not drop this course without departmental approval. Details are available from the English Department.

A student must complete the first year composition requirement prior to enrolling in English courses numbered 200 or higher.

 Communicating through Writing Top ^

To fulfill the University General Education Requirement, all students must complete the first year composition sequence described above, and, upon completion of ENGL 101  and ENGL 102  or their equivalent, take one other course designated as (WC) in the Undergraduate Catalog. The WC course may or may not be within the student’s major. WC courses may also satisfy college distribution requirements.

Communicating Orally Top ^

The ability to communicate one’s ideas orally is as important as the ability to express them in writing. All students must fulfill the University General Education Requirement by completing one course with an (OC) designation. The OC course may or may not be within the student’s major. OC courses may also satisfy college distribution requirements.

Foreign Language Top ^

Skills necessary to learn the basic structures and vocabulary of a foreign language; to read, write, understand, and, for modern languages, speak a foreign language; to understand how to learn another language; to better understand one’s own native language; and to complement the study of other cultures or civilizations. Students may meet this requirement in one of four ways.

Placement Information

All students who wish to enroll in a French, German, Latin, or Spanish course, who have completed at least two years of this language in high school and who have not yet taken a college course in the language, must take a placement examination before enrolling. Placement in the appropriate course will be determined by the score on the examination online. Examinations will be given during summer orientation and at any time during the fall, spring, and summer. Students who place into 200-level courses will receive 6 hours of elementary language credit, provided that they do not subsequently enroll and receive credit for any 100-level course in the same language. If they do, elementary placement credit is forfeited and removed from the student’s transcript. Students who place into 300-level courses will receive 6 hours of intermediate language credit. Under no circumstances may any student earn more than 6 hours of language placement examination credit. Students who feel they have been inappropriately placed should consult the appropriate language section.

Quantitative Reasoning Top ^

Skills in mathematics, quantitative reasoning, and computing required for estimation and calculation, understanding logical processes, critical analysis, problem solving and decision making.

Students may meet this requirement by completion of two of the following courses, or one of the following courses and COSC 100  or COSC 102 .

Distribution Requirements

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All of these requirements are designed to enhance the skills of thinking critically and analytically, and of effective communication and writing through study and use of different kinds of human knowledge. The distribution requirements are in two parts. Part A: Divisional Distribution Requirements, which require students to take courses in the various divisions of the college, and Part B: Upper-Level Distribution Requirements.

Part A: Divisional Distribution Requirements

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Natural Science

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A two-course laboratory sequence and an additional course that will introduce students to the increasingly important role of science and technology in all aspects of modern life. This requirement will introduce students to the basic discoveries, knowledge and logical organization of scientific disciplines and to development and testing of hypotheses. Laboratory courses will develop skills in experimental tests of hypotheses; lectures will introduce students to the role of scientific methodology and problem- solving in society.

Students may meet this requirement by completion of a two course sequence from list A and an additional course from List A or List B.

List A

ASTR 161 -ASTR 162 , ASTR 217 -ASTR 218 ; BIOL 101 -BIOL 102 , BIOL 111 -BIOL 112 ; CHEM 100 -CHEM 110 , CHEM 120 -CHEM 130 , CHEM 128 -CHEM 138 ; GEOG 131 -GEOG 132 ; two from GEOL 101 , GEOL 102 , GEOL 103 , GEOL 104 ; GEOL 107 -GEOL 108 ; PHYS 135 -PHYS 136 , PHYS 137 -PHYS 138 , PHYS 221 -PHYS 222 .

List B

ANTH 110 , ANTH 117 , ANTH 304 ; ASTR 151 ; ASTR 152 ; BCMB 230 , BCMB 306   (same as ANTH 304 ); BIOL 130 , BIOL 157 ; CHEM 150 , CHEM 160 ; COSC 140 , COSC 160 ; EEB 309 , EEB 330 , EEB 410 ; EPP 201 ; FWF 250 ; GEOL 201 , GEOL 202 , GEOL 203 , GEOL 205 , GEOL 207 , GEOL 208 ; MATH 231 ; MICR 210 ; NUTR 100 ; PHYS 101 , PHYS 102 .

Social Science

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Courses that will introduce students to the idea of individuals in societies, to perspectives and methods used by social scientists, and to the uses of these perspectives and methods in thinking about current social, economic and political issues and problems.

Bachelor of Arts students may meet this requirement by completion of four courses from at least two departments listed below. To meet the University General Education Requirement, two of the courses selected must be from List A. The other courses can be chosen from List A or List B. Bachelor of Science students must complete two courses from different departments. To meet the University’s General Education Requirement, both courses must be selected from List A.

List A

AFST 201 , AFST 202 ; ANTH 130 , ANTH 137 ; CFS 210 , CFS 220 ; ECON 201 , ECON 207 ; GEOG 101 , GEOG 102 ; POLS 102 ; PSYC 110 , PSYC 117 ; SOCI 110 , SOCI 117 , SOCI 120 , SOCI 127 .

List B

AFST 310 ; ANTH 120 , ANTH 127 , ANTH 362 ; AUSP 320 ; CMST 201 , CMST 220 , CMST 260 , CMST 330 ; EEB 304 ; EDPY 210 ; GEOG 320 , GEOG 340 ; GLBS 250 ; LING 200 ; MUCO 310 ; POLS 101 , POLS 107 ; PSYC 220 , PSYC 360 ; REST 232 , REST 233 , REST 301 ; SOCI 232 , SOCI 250 , SOCI 260 , SOCI 344 , SOCI 370 ; WOST 220 .


Arts and Humanities

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Courses that will provide skills to appreciate and interpret literary, philosophical, or religious texts, and to participate as an appreciative observer or artist in a discipline within the visual, spatial, musical, theatrical, or written arts.

To meet the University General Education Requirement, students must choose two courses identified by an asterisk (*) from the list of courses below.

Bachelor of Arts students must complete three courses. At least two of the three courses must be chosen from those indicated by asterisks (*). In addition, one course must be selected from List A, one from List B, and one from List A, B, or C. Bachelor of Science students must complete two courses. Both courses must be chosen from those indicated by asterisks (*). One course must be selected from List A or B.

Writing-emphasis courses require at least 2,000 words, normally comprising one sustained essay or report of at least 1,000 words plus additional writing assignments such as in-class essay exams, journals, book  reviews, etc. The purpose of the requirement is to help students learn course materials through writing; develop critical thinking skills; demonstrate the ability to sustain an argument; and strengthen existing writing skills.

List A – Literature

*AFST 225 , *AFST 226 , *AFST 233 ; ASLN 311 , ASLN 312 , ASLN 313 , ASLN 314 ; CHIN 311 , CHIN 312 ; *CLAS 253 ; COLI 202 ; *ENGL 201 , *ENGL 202 , *ENGL 206 , *ENGL 207 , *ENGL 208 , *ENGL 221 , *ENGL 222 , *ENGL 225 , *ENGL 226 , *ENGL 231 , *ENGL 232 , *ENGL 233 , *ENGL 237 , *ENGL 238 , *ENGL 251  *ENGL 252 , *ENGL 253 , *ENGL 254 ; INSC 330 ; ITAL 401 , ITAL 402 ; JAPA 313 , JAPA 314 ; JST 312 ; LAMS 315 ; MDST 261 , MDST 262 , MDST 401 , MDST 402 ; PORT 315 ; REST 312 , REST 313 ; *RUSS 221 , *RUSS 222 ; WOST 210 , WOST 215 .

List B – Philosophical and Religious Thought

CLAS 201 , *CLAS 221 , *CLAS 222 ; HIST 321 , HIST 322 ; *PHIL 110 , *PHIL 111 , *PHIL 117 , *PHIL 118 , *PHIL 241 , *PHIL 242 , *PHIL 243 , *PHIL 244 , *PHIL 245 , *PHIL 246 , *PHIL 290 , PHIL 340 , PHIL 347 , PHIL 382 ; REST 101 , REST 102 , REST 107 , REST 225 , *REST 244 , REST 280 , REST 321 , REST 322 ; WOST 382 .

List C – Study or Practice of the Arts

*AFST 162 ; *ARCH 111 , *ARCH 117 , *ARCH 211 , *ARCH 212 , *ARCH 217 , *ARCH 218 ; ACER 191 ; ADES 150 ; ADRA 191 ; AMED 191 ; APAI 191 ; ASCU 191 ; *AHIS 162 , *AHIS 167 , *AHIS 172 , *AHIS 173 , AHIS 177 , *AHIS 178 , *AHIS 183 , *AHIS 187 ; CNST 281 ; *CLAS 232 ; ENGL 262 , ENGL 264 , ENGL 281 ; MUTH 100 ; *MUCO 110 , *MUCO 115 , *MUCO 120 , *MUCO 125 , *MUCO 290 ; PHIL 350 , PHIL 353 ; *THEA 100 , THEA 220 .

Non-U.S. History

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A two-course sequence to enhance appreciation of the diversity of the world’s societies, their cultures, and histories. This requirement will develop understanding of how the past shapes individuals and communities in practical decisions and in understanding of self and world; will contribute to skills in explaining change and continuity of human society and the interpretation of people, events and trends in context of the ideas, values, social and political conditions that affect them.

Students may meet this requirement by completion of one of the following sequences. All courses are writing-emphasis courses.

AFST 235 -AFST 236 ; HIST 241 -HIST 242 , HIST 247 -HIST 248 , HIST 255 -HIST 256 , HIST 261 -HIST 262 , HIST 267 -HIST 268 ; LAMS 251 -LAMS 252 ; MDST 201 -MDST 202 .

Part B: Upper Level Distribution Requirements

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Courses that use skills and knowledge acquired in the basic skills and divisional distribution areas to understand and analyze a highly interdependent world system and to make informed comparisons among contemporary cultures. These courses develop understanding of United States society, of national and international diversity, and of critical issues of the modern world. All students must complete one course from each list. All courses are writing-emphasis courses.

List A – United States Studies

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AFST 315 , AFST 331 , AFST 333 , AFST 343 , AFST 352 , AFST 353 , AFST 376 , AFST 380 , AFST 429 , AFST 470 , AFST 472 , AFST 480 , AFST 484 ; AMST 310 , AMST 312 , AMST 320 , AMST 334 , AMST 343 , AMST 355 , AMST 423 , AMST 469 ; ANTH 305 , ANTH 310 , ANTH 315 , ANTH 320 , ANTH 322 , ANTH 360 , ANTH 363 , ANTH 454 ; AHIS 470 , AHIS 472 , AHIS 473 ; CNST 312 , CNST 334 , CNST 469 ; CMST 450 , CMST 466 , CMST 469 , CMST 476 ; EEB 305 ; ECON 331 , ECON 333 , ECON 361 , ECON 362 , ECON 371 , ECON 413 , ECON 435 , ECON 472 ; ENGL 331 , ENGL 332 , ENGL 333 , ENGL 334 ; GEOG 361 , GEOG 363 , GEOG 365 , GEOG 366 , GEOG 423 , GEOG 441 , GEOG 443 ; HIST 325 , HIST 345 , HIST 349 , HIST 350 , HIST 351 , HIST 354 , HIST 355 , HIST 379 , HIST 380 ; PHIL 390 ; POLS 311 , POLS 312 , POLS 330 , POLS 374 ; PSYC 434 ; REST 351 , REST 352 , REST 353 , REST 355 , REST 430 ; SOCI 310 , SOCI 340 , SOCI 343 , SOCI 455 , SOCI 472 ; WOST 310 , WOST 325 , WOST 332 , WOST 340 , WOST 434 , WOST 466 , WOST 469 , WOST 476 , WOST 484 .

List B – Foreign Studies

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This list is subdivided by geographic area and topic. If Western Civilization (HIST 241 -HIST 242 ) or Medieval Civilization (MDST 201 -MDST 202 ) is used to satisfy the non-United States history divisional requirement, courses from the European concentration may not be used to satisfy this requirement.


AFST 335 , AFST 371 , AFST 372 , AFST 373 , AFST 381 , AFST 421  AFST 452 , AFST 461 , AFST 462 , AFST 463 ; ANTH 324 , ANTH 373 ; AHIS 461 , AHIS 462 , AHIS 463 ; ENGL 335 ; HIST 371 , HIST 372 , HIST 381 ; POLS 452 ; REST 373 .


AHIS 411 , AHIS 415 , AHIS 416 , AHIS 419 , AHIS 464 ; ASLN 315 , ASLN 321 , ASLN 413 ; ASST 374 ; CNST 315 ; GEOG 374 , HIST 382 , HIST 389 , HIST 390 , HIST 391 , HIST 392 , HIST 393 ; JAPA 321 , JAPA 413 ; JST 382 ; PHIL 374 , PHIL 376 , PHIL 379 ; POLS 454 ; REST 374 , REST 376 , REST 378 , REST 379 , REST 382 , REST 383 , REST 401 , REST 474 .


ANTH 436 , ANTH 442 , ANTH 443 , ANTH 444 , ANTH 462 ; AHIS 425 , AHIS 431 , AHIS 441 , AHIS 442 , AHIS 451 , AHIS 452 , AHIS 453 , AHIS 454 , AHIS 475 , AHIS 476 ; CNST 323 , CNST 325 , CNST 420 , CNST 422 ; CLAS 340 , CLAS 362 , CLAS 381 , CLAS 382 , CLAS 383 , CLAS 384 , CLAS 436 , CLAS 442 , CLAS 443 , CLAS 444 , CLAS 445 , CLAS 471 , CLAS 472 ; ENGL 301 , ENGL 302 , ENGL 321 , ENGL 401 , ENGL 422 ; FREN 420 , FREN 431 , FREN 432 ; GEOG 371 ; GERM 323 , GERM 350 , GERM 363 ; HIST 319 , HIST 320 , HIST 323 , HIST 324 , HIST 332 , HIST 333 , HIST 429 , HIST 471 , HIST 472 , HIST 473 ; ITAL 414 , ITAL 422 ; JST 322 , JST 350 , JST 425 , JST 431 ; LING 321 ; MDST 322 , MDST 403 , MDST 405 , MDST 431 , MDST 441 , MDST 451 ; PHIL 320 , PHIL 322 , PHIL 324 , PHIL 326 , PHIL 327 , PHIL 328 ; POLS 361 , POLS 459 ; RUSS 325 , RUSS 371 , RUSS 372 ; WOST 326 , WOST 383 , WOST 422 .

Latin America

AFST 319 , AFST 336 ; ANTH 313 , ANTH 316 , ANTH 319 , ANTH 323 ; CNST 326 , CNST 434 , CNST 465 ; ENGL 336 ; GEOG 373 ; HIST 343 , HIST 344 , HIST 360 , HIST 361 , HIST 475 ; LAMS 303 , LAMS 313 , LAMS 314 , LAMS 319 , LAMS 326 , LAMS 331 , LAMS 343 , LAMS 344 , LAMS 360 , LAMS 361 , LAMS 373 , LAMS 401 , LAMS 430 , LAMS 432 , LAMS 456 , LAMS 475 ; POLS 456 ; PORT 303 , PORT 326 , PORT 430 , PORT 432 ; SPAN 331 , SPAN 401 , SPAN 434 , SPAN 465 , SPAN 489 .

Middle East

ANTH 463 ; ASST 332 , ASST 333 ; HIST 369 , HIST 370 , HIST 383 , HIST 384 , HIST 400 ; JST 311 , JST 369 , JST 370 , JST 381 , JST 383 , JST 384 , JST 385 , JST 405 ; REST 311 , REST 332 , REST 333 , REST 381 , REST 385 , REST 405 .

Critical Issues in Foreign Studies

AFST 442 ; ANTH 302 , ANTH 325 ; CNST 482 , ECON 322 ; GEOG 345 ; GLBS 482 ; HIST 375 , HIST 395 , HIST 484 JST 320 , JST 395 , JST 484 ; MATH 400 ; MFLL 482 ; POLS 350 , POLS 365 ; REST 302 , REST 320 , REST 380 , REST 401 , REST 425 ; SOCI 442 , SOCI 446 ; WOST 320 , WOST 360 .

Literature Courses Taught in a Foreign Language

ASLN 451 , ASLN 452 ; CLAS 351 , CLAS 352 , CLAS 401 , CLAS 402 , CLAS 405 , CLAS 406 , CLAS 414 , CLAS 431 , CLAS 432 , CLAS 435 , CLAS 471 , CLAS 472 ; FREN 351 , FREN 352 , FREN 410 , FREN 412 , FREN 413 , FREN 414 , FREN 415 , FREN 430 ; GERM 301 , GERM 302 , GERM 305 , GERM 419 , GERM 420 , GERM 431 , GERM 432 , GERM 433 , GERM 434 ; ITAL 411 ; PORT 301 ; RUSS 451 , RUSS 452 ; SPAN 330 , SPAN 332 , SPAN 333 , SPAN 334 , SPAN 433 , SPAN 479 , SPAN 480 , SPAN 482 , SPAN 484 , SPAN 486 .


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Requirements for specific majors vary by program and are discussed under each department or program. A major consists of at least 24-40 credit hours in courses numbered 200 or above as specified by the department or program. Courses taken to satisfy the university’s OC and WC requirements may, when appropriate, be used in the major. An additional 6 credits taken in the major may also be used to satisfy basic skills or divisional distribution requirements. A minimum grade of C must be earned in every course counted as part of the major. This grade requirement does not apply to prerequisites and corequisites unless the department has specific progression requirements.

Students may declare a major as soon as they have met required standards; however, they must officially declare a major by the time they have earned 75 credit hours. Transfer students who have earned more than 75 hours before entering UT must declare a major upon completing 15 hours of UT credit. The requirements for declaring a specific major are stated under the department or program listing. To declare a major, students should go to the academic department which houses the major. To declare an interdisciplinary major and for more information, contact Arts and Sciences Advising Services.

Students transferring from other institutions must complete at least 9 credit hours at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in each major awarded on this campus. Students may elect as many courses as desired in any department or program. In lieu of a major, students may develop an individualized program (described below). Majors available in the basic program for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science include: anthropology, art, art history, audiology, biological sciences, chemistry, classics, computer science, economics, English, French, geography, geology, German, history, interdisciplinary programs, Italian, mathematics, music, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, religious studies, Russian, sociology, Spanish, speech pathology, statistics, and theatre.

Optional Multiple Majors

After the general requirements of basic skills, distribution and a major have been satisfied, additional majors may be recorded on the transcript without regard to course overlap among majors or among the additional majors and basic skills and distribution requirements, provided a minimum of 18 distinct credit hours differentiates the primary major from the additional majors. Students developing multiple majors must declare this intent at the time of application for graduation. Once a student has graduated, the establishment of additional majors becomes subject to university second degree requirements.

Students who satisfy the requirements of a degree in a college other than Arts and Sciences may also major inside the College of Arts and Sciences with the approval of the degree-granting unit. These students need complete only the major requirements, not the basic skills or distribution requirements for Arts and Sciences degrees. The arts and sciences major may also be listed on the student’s transcript.


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At the time of application for graduation, single or multiple minors may be recorded on the academic record without regard to course overlap among minors and major or among minors and basic skills and distribution requirements. Students who satisfy the requirements of a degree in a college other than Arts and Sciences may also minor inside the College of Arts and Sciences with the approval of the degree-granting unit. The minimum requirement for a minor is 15 credit hours in courses numbered 200 or above. Minors are available in most departments or programs in which majors are offered and also in astronomy, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and cinema studies. Minors may be developed in other colleges or schools of the university, but must be approved by the head of the department in which the minor is proposed. At least 6 of the 15 credit hours required for a minor must be completed at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Business Administration Minor for Non-Business Students

For details, see the College of Business Administration section of this catalog and contact the Undergraduate Programs Office (College of Business Administration), 342 Haslam Business Building.

Elective Courses

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At least one-fourth of each student’s curriculum in the basic program will be made up of courses selected according to the individual’s interests to supplement and support the work being done in the major and basic skills and distribution requirements. This dimension of the student’s experience at the university represents that freedom within which total education may be rounded out and enriched. Elective courses should be chosen with care so that they will truly enhance the student’s total program and help in the achievement of well thought-out educational objectives.

Some of the choices which the student might make in selecting the elective courses are additional courses in the major field; a related minor; an area in the arts; an off-campus semester.

Only the student’s imagination and initiative and the willingness to conceive and develop a meaningful academic program limit the choices of supplementary elective courses.

Program for Prospective K-12 Teachers

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Students planning careers in K-12 teaching must complete an Arts and Sciences major in a department, in one of the interdisciplinary programs, or, if eligible, in the College Scholars Program. Prospective secondary and middle school teachers must fulfill the requirements of appropriate content majors; prospective elementary teachers may choose any major in the College of Arts and Sciences.

To be licensed for teaching, students must also gain formal admission to the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. The process involves successful completion of a series of requirements including presentation of satisfactory scores on certain tests, completing professional courses in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, maintenance of a 2.7 or higher GPA, and completing a fifth year program emphasizing practical application. For details, see the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences section of this catalog and contact the Advising Center, Claxton Complex 332.

                         Academic Departments


School of Art 
Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology 
Division of Biology 
Clinical Laboratory Science 
College Scholars Program 
Earth and Planetary Sciences 
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 
Economics (Arts and Sciences) 
Individualized Program 

Interdisciplinary Programs 
Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures 
School of Music 
Physics and Astronomy 
Political Science 
Pre-Professional Programs 
Religious Studies 
Statistics (Arts and Sciences) 