Sep 27, 2024  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Undergraduate Courses

General Education Designations


Registration Notes


Academic Disciplines Chart



(ARCH) Architecture (133)

  • ARCH 406 - Ideas in Architecture

    3 Credit Hours
    Historical and critical review of the major ideas of architecture through the ages.

  • ARCH 410 - History and Theory of Urban Form

    3 Credit Hours
    Patterns of community development. Selected historical and contemporary examples. Basic urban design issues and exemplary design approaches examined through lectures, readings, essays, and sketch studies including historical change in urban form and design.

  • ARCH 412 - Non-Western and Indigenous Architecture

    3 Credit Hours
    Building responsive to climate, material availability, and economic level, as designed by anonymous builders. Examples from prehistoric times to the present including the fertile crescent; the Indus Valley; Hindu, Buddhist, and Mughal architecture of India, China, and Japan.

  • ARCH 417 - The International Style

    3 Credit Hours
    A survey of architecture of the early modern movement, primarily in Europe and America, covering the years 1900 to 1940.

  • ARCH 420 - History of American Architecture

    3 Credit Hours
    Consideration of architecture and city planning in the United States from the pre-Columbian period until the mid-20th century.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 212 or 402.
  • ARCH 425 - Special Topics in Architecture

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Faculty-initiated courses. Topics vary.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Architecture major or interior design major.
  • ARCH 431 - Structural and Mechanical Applications

    3 Credit Hours
    Case study analysis and selection of structural and mechanical systems, investigating the conceptual integration of technical information into a unified design solution, addressing principles of sustainable design.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 332 and 342.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 471.
  • ARCH 433 - Computer Applications in Design III

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced course that integrates three-dimensional modeling and technical analysis using computers to augment building design. Independent studies under faculty direction.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 231.
  • ARCH 434 - Visual Thinking in Digital Media

    3 Credit Hours
    Emphasizes form, content, and structure of images moving in time and applications in architecture. Focus is on use of time-based digital media as an analytical tool for clarifying ideas, making observations, and experimentation. Advanced understanding of 2D and 3D digital animation, video editing, and digital audio.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 231.
  • ARCH 435 - Presentation Design I

    3 Credit Hours
    Basic techniques and understanding of graphic presentation design within the profession of architecture. Addresses fundamental design principles, page layout, image manipulation, and typography, employing computer software applications. Conducted through lectures, assigned projects, assigned readings, labs, exams and/or critiques.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 231.
  • ARCH 436 - Presentation Design II

    3 Credit Hours
    Advanced techniques and understanding of graphic presentation design within the profession of architecture. Addresses document design, layout and binding, image manipulation, and typography, employing computer software applications. Conducted through lectures, assigned projects, assigned readings, labs, exams and/or critiques.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 435.
  • ARCH 462 - Professional Practice

    4 Credit Hours
    Management and organizational theories and practices for delivering professional design services. Included are assessment of the building industry and its influence on practice; analysis of the basic management functions within professional firms; and legal and ethical concerns facing practitioners today. Special obligations and privileges of the design professional.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471.
  • ARCH 463 - Architectural Development

    3 Credit Hours
    Principles and practice of the architect as a developer. Impact of economics, finance and urban policy on the design and development of real estate.

  • ARCH 471 - Architectural Design V: Integration

    6 Credit Hours
    Design project from conceptual through design development phase. Specification of component building systems including structures, mechanical, lighting, and construction details. Demonstration of principles of sustainability in design and building performance.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 372.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 431.
    Comment(s): Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses is required.
  • ARCH 473 - Architectural Photography

    3 Credit Hours
    Photography as a design, research, and presentation medium. Application of photographic techniques, printing and processing. Color, black and white.

    Registration Restriction(s): Architecture major or interior design major.
  • ARCH 477 - Honors: Independent Study in Architecture (1-6)

    1 – 6 Credit Hours
    Individual studies and projects under faculty direction, for honors students only. Credit adjusted to complexity and level of effort required.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Consent of architecture program director.
  • ARCH 480 - Programming for Architectural Design VII

    3 Credit Hours
    Faculty-initiated design topic with leeway for interpretation by students. Understanding of programming and project pre-design processes through lectures, readings and preparation of studio project statement. Programming issues clarified and project concepts set forth. Documentation, research, and analysis of program, site, and precedents. Formation of project statement including site documentation, analysis and programming. Combination lecture, seminar, and studio format. First half-semester course.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 480.
  • ARCH 481 - Architectural Design VII

    3 Credit Hours
    Execution of design project as defined in Architecture 480. Faculty-initiated design topic with leeway for student interpretation. Completed projects will address issues of program and site, as identified in Architecture 480. Second half-semester course.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 480.
    Comment(s): Successful completion of 480 with grade of C or better. Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses is required.
  • ARCH 482 - Self-Directed Design Project

    6 Credit Hours
    Student-selected project under faculty direction. Formation of project statement, documentation, and analysis of site, program, and precedents. Exploration of design hypothesis that informs the character of a substantial building design.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 480 and 481.
    Comment(s): Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses is required.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor through project approval process.
  • ARCH 483 - Advanced Architectural Design: Urbanism

    6 Credit Hours
    Urban design projects responding to specific community conditions. Exploration of urban issues in making and understanding the architecture of the city.

    Repeatability: May be repeated: Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471.
    Comment(s): Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses is required.
  • ARCH 485 - Advanced Architectural Design: Development and Design

    6 Credit Hours
    Exploration of image making, consumerism and the allocation of scarce resources. Issues of finance, economics, urban economics, and marketing are analyzed in relation to urban and architectural design. Application of financial feasibility models.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471 and 463.
    Comment(s): Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses is required.
  • ARCH 486 - Advanced Architectural Design: Sustainable Architecture

    6 Credit Hours
    Architectural design studio emphasizing concern for the environment, consideration of energy conservation techniques, and use of renewable resources.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471.
    Comment(s): Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses is required.
  • ARCH 489 - Advanced Architectural Design: Structural Innovations

    6 Credit Hours
    Building design with innovative structural configuration and technology. Exploration of new materials, detailing, and methods in building construction.

    Repeatability: May be repeated: Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471.
    Comment(s): Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses is required.
  • ARCH 490 - Advanced Architectural Design: Special Topics

    6 Credit Hours
    Advanced architectural design based on special topics as defined by instructor.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 471.
    Comment(s): Minimum 2.3 GPA in all design courses required.
  • ARCH 491 - Foreign Study

    1–15 Credit Hours
    Research and design projects conducted in various locations abroad.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of architecture program director.
  • ARCH 492 - Off-Campus Study

    1–15 Credit Hours
    Studies conducted under direction of architect or expert in an allied profession, in service to public service organizations or agencies of government, and public groups.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Credit Restriction: Not a design course elective.
    Registration Permission: Consent of architecture program director.
  • ARCH 493 - Independent Study in Architecture

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Individual studies and projects under faculty direction. Credit adjusted to complexity and level of effort required.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of architecture program director.
  • ARCH 494 - Foreign Studies Sketchbook

    1–3 Credit Hours
    Investigations of historic urban fabric and architecture in various locations abroad. Analysis and sketch records in sketchbook format required.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of architecture program director.

(ART) Art (140)

  • ART 101 - Introduction to Studio Art I

    3 Credit Hours
    A thematic introduction to visual literacy, basic art theory, inter-media technique, and material focusing on formal understanding through verbal, written, and experiential exercise.

  • ART 102 - Introduction to 4-D Studio Art

    3 Credit Hours
    A thematic introduction to visual literacy, basic art theory, and technique in 4-D art through verbal, written, and experiential exercise.

    (RE) Corequisite(s): 101 or 103.
  • ART 103 - Introduction to Studio Art II

    3 Credit Hours
    A thematic introduction to visual literacy, basic art theory, inter-media technique, and material focusing on conceptual understanding through verbal, written, and experiential exercise.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 101.
  • ART 201 - Arrowmont Special Topics

    2-3 Credit Hours
    Various media.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
  • ART 299 - Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor-initiated course offered at convenience of department.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
  • ART 301 - Student Exhibition

    1 Credit Hours
    Exhibition of student work, including off-campus venues, e.g. Gallery 1010.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 2 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ART 401 - Arrowmont Special Topics

    2-3 Credit Hours
    Various media.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ART 481 - Museum Studies I: Museums, Purpose and Function

    3 Credit Hours
    Purposes, functions, and development of museums of art, history, natural and applied science.

    (Same as Anthropology 481.)
  • ART 482 - Museum Studies II: Exhibition, Planning and Installation

    3 Credit Hours
    Exhibition concept development and implementation. Exhibition design and installation techniques. Publicity, production, matting and framing, shipping and storage.

    (Same as Anthropology 482.)
  • ART 484 - Museum Studies III: Field Projects

    1-12 Credit Hours
    Special field projects including restoration, preservation, registration, and other related research on or off campus.

    (Same as Anthropology 484.)
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
  • ART 491 - Foreign Study

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
  • ART 492 - Off-Campus Study

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
  • ART 493 - Independent Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
  • ART 494 - Individual Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
  • ART 495 - Visiting Artist Seminar

    2 Credit Hours
    Study and discussion of contemporary art issues conducted by different visiting artists each semester.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 8 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be applied toward the art history requirement.
  • ART 499 - Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor-initiated course offered at convenience of department.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.

(ACER) Art Ceramics (135)

  • ACER 191 - Introduction to Studio Art: Various Media

    3 Credit Hours
    Individual sections for various artistic disciplines.

    Repeatability: Course may be repeated. Medium may not be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Non-majors only (not for BA and BFA ― studio art majors and BFA ― graphic design majors).
  • ACER 221 - Ceramics: Handbuilding I

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to handbuilding, glazing, clay preparation, and firing.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
  • ACER 222 - Ceramics: Throwing I

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to throwing, glazing, clay preparation, and firing.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
  • ACER 225 - Portfolio Practicum ― Handbuilding

    3 Credit Hours
    Intense post-introductory studio experience to develop work for application to 320 (Ceramics: Portfolio Review).

    Registration Restriction(s): Studio art majors only.
    Registration Permission: Consent of department.
  • ACER 226 - Portfolio Practicum ― Throwing

    3 Credit Hours
    Intense post-introductory studio experience to develop work for application to 320 (Ceramics: Portfolio Review).

    Registration Restriction(s): Studio art majors only.
    Registration Permission: Consent of department.
  • ACER 229 - Ceramics: Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor-initiated courses to be offered at convenience of department.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ACER 320 - Ceramics: Portfolio Review

    0 Credit Hours
    Review of prior work in ceramics.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated once.
    (DE) Corequisite(s): 221, 222, and Art Sculpture 240.
    Comment(s): Successful completion required prior to registration for junior and senior courses.
  • ACER 321 - Ceramics: Handbuilding II

    4 Credit Hours
    Continued investigation of handbuilding with an emphasis on the development of individual ideas and expression.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 320.
  • ACER 322 - Ceramics: Throwing II

    4 Credit Hours
    Continued investigation of throwing with an emphasis on the development of individual ideas and expression.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 320.
  • ACER 421 - Ceramics: Advanced Handbuilding

    6 Credit Hours
    Continued investigation of ceramic form with an emphasis on the development of individual direction.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 18 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 321 and 322.
  • ACER 422 - Ceramics: Advanced Throwing

    6 Credit Hours
    Continued, in-depth investigation of ceramic form with an emphasis on the development of individual direction.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 18 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 321 and 322.
  • ACER 424 - Ceramics: Clays and Glazes

    3 Credit Hours
    Clay chemistry, clay bodies, glaze theory, and calculation. Formulating, mixing, and testing of clay bodies and glaze formulas.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 320.
  • ACER 429 - Ceramics: Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor-initiated courses to be offered at convenience of department.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 320.
  • ACER 493 - Independent Study

    1-4 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ACER 494 - Individual Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ACER 495 - Visiting Artist Seminar

    2 Credit Hours
    Study and discussion of contemporary art issues conducted by different visiting artists each semester.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 8 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be applied toward the art history requirement.
  • ACER 496 - Capstone

    6 Credit Hours
    Students will engage in self-initiated research to demonstrate proficiency in ceramic art.

    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level–senior.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

(ADES) Art Design/Graphic (136)

  • ADES 150 - The Idea of Graphic Design

    3 Credit Hours
    An overview of design as visual message-making and as an act of cultural interpretation. Contemporary and historic design and its forms are examined, along with an introduction to design and creative concepts, and the role of criticism and theory.

  • ADES 251 - Beginning Graphic Design I

    3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to the elements and principles of graphic design including typography and layout. Survey of graphic design tools, materials, and processes. Emphasis on visual problem-solving.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Art 101 and Art 103.
  • ADES 252 - Beginning Graphic Design II

    3 Credit Hours
    Continuation of 251 and the exploration of the elements and principles of graphic design including typography and layout. Survey of graphic design tools, materials, and processes. Emphasis on visual problem-solving.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 251.
  • ADES 256 - Individual Projects in Graphic Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADES 259 - Special Topics: Graphic Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor-initiated course offered at discretion of department.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Comment(s): Prerequisite(s) determined by department for individual topic.
  • ADES 350 - Graphic Design Portfolio Review

    0 Credit Hours
    Review of prior work in graphic design.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated once.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 251.
    Comment(s): Successful completion required prior to registration for junior and senior courses. Successful completion of the General Education Culture and Civilizations Option 2 (completing a 2-course sequence in a foreign language at the intermediate level) required.
  • ADES 351 - Intermediate Graphic Design I

    3 Credit Hours
    Concept development and the study of graphic design elements including typography and imagery and their interrelationships within the graphic design layout.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 350.
  • ADES 352 - Intermediate Graphic Design II

    3 Credit Hours
    Investigation of sign, symbols, marks, and identity systems.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 351.
  • ADES 356 - Graphic Design Production

    3 Credit Hours
    Traditional and computer-generated techniques for the production of print media in graphic design. Introduction to computer systems, software, and techniques.

    (DE) Corequisite(s): 351.
  • ADES 400 - Typography

    3 Credit Hours
    Principles of typography, as well as classical and contemporary type forms, as vehicles for communication. An intensive introduction to the fundamentals of type, from individual letterforms to large bodies of textual information. Attention to formal, technological, rhetorical, and historical issues.

    (DE) Prerequisite(s): Art 295 and Art Design/Graphic 251.
  • ADES 405 - Computer Enhanced Graphic Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Exploration of new technologies and their significance to graphic design.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Corequisite(s): 351 and 356.
  • ADES 410 - Advanced Typographic Investigation

    3 Credit Hours
    Expands on principles introduced in Typography (Art Design/Graphic 400). Projects will include work in reflective as well as electronic environments with an emphasis on personal exploration.

    (DE) Prerequisite(s): 400.
  • ADES 425 - Illustration

    3 Credit Hours
    Develops skills and critical analysis for effective visual communication. Projects will explore the relationship between image and meaning. Students will explore a variety of media as they develop a personal visual vocabulary.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    (DE) Prerequisite(s): Art 295 and Art Design/Graphic 251.
  • ADES 444 - Graphic Design Center Practicum

    3 Credit Hours
    Practical work experience in a student-managed, on-site studio.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADES 450 - Design in Culture

    3 Credit Hours
    A consideration of design as an act of cultural interpretation. Historic and contemporary design and design issues are examined through presentations, discussions, readings, and writings. Student assessment will come from writing, projects, presentations, and contributions to class discussion.

  • ADES 451 - Advanced Graphic Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Theory and techniques of visual problem-solving as applied to advanced applications of graphic design.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 352.
  • ADES 452 - Graphic Design Seminar

    3 Credit Hours
    Discussion of design and professional issues including politics, economics, and ethics for the graphic designer. Culminates in a student-initiated project.

    Satisfies General Education Requirement: (OC)
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 451.
  • ADES 455 - Graphic Design Professional Seminar

    3 Credit Hours
    Professional practices including client relationships, design management, and business practices. Assembly, organization, and editing of the professional portfolio.

    (RE) Corequisite(s): 452.
  • ADES 456 - Graphic Design Practicum

    1-12 Credit Hours
    Practical work experience in the graphic design field. Must be pre-arranged with the department.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 351 and 356.
  • ADES 459 - Special Topics in Graphic Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor- initiated course offered at discretion of department.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADES 493 - Independent Study

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADES 494 - Individual Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADES 495 - Visiting Artist Seminar

    2 Credit Hours
    Study and discussion of contemporary art issues conducted by different visiting artists each semester.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 8 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be applied toward the art history requirement.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

(ADRA) Art Drawing (137)

  • ADRA 191 - Introduction to Studio Art: Various Media

    3 Credit Hours
    Individual sections for various artistic disciplines.

    Repeatability: Course may be repeated. Medium may not be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Non-majors only (not for BA and BFA ― studio art majors and BFA ― graphic design majors).
  • ADRA 211 - Drawing I

    3 Credit Hours
    Development of drawing skills from a variety of sources including life drawing. Projects will emphasize composition, technique and content.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Art 101.
  • ADRA 212 - Drawing II

    3 Credit Hours
    Further development of drawing skills based on both observation and content.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 211.
  • ADRA 219 - Special Topics in Drawing/Painting

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor-initiated course offered at convenience of department to enhance and expand the painting, drawing, and watercolor curriculum.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADRA 311 - Drawing III

    4 Credit Hours
    Development of personal drawing techniques and concepts through class problems.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 8 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 212 and 312.
  • ADRA 312 - Drawing Portfolio Review

    0 Credit Hours
    Review of prior work in drawing.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated once.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): Art History 172 and Art History 173.
    Comment(s): Successful completion required prior to registration for junior and senior courses.
  • ADRA 411 - Drawing IV

    6 Credit Hours
    Individualized pursuit of personal drawing techniques and concepts. Supplemented by individual and group critiques and weekly life drawing sessions.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 311.
    Comment(s): Total of 12 hours required for students in the drawing concentration.
  • ADRA 419 - Special Topics in Drawing and Painting

    3 Credit Hours
    Student- or instructor-initiated course offered at convenience of department to enhance and expand the painting, drawing, and watercolor curriculum.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADRA 493 - Independent Study

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADRA 494 - Individual Problems

    3 Credit Hours
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ADRA 495 - Visiting Artist Seminar

    2 Credit Hours
    Study and discussion of contemporary art issues conducted by different visiting artists each semester.

    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 8 hours.
    Credit Restriction: May not be applied toward the art history requirement.
  • ADRA 496 - Capstone

    6 Credit Hours
    Students will engage in self-initiated research to demonstrate proficiency in drawing.

    Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level–senior.
    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

(ARED) Art Education (141)

  • ARED 301 - Foundation of Art Education

    3 Credit Hours
    Basic philosophy and structure including directed learning activities in two- and three-dimensional design, art appreciation, and teaching methodology.

  • ARED 302 - Multiculturalism in Visual Art

    3 Credit Hours
    Selected cognitive and productive experiences involving multicultural visual art.

    Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
  • ARED 303 - Concepts of Sculpture and Crafts

    3 Credit Hours
    Processes in teaching of sculpture and crafts including pertinent literature and research.

    (RE) Prerequisite(s): 301.
  • ARED 350 - Field Experience

    1 Credit Hours
    Tasks related to teaching and to teacher roles.

    Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
    Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 2 hours.
    Registration Restriction(s): Qualification ― admission to teacher education.

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